337 whales dead in Chile in one of history’s biggest beachings

The Guardian

The coast of southern Chile has become a grave for 337 sei whales that were found beached in what scientists say is one of the biggest whale strandings ever recorded.

Biologist Vreni Haussermann told the Associated Press Tuesday that she made the discovery along with other scientists in June during an observation flight over fjords in Chile’s southern Patagonia region.  

In this photo taken in April and released on Tuesday, by the Huinay Scientific Center, a dead Sei whale lies in Caleta Buena, in the southern Aysen region of Chile. The team has been collecting samples since then. She declined to disclose the conclusions, which will be published by a scientific journal later this year.

The cause of death of the whales is unknown, although human intervention has been ruled out.

The scientific expedition counted 305 bodies and 32 skeletons of whales through aerial and satellite photography in an area between the Gulf of Penas and Puerto Natales.


4 thoughts on “337 whales dead in Chile in one of history’s biggest beachings

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    Largest whale beaching ever recorded?? (… or least one of the largest…)

    Gee,.. This means “something” chased them out of the water.

    I would not be surprised if American subs are uing ELF communication systems, which disturb whales,.. OR,.. or,…

    Did anyone bother to do a radiation check of the waters from which the whales felt they could not stay in??? (It would seem to me, that radiation from Fukishima would need about this long to cross the equatorial currents and migrate to lower south America where these whales felt the sudden “need” to commit mass suicide!)


    1. Look into it, would like to know if this is just another lie they think we cant prove

      I also have family in SA, so far nothing like this has been discussed with me either

      also working on validation

  2. “The cause of death of the whales is unknown, although human intervention has been ruled out.”


    Whales have always been highly prone to mass suicide.

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