Amnesty for Millions – Tyranny for ALL

TYRANT 1The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

In light of the despot’s announcement, that 5 million criminal aliens are to be allowed to stay in our nation, on our soil when he signs a unilateral order to that effect today in flagrant violation of laws passed by congress and without FIRST securing our borders…

In the face of what the despot himself has so often told his subjects…We the People…that he does not have the legal authority to proceed on the matter of immigration reform without said consent of the congress…at least 22 times since 2008 and if you would like the list you can read it in its entirety by clicking here…  

I thought it a damn good time to send the tyrant a reminder of exactly what our founders and framers had in mind.

Trust me when I say…THEY…saw HIM…coming…

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”order 1

There can be no doubt whatsoever as to why this tyrant, Obama has, for as long as he has contemplated amnesty to bolster the voting rolls of the liberal/socialist party and all the while lying about a not doing it by the dictatorial pen, he and his party have tried over and over…even BY that pen…to relieve We the People of our right to keep and bear arms.

The meaning of the founders and framers is clear…” the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed,” but it is the first part of the second Amendment that carries the real teeth in our Constitution.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…”

Well regulated…in the parlanorder 2ce of our founders and framers meant…well armed and vigilant.


Militia, in the vernacular of the day meant…the citizenry of these United States.

Oh yes…they saw him coming and they saw fit to see to it that the final word on tyranny would come from We the People but have I gone too far in calling Obama a tyrant and his rule tyrannical? Liberals and socialists no doubt will gnash their collective teeth over it.

There can also be no doubt that, to the followers OF this tyrant and despot, his two ‘greatest’ achievements during his rule will be…Obamacare and…amnesty for 5 million criminal aliens so, in that very context, let’s examine my claim of a tyrant king in the White House.order 3

His signature piece of ‘legislation’ Obamacare was, as we on the right said then and as his own close adviser has recently been caught on video saying now…was based on misleading the congressional budget office, a lack of transparency (from what the despot has always claimed to be THE most transparent administration in history) and the “stupidity of the American voters” who would believe all the lies fabricated to sell it to the gullible of his own party combined with the bribes he offered and were excepted by those in his own party who at first didn’t buy into the fabrications.

Obamacare is the largest fraud ever foisted upon the American people…it is THE largest tax hike ever foisted upon the American people and…the enforcement OF Obamacare by the IRS goons who have been targeting the despots detractors amounts to nothing short of extortion.

order 4So much for his first great accomplishment.

The second, of course, is the willful disregard for the rule of immigration laws passed by congress and on the books coupled with this despot’s wanton disregard of the very Constitution of which he has claimed to be a scholar and professor.

Deferring the deportation of some 5 million illegal aliens by countermanding the laws pertaining TO their deportation as passed by congress, amounts to the dissolution of our sovereignty as a nation.

We have always, up to now, been a nation of laws and if those who so flagrantly disregard those laws as to commit a crime by setting foot in our country without having first abided by the laws and are allowed to get away with it and further, to be rewarded FOR it…we will become…have become…a lawless nation.order 5

Using executive fiat to make minimal adjustments to existing law IS allowed by the Constitution however…making WHOLESALE changes to and the negating OF existing laws by executive fiat is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and before any liberal or socialist tries to use Reagan as a knife in this fight, let me remind them that HIS ‘amnesty’ of 1986 was the SIGNING of a CONGRESSIONAL ACT…the Simpson – Mazzoli Act also known as the Immigration Reform and Control Act and before they attempt to wield Bush as a weapon here…Bush TOO acted in concert with CONGRESS in HIS actions on the topic of immigration.

Regardless of the claims by liberals and socialists…NO president has EVER set precedent for what THIS despot is doing now.

Just as Obamacare was an ‘accomplishment’ based in lies for political gain…so too is this lawless amnesty and any so-called ‘leader’ who claims lawlessness, lies, a lack oforder 6transparency and relies of what his close adviser, John Gruber has termed“the stupidity of the American voter” as his greatest accomplishments… is no leader at all.

In 2011, the despot said…“Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how — that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions.”

Those are the words of a supposed ‘constitutional law professor’ and they are very telling…especially one word…”democracy.” The despot stated…”That’s not how our democracy works.”

A DEMOCRACY is a form of government wherein power is either held by an individual, as in an absolute monarchy, or where power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy and either way…whichever this despot believes to be the case…oligarchy or absolute monarchy…we are decidedly NOT a DEMOCRACY.
We are, in fact…a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and he damn well knows it.

He is a tyrant and a despot who has cast aside the rule of law, the will of the people and the very Constitution of our country to force upon a once free country and its people hisorder 7own agenda so I will stand by my definition of him steadfastly and with the greatest of conviction.

Our options are limited.

Congress must do everything in their power to strike down this act of tyranny by defunding it and making it impossible to accommodate even if that means the partial or total shutting down of government as no government operations, as troublesome as that might be, is eminently better than a government dictating tyranny at the whim of a despot.

The depot…the tyrant must be deposed…impeached and then arrested for this and so many other egregious crimes including treason in the case of Benghazi.

Individual states, sovereign in their own right, must take action to protect themselves and their populations from the lawless and if that means calling up the militias to do the jobs that this despot refuses to do then so be it.

Failing all else…we must return to the beginning of this article and our 2nd Amendment…“A WELL ARMED AND VIGILANT CITIZENRY…BEING NECESSARY…TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE…”

In other words…

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep order 8and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

The only question is…will we follow a lawless despot into the abyss of tyranny or will we heed the words and advice of our founders and framers???

Oh yes…they saw him coming.

One thought on “Amnesty for Millions – Tyranny for ALL

  1. Well, they have their riots in Ferguson as planned. Creating as much chaos as possible throughout the political and social life of this country will be used to further the tyranny already in place. Depending on state and local politicians to reign in this runaway despotism is the height of folly. They will only act if forced to act by the outrage of the citizenry. Will that happen? Stay tuned.

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