Brave New World: Lawyer Challenging Middle East Nation Forcing All Citizens To Give In Their DNA

Daily Caller – by Eric Lieberman

A relatively new controversial law in Kuwait is forcing all citizens and foreign residents to turn in their DNA information and now a lawyer in the Middle East country is challenging its constitutionality.

The attorney, named Adel Abdulhadi, filed a brief with the Kuwaiti government in July with the hopes of overturning the legislation, according to Ars Technica.

The mandate was passed quickly after a July, 2015, terrorist attack in the country’s capital, Kuwait City, ended in 26 deaths. Kuwaiti authorities approved the measure, set to take effect in November, in order to identify potential terrorists and perhaps even the victims of terrorist attacks.

Any refusal to submit DNA samples could result in one year of imprisonment and a $33,000 fine. It is more severe for people to submit fake samples with a punishment of seven years in jail, according to Yahoo News.

“We therefore conducted our research on relevant aspects, reviewed related international precedents and international conventions, and we approached specialists in human genetics asking for their scientific opinion,” Adel Abdulhadi wrote in the brief.

Abdulhadi concluded that this mandate is not only a blatant infringement of basic human rights, but also a “clear violation to the principles of Islamic Sharia and Jurisprudence of the Sunnah.”

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One thought on “Brave New World: Lawyer Challenging Middle East Nation Forcing All Citizens To Give In Their DNA

  1. We all know who this didn’t turn out so well for. Oh shit 70% of us are not who we say and claim to be (that figure was in the spot so don’t quote me). All the Goldman Silverman skeeZmans would be al goobalabi bin salman al sheepapoo. Here’s looking at you benyamin.

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