6 thoughts on “Can’t wait

  1. Haha! My thoughts exactly, Paul. I’ve been telling everyone today that apparently we are no better than North Korea because the Communists now can tell us what we can and cannot watch. So much for freedom. Way to not give in to terrorists!


    1. You are correct. This is just another ruse being played upon us by our handlers. Pretty soon they will tell us that North Korea is funding ISIS.

  2. For 50 years the USA has been telling N Korea what they can and cannot see, eat, who they can trade with etc. etc.
    For the first time N Korea cracks the whip and USA whine and cry.
    Payback is a bitch

  3. This story is bullshit, just like “muslims threaten cartoons” crap. Notice these things only demonize people we want to bomb?

    Here’s the biggest bullshit along these lines: SALMAN RUSHDIE

    Salman Rushdie writes a book demonizing Islam (satanic verses). I remember I was really young and I believed all “official stories”. I saw Rushdie no TV, in the news, etc…saying Iran and Muslims threatened to kill him because of this book.

    NOW…I realize, that for decades Rushdie has been alive and well, on hundreds of talk shows (thousands?), and book store signings, for DECADES after writing that book and under constant threat from “muslims”.

    SO…in all these decades, a “muslim terrorist” couldn’t go to any of the thousands of book store signings, talk shows, etc….a terrorist couldn’t have, say, BOUGHT A TICKET TO A TALK SHOW, SHOWED UP AT A BARNES & NOBLES WHEN HE WAS SIGNING A BOOK, ETC…???????

    I COULD walk into a bookstore and touch Rushdie at a book signing if I wanted, and “terrorists” who are supposed to be so “crafty” can’t???

    1. They are all riding on the coat tails of the success of the holyhoax. The sheeple have shown they will believe ridiculous things so they take another stab at it and lo and behold, they ate it up again! When NK makes an official statement or declares war about this I’ll believe it. Until then we’ve only heard from the zio-media. Pfffft!

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