Cops 25X Less Likely To Shoot Unarmed Blacks Than Whites

Shock Study: Cops 25X Less Likely to Shoot Unarmed Blacks Than WhitesInfowars – by Kit Daniels

Cops are 25 times less likely to shoot unarmed blacks than whites or Hispanics, according to a little-known study which makes the South Carolina police shooting of an unarmed, fleeing black man even more egregious than before, if that’s even possible.

The study by Washington State University-Spokane, which barely received any news coverage, found that police were more likely to hesitate when shooting a black suspect due to “real-world concern over discipline, liability or public disapproval.”  

“We found that [the all-white] participants took longer to shoot black suspects than white or Hispanic suspects,” the researchers reported. “In addition, where errors were made, participants across experiments were more likely to shoot unarmed white suspects than unarmed black or Hispanic suspects, and were more likely to fail to shoot armed black suspects than armed white or Hispanic suspects.”

“In sum, this research found that participants displayed significant bias favoring black suspects in their decisions to shoot.”

The researchers gave 36 white police officers a Glock 21 modified to shoot a laser beam and had them take part in a series of 10 “highly realistic” video scenarios based on actual encounters with suspects in which police were assaulted or killed.

“Black, white and Hispanic suspects appeared in the scenarios proportional to their involvement in actual attacks on officers, as compiled in FBI statistics,” said about the study. “Suspects were unarmed in about a third of the scenarios.”

Not only did the officers take significantly longer to shoot black suspects, but they were also “25 times less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than they were to shoot unarmed white suspects,” the researchers stated.

While this study shouldn’t be used to discount the numerous police shootings of non-threatening black suspects, especially after S.C. officer Michael T. Slager shot a fleeing, unarmed black man on Saturday, it does reveal that many cops fear being publicly crucified or labeled racist for justifiably shooting a suspect.

And this fear is also keeping a lot of would-be police officers from pursuing careers in law enforcement.

“I think they realize that what they do would be so scrutinized to the point it’s not worth the trouble, and it’s not worth the headache … to become involved in the field,” West Virginia sheriff Mike Rutherford told the The Charleston Gazette. “Quite often, people question you and call you everything under the sun, including a racist, simply because you make an arrest.”

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6 thoughts on “Cops 25X Less Likely To Shoot Unarmed Blacks Than Whites

  1. Must be that jew training.

    jews hate whites more than other races.
    A. Because They’re the majority of Christians.
    B. Because jews AREN’T white, but have intermingled with other races to APPEAR white, the better to deceive them.

    Infowars, JR? LOL… I do occasionally as well. 😉 😆

    1. Actually non-sephardic jews are white….Kahzar’s from Ukraine and other slavic regions. The sephardic jews (decendants of ancient hebrews) are treated as second class citizens in Israel.

  2. From the article:

    “The researchers gave 36 white police officers a Glock 21 modified to shoot a laser beam and had them take part in a series of 10 “highly realistic” video scenarios based on actual encounters with suspects in which police were assaulted or killed.”

    That’s a stretch to say white cops in real life are 25x more likely to shoot a white etc…based on 36 cops in basically a video game. Really? What’s the point of this?

  3. It’s because there’s more white LEGAL gun owners, than blacks or Hispanics.

    The cops expect a white guy to own a gun. Don’t get me wrong, white, black, yellow, purple— we all bleed Red… but stereotypes didn’t happen by chance, some things are just black and white without any grey areas. No pun intended.

    Plus the police state shoots anyone and says I was in fear for my life, but how many times have cops just been dicks and you’re in fear for your life, kill a cop and get off???

  4. Most people fear just getting pulled over for a speeding ticket. Would that not constitute “fear” of ones life? In that situation most people are scared of the uncertainty of what could occur if they do not comply or not aware of the crime they’re accused of. At that point they’re suppose to trust someone in a uniform with a gun to correctly interpret these so called laws and be treated fairly?

    Oh, wait, that’s fear of authority or sometimes called LAW.

    That’s the way the the good sheep are suppose to act.

    Baaahhaaa on good Sheeple.

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