Dana Durnford Fukushima Update April 17th 2015

Dana Durnford is a hero. He was a commercial diver for 30+ years, man of the sea, suffered the ” benz “, and is disabled, yet this brave man, lover of life and sea, has gone on his own to document and reveal what no corporation or faux government dare do. I bless his soul.

Published on Apr 17, 2015 by BeautifulGirlByDana

James Corbett & Dan Dicks Slip to the dark side and at 14 min in I say Goddards Journal says 99% man made radiation but it should be natural sorry . The Fukushima Expedition For Life gets a break in the weather and heads back out on the ocean to finish surveying the pacific ocean tidal pools looking at the massive radiation fall out damage Extinction Level Event playing out . .

3 thoughts on “Dana Durnford Fukushima Update April 17th 2015

  1. What most don’t realize is that our atmosphere has been inundated with radiation ever since all the atomic ‘tests’ back in the fifties. This is one of the main reasons for the massive increase of cancers ever since.

    Fukushima is simply fast-tracking it.

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