Dangerous! Do you trust Adam Kokesh to lead a Well Regulated Militia after seeing this?

Published on May 19, 2013 by Anthony Tolda

Adam Kokesh is setting a stage for a potential Martial Law type event like what happened in Boston. He is going to encourage the left to try and ram through more gun control laws as a result of his plans to march armed and loaded with his quasi militia on Independence Day 2013. The Sovereignty Party of America is committed to stopping Adam from harming others. Please help us spread this information!

Sent to us by Anthony Tolda

14 thoughts on “Dangerous! Do you trust Adam Kokesh to lead a Well Regulated Militia after seeing this?

  1. I think it should be required that EVERYONE try the Sacred Sacrament of Ayahuasca at least once. The World would be a better place. – Namaste

  2. The more I learn of Kokesh, the more I conclude he is not what he appears to be! Did a search to see if he was really a jew, and found a video of him actually admitting it. IMO that makes him terribly suspect. No he is not qualified to lead an armed march.

    1. We’re not supposed to notice the jew’s institutionalized history of spying (in their scriptures Joshua, etc- but are referred constantly to incriminating passages in Quran- that is legit) and their statistically overwhelming ratio of sayanim employed in surveillance positions, political influence and nodal points of power where their dual loyalty makes them a national security threat. For that we’re labeled the ‘antisemite’. Too bad. Call reality and facts as they are, not for what PC mind control demands. This class of persons is a danger to America- what is left of it.


  3. No… I trust Adam Kokesh to lead a bunch of idiots to their doom for his Zionist master.

    DON’T FOLLOW LEADERS….any of them. Don’t trust your trusted sources of information; most people can easily be coerced or blackmailed into working for the other side.

    Be an INDIVIDUAL who follows, depends on, and learns from, no one but himself.

    What would happen if the most dedicated activist to our cause gained a big following?
    They would find a way to force him onto their side, by paying him off, threatening their children, or blackmailing him over some perverse activity. If none of that worked, they’d kill him and replace him with one of their own.

  4. Adam who?? Seriously who could trust this man with such a checkerd list of people surrounding him. He has a agenda which serves TPTB, strike one. He is playing into the governments hands on purpose I think, strike two. He does not represent me, strike three..Adam who?

  5. For pity sakes, stop the “he’s a criminal because he’s Jewish” crap!

    Other than that, I agree, he’s likely up to no good. Jolly Roger is right…only individual action will create change. We must change ourselves, from hate to love, first.

    1. spare us the “victim jew” routine. not buying.

      experts on subversion? I’ll show you a jew. that is what the NWO is. Talmudism for the dumb goy- usually swallowed through masonry- which is zionism for the same stupid goy.
      learn some history. start by googling every major act of political assassination in US and Russia for past 200 yrs. then do a very close inspection over why every country expels them. HINT: its not cause they’re ‘special’.

      odd the way many xtians spin this. who got somebody else to assassinate their “saviour leader”? got pontius pilate to do it. FF 2000yrs and they have the stupid goyim taking out every leader they want disposed of all over the M.E. If you dont like? You’re an antisemitic hater, who is once again beating up on the persecuted mistreated jew. Incredible.

  6. Yes, Adam Kokesh is a douche. Our founding fathers may have smoked Marijuana for pleasure as well as using it as medicine and they most certainly drank alcohol. Let’s stop making our founding fathers out to be perfect gods and leaders greater than we are today – they weren’t. If we don’t understand that, we will never believe we are good enough to deserve better and to lead our own lives in doing what we know is right. Follow any ‘leader’ at your own peril.

    I would recommend reading DMT: Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman. There are a number of other good books which describe the use of psychedelics in initiation rites through history which are very interesting and worth reading too. John Marco Allegro’s The Sacred Mushroom and the cross looks to be a very interesting story. I’d also highly recommend the work of Dr. Gabor Mate on addiction. Drugs are a self medicating symptom of a screwed up society, not the cause.

    DMT is not addictive but not everyone should try psychoactive substances. Bans on psychedelics are as ridiculous as the war on drugs and following others without a deep recognition of who you are is folly.

    1. Whats all this have to do with kokesh. it seems your first sentence was just ingratiating so as to lead into your totaly off-course subject matter of what our ancestors smoke/drank 230 yrs ago. who give a shit?. keep on topic or stay off the board. seems like you may be imbibing on to much dmt, there buddy.

  7. When I first heard of this march, I thought,,,”hmmm.” Still it seems like he is asking for trouble. It will only take one idiot to make one bad mistake at a very inappropriate time. Guess we’ll wait and see.

  8. This is a train wreck waiting to happen. I would not be within a hundred miles of that march. If this doesn’t result in the death of a lot of people and a new attack on our rights, I will be shocked. I hope someone he listens to will talk to him and convince him this is a bad move. He is asking the powers to be to make this an event. Hang on for the fallout from this will be bad, very bad!

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