Did Adolf Hilter Want To Destroy Freemasons?

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

(N.Morgan)  Could Hitler have wanted to rid the world of Freemasons?  I doubt any of us misunderstood his intentions, however, this video brings up some interesting theories in regards to Heir Hitler. Sadly, when reviewing these videos, you can play Hitler and Obama side by side and see the same rhetoric being used then and now. Probably one of the most censored facts about both World War 2 and World War 1 is the freemason involvement (the allie axis) behind the scenes. Freemasonry is derived from the occult teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah.  


14 thoughts on “Did Adolf Hilter Want To Destroy Freemasons?

  1. The answer to that question would be yes, imo. They, along with the Zionists, were ALWAYS his main concern, as far as doing what was best for his country.

    The more I discover the truth about this man, the more I admire him – for his principles concerning the greater good for Germany of course, NOT for the destruction he caused, although he WAS forced into the war by the banksters.

    I have no respect (or approval) for what he did in the nature of eugenics experimentation, however. That was evil.

  2. I would say yes because of several factors, that the Freemasons represented secret Jewish controlled power, that he could not allow to exist an organisation as such without him being in control of it and that early on in his rise to power the Freemasons sought to infiltrate and bring under control his brownshirts and the SS which infuriated him hence why there is quite an early edict saying soldiers could not belong to the Nazi party and the Freemasons at the same time and repercussions became quite harsh towards the end.

    Nominally the Freemasons of a nation in Europe were under the direct control of that nations Rothschilds branch and Hitler knew Rothschilds would seek to close avenues of credit and seek to bar many obstacles in his road so to speak and Hitler was up against possibly the most powerful organised family in this planets history but he did succeed and through such he was able to turn Germany’s economy around, move the nation from the starved poor blighted thing it was and emerged as an industrial power in such short time.

    Hitler like Putin is forgotten that he put food on every citizens table, that he like Putin created work and pushed through the tough times to emerge lean, bereft of the “pork barrellers” and useless bloat of government spending and corporate theft, if you consider what Putin did for Russia after Yeltsin in that same manner, the two were both very gifted and one wonders why and where it went wrong for Hitler and why he embarked on programmes that would bring down the worlds ire and force him into conquering much of Europe.

    I am a victim of freemasonry as was my mother and her mother, my grandmother was a chief cook at Buckingham Palace during WWII and in the last year of war became unaccountably pregnant with my mother whereupon my grandmother was sent back to Ireland forcefully and not allowed to return for some time, when she did return she was treated as a pariah, found it almost impossible to find lasting work when she died inexplicably in 1958 leaving my mother an orphan.

    Now what is curious and leads me to believe there was something dodgy going on is that Buckingham Palace refuses to even admit my grandmother even worked there and denied quite nastily this, never mind the old identity cards, ration books and other wartime documents that say otherwise and also the two pictures of her and her staff in the gardens at Buckingham Palace, wearing the aprons of the palace, my late mother despite using her considerable connections being a very highly placed journalist at the Times and elsewhere was warned off when she was editing the Royal Wedding Supplement for the Times/Sunday Times being told by a source “that you will never know” is something to think about, she never found out, I tried and met the same denials and have always wondered what led to this.

    As for myself, it was through Freemasonic circles that social services were able to steal two grandsons into permanent adoption, the network of “Dorsetmen” Freemasons involved is phenomenal and how they used the head of a local chapter to liaise with the Judge’s chapter to lean on the Judge to throw the case their way, Freemasonic corruption is out of control in most British councils and government departments, the police, health, schools, transport and of course corporate where so many of these bastards make huge fortunes through extremely illegal dealings, illegally granted planning permissions, foreknowledge of contracts being divulged and contracts going to the Freemasons every time, there is a Freemason in Somerset Called G Essex who offers membership to the “club” for five thousand pounds which if you are in the club, you would make back very quickly indeed.

    1. I’m always interested in reading accounts from our British (awakened) counterparts AG. It’s understandable why you post under the name you do. I’m very sorry for the loss of your grandsons. When we take back this planet from these Zionist monsters, I hope you’ll be able to locate them and TAKE them back, by force if necessary.

      1. Oh I intend to, with extreme prejudice in the taking too, they lied and lied and when it looked bad for them, they turned to their freemason chums to force the issue, heck I found out only this year the father of the social worker assistant team leader was a Grand Lodge Master who just happened to best friends with the Team Leaders husband, the foster carers husband, my barrister’s husband, the director of children’s services and they all belong to the same “chapter” known as the Dorsetmen who have been investigated for corruption twice now by the BBC but they get away with it because they have the police, the judiciary, the MP’s and Councillors all in their pocket.

        I’ll give you a perfect example, a councillor for the Conservatives called Mike Akram I think he was called went around Dorset and Hampshire setting up internet access points for communities, he has never been charged for this but he admitted that he was using public funding to establish these to enable him to download and distribute child pornography, when these places were raided by the police, he slipped away and opened another elsewhere, he was thrown off the council not for these activities, nor the alleged million pounds he was paid in fees to get illegal planning permissions but because he was caught by the police unlicenced, uninsured driving his high powered Jaguar V12 through a Dorset town dangerously whilst six times over the limit and even then he got a fine and a short ban.

        And that is Freemasonry at work because they are as brethren sworn to protect their brothers for all crimes except murder for which they may not protect their brother but they may not testify against him to lead to a prosecution, blackmail, rape, assault, child abuse is all classed as protection needed crimes and the accused Freemason will give the sign to his solicitor who will give the sign to the police and Judge and 9 times out 10 walk away free.

        1. Wow
          I know nothing about the masons……freemasons…or any of that.
          Sounds like one hell of racket…..the likes of which have gone on for centuries…..

          1. Not surprising, rbeason.

            Much like the Zionists (especially the filthy rich ones) they tend to keep a low profile. Fascinating subject/history, one that I’ve done no small amount of research on. In fact, I’ve yet to personally meet another who’s actually read the entire “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” by Albert Pike. In it on page 8 hundred sixty something, Pike literally states that they worship Lucifer, the Morning Light (or Star).

            A Satanically based secret society, where the lower echelon is totally oblivious to the hierarchy’s true agenda.

        2. The masons ARE the government here in the ussa, probably the same in the UK. Their “light” is indeed luciferian, they are one of our many enemies, maybe our primary foe. AG: your solicitors, barristers and magistrates are as deep, if not deeper into this satanic cabal as the lawyers and ‘judges’ in the ussa.
          MOLON LABE

  3. I’m learning a lot of new stuff about Hitler, that’s contradicting some older new stuff I learned about Hitler, and it seems to me like the story of this man’s life has been re-written several times already, so I’m going to have to say that the facts have yet to be sifted out of the lies.

    As for the Freemasons, and other similar organizations, I have to wonder if their influence isn’t dependent upon the apathy of the remainder of the population. Could they hold the power they do if everyone were doing their part as “eternally vigilant” citizens?

    I don’t think so. I think they work together in secrecy to prey upon people (or populations) who have let their guard down, and if everyone in this country were defending their rights and watching the government, the Masons wouldn’t be very influential at all.

    1. They are a vile and sinister group whose history goes back to the Knights Templar and the Teutons, they worship a false god and live behind a shield of seemingly good works and charity but the real power is a circle within and the local builders and coppers tend to belong to the lower echelons whereas people like Tony Blair and his ilk would belong to the most secret and powerful inner group, you would be very surprised to know how many in power belong to this inner group as well.

      Skull and Bones and others like it are of course instances of Freemasonry in the US, as we know Skull and Bones is an incredibly powerful group, the “Scottish” link in the Klu Klux Klan refers to the Freemasonic links to its creation and we have heard the stories of sadistic demonic ritual and roleplay at these groups, it is part of the ruse as well as we look at people like Kissinger and say “Nah I can’t imagine him dressed up and involved in orgies and demonic worship” but then look at what they do at Bohemian Grove, its interesting to note that JFK for all his ills was the last non Masonic President and we all know what happened to him.

      1. the small rural montana town where i am from did, don’t know as its yet there, have a masonic lodge….
        I never paid any attention to it….although was aware that its goings on were “secret”…
        Hell, i was having too much fun running through the sage brush, touching young just born faun’s and exploring for and discovering every bird nest on ground or in trees. that were located within an hours walk- half running, distance….then: always remembering their locations, check every now and then and watch the young girds….get their flight and
        be gone(age 5-11) as in Ann Murrays song Snow Bird….
        was out just as I got out of Viet Nam….1970 it was a hit that year…just as I was returning from violence that I have never forgotten…..its a song written by canadian Gene macLellan…..i didn’t remember that, had to look it up…….
        Now you know a little of what Montana is like…
        I rode horse back to grade school for nearly 5 straight years….its one of the most pleasant memories of living that I have…
        thanks for this info

  4. Why have my comments – about well-documented aspects of Hitler and his reign of terror, contradicting some bizarrely Hitler-favourable comments of others here – been censored?

    1. Well because you went beyond presenting information to make an argument and attempted a personal attack on one of our regulars, which is the earmark of a troll.
      From the Trenches is not a neo-Nazi site and trying to say it is is enough to get you thrown out of here. You, nor anyone else, will limit our discussion through any application of political correctness. And as we have made it abundantly clear here that we despise national socialism every bit as much of we despise soviet socialism, your pompous assertion into the merits of our arguments are summarily dismissed. You will not step up on this site and get tough with anybody. We are past taking shit from paid shills to the smallest degree. In short, f#@k off.

      1. Thanks Henry. Given my zero tolerance policy concerning any moron stupid enough to defend Zionist trash around me, it’s probably just as well I didn’t have to rip him a new one.

        Most likely would have been unprintable anyway. LOL

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