Fran Poretto on what must be done…

…To prevent Leftist anger-in-discourse from gaining its objectives, we must meet anger with anger – and our anger must be of incomparably greater magnitude.

There’s already a perceptible movement in that direction. Whites are sick and tired for being blamed for the myriad failures of American blacks. Christians are sick and tired of being persecuted de facto for their beliefs. Men have pretty much had it with feminists and their endless shrill denunciations. And so on.  

It’s a start, but only a start. It must grow, and become vocal, and to the extent required by circumstances – girls, hold onto your boyfriends — it must meet violence with superior force.

That will be a sticking point for many, who prefer to leave “that sort of thing” to the politicians, organizers, and commentators (and the superior force part, of course, to “the authorities”). However, dealing ourselves out because we’re private persons who “just want to be left alone” is no longer viable…especially as “the authorities” are tacitly complicit in the Left’s tactics. Consider the “official” reactions to the rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte, and Milwaukee.

— Fran Poretto, The Anger Gambit

2 thoughts on “Fran Poretto on what must be done…

  1. ” However, dealing ourselves out because we’re private persons who “just want to be left alone” is no longer viable…especially as “the authorities” are tacitly complicit in the Left’s tactics. Consider the “official” reactions to the rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte, and Milwaukee.”

  2. “It’s a start, but only a start. It must grow, and become vocal,…”

    Vocal? In what way?

    “… it must meet violence with superior force.”

    By shouting the enemy down with superior voicepower?

    Try calling a spade a spade. The ONLY way this is gonna end is in a shootin’ match.

    And take that ‘Leftist’ sh#t and shove it.

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