2 thoughts on “George W. Bush: “Putin Views US as an Enemy”

  1. Stu, I think you have something there, if it wasn’t for the nukes he would not hesitate to let loose on all America, and Stu, do you realize that, this President Putin has put a Russian Base on the Island of Cuba, and now he is working on Russian Base’s in two place’s, if not more now, in South America, and I am sure that, IF he could, he would also put one 1,2, or 3 in Canada, so what I am trying to make you see is, Putin doesn’t like America, nor Americans. I can bet you this, I am Positive that he doesn’t like Obama, then again, I don’t like him much either, well not him personally, but it’s his lies, his laziness, his lies, and his using of the American people, as he ACT’s as though he is doing what he has done to the United States, for the American People, when if he is, I would tell him now, STOP, STOP doing what your doing for us, I Love America, I don’t hate America, I fought to keep America FREE, your doing everything you can to keep America in Bondage, So PLEASE STOP Obama, or I will back out of the way, and let Putin Sic you, and I hope he tears you up President Obama, you and Eric Holder needs a good A$$ whooping for what you have done Mr. President, and you Eric Holder for protecting the President knowing that what he is doing to America is not Legal, and because you Eric Holder is just as Lazy as the President. Putin does hate America, and He is taking advantage of the damage Obama and Eric Holder is doing to America, so Putin is using his head by putting bases all over the place AROUND the US, then when he has his men set up, along with his friends, he will then strike in America, away from his country.

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