Incredibly Creative Uses For Colloidal Silver

Before It’s News – by Danser

Some Common Uses of Colloidal Silver

Natural health practitioners have for years recommended taking one tablespoon daily, for four days, to establish a level, then one teaspoon daily for maintenance (proportional to body weight for children).After six weeks, a pause of several weeks has also been recommended by some natural healing artsdoctors. Also, colloidal silver can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes, and open sores, or on a bandage for warts. It can be applied on eczema, itches, acne or bug bites. To purify water, add one tablespoonper gallon, shake well and wait six minutes. Mixed this way, it’s tasteless. It is not an allopathic poison.  

Veterinary and Garden Use

Colloidal silver has worked just as well on pets of all kinds. Used in proportion to body weight, itshould bring the same results. In the garden, field or greenhouse, add enough to the water or soil – andthe plants will do the rest.

Tolerance To Disease Organisms

We have all heard of the “super-germs” that are resistant to most modern antibiotics. Some believe that single-celled germs cannot mutate into silver-resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Therefore no tolerance to colloidal silver would develop through mutation. Also, colloidal silver has not been demonstrated to interact or interfere with other medicines being taken. Inside the body, silver apparently does not form toxic compounds or react with anything other than a germ’s oxygen-metabolizing enzyme. Colloidal silver may truly be a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind’s ills.

Additionally, there has never been a drug interaction reported between colloidal silver and any other medication. It’s difficult to overdose – unless large amounts are ingested. Colloidal silver has been reported by users to be both a remedy and a prevention for numerous infections, colds, flus, and fermentations due to various bacteria, viruses or fungi, even the non-apparent low-grade, general body infections many people have. Living organisms are in the colloidal chemical state, not the crystalline state. Substances already in that form may be more readily assimilated by the body. Colloidal silver is the most useable form of a reputedly effective germ fighter.

A colloidal suspension is ultra-fine particles of one substance, suspended by an electric charge in another substance. Homogenized milk and aerosol sprays are colloidal suspensions. Colloidal silver is pure, metallic silver (not a chemical compound) of particles 15 atoms or fewer, each with a positive electric charge. This new particle floats in pure water. The electric charge is stronger than gravity so the silver particles don’t sink.

Colloidal Silver in Advance of Illness?

When the possibility of germ exposure is higher, colloidal silver can be taken orally each day or applied topically when there is a skin problem. It’s like having a second defense system. The silver acts only as a catalyst and is stabilized. It is non-toxic, except to one-cell plants and animals, and is non-addicting. It also apparently kills parasites because they have a one cell egg stage in their reproductive cycle.

Older folks reportedly feel younger because their body energies are used for other uses than constantlyfighting disease. Digestion has also been reportedly better. Medical research has shown that silverpromotes more rapid healing, with less scar tissue, even in the case of severe burns. Successes havebeen reported in cases that previously have been given up by established doctors. Colloidal silver istasteless and won’t sting even a baby’s eyes, and won’t upset your stomach.

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