Jacksonville IL Truck Stop Sit-Rep

Jacksonville IL. 10:30 a.m. prox.

3 empty military sand camo flat bed tractor trailer units, and a van full of military personnel in sand camo uniforms at a truck stop.

Unusual for that truck stop.

4 thoughts on “Jacksonville IL Truck Stop Sit-Rep

  1. Hey Paul, I’m not trying to break your balls man but, we need an actual sit rep. What, where, when, what were they doing, what were you doing. And pictures!!! With out any of this we have nothing. So this is just hear say with out the evidence.

    1. Yes Spike i agree. Sorry for the lack of details. It was just a note on my part. Very unusual at this particular location however. Couldn’t get to my camera to record. kinda caught me off guard.

      1. hey bro no problem. I just wanted others to see what we need when it comes to a sit rep. I have done the same thing in the past myself. I appreciate your participation here man. Take care. :^)

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