Netanyahu: Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes

White House Dossier – by Keith Koffler

And, uniquely in the savagery of warfare – WAR CRIMES AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

There is no denying it. Except in the White House and at Foggy Bottom, where President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry companied repeatedly about Palestinian deaths with the clear suggestion that Israel was at least partially to blame for them.  

From Netanyahu’s remarks at the United Nations today:

And the truth is this: Israel was doing everything to minimize Palestinian civilian casualties. Hamas was doing everything to maximize Israeli civilian casualties and Palestinian civilian casualties. Israel dropped flyers, made phone calls, sent text messages, broadcast warnings in Arabic on Palestinian television, all this to enable Palestinian civilians to evaluate targeted areas. No other country and no other army in history have gone to greater lengths to avoid casualties among the civilian population of their enemies. (Applause.)

Now, this concern for Palestinian life was all the more remarkable given that Israeli civilians were being bombarded by rockets day after day, night after night. And as their families were being rocketed by Hamas, Israel’s citizen army, the brave soldiers of the IDF, our young boys and girls, they upheld the highest moral values of any army in the world. (Applause.) Israel’s soldiers deserve not condemnation but admiration, admiration from decent people everywhere. (Applause.)

Now, here is what Hamas did. Here is what Hamas did. Hamas embedded its missile batteries in residential areas and told Palestinians to ignore Israel’s warnings to leave. And just in case people didn’t get the message, they executed Palestinian civilians in Gaza who dared to protest. And no less reprehensible, Hamas deliberately placed its rockets where Palestinian children live and play. Let me show you a photograph. It was taken by a France 24 crew during the recent conflict. It shows two Hamas rocket launchers, which were used to attack us. You see three children playing next to them. Hamas deliberately put its rockets in hundreds of residential areas like this — hundreds of them.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a war crime. And I say to President Abbas, these are the crimes, the war crimes, committed by your Hamas partners in the national unity government which you head and you are responsible for. And these are the real war crimes you should have investigated or spoken out against from this podium last week. (Applause.)

Ladies and gentlemen, as Israel’s children huddle in bomb shelters and Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense knocked Hamas rockets out of the sky, the profound moral difference between Israel and Hamas couldn’t have been clearer. Israel was using its missiles to protect its children. Hamas was using its children to protect its missiles.(Applause.)

Where was the outrage from the United States about what the Palestinians were doing? Why all the equivalency from Obama and “It’s a helluva pinpoint operation” Kerry.

“Part of the reason why we’ve been pushing so hard for a cease-fire is precisely because it’s hard to reconcile Israel’s legitimate need to defend itself with our concern with those civilians,” Obama said August 1. Essentially, while Obama did note that Hamas was contemptibly hiding behind civilians, he was also succumbing to the tactic with his constant lamentations and demands for a ceasefire.

The cause of the civilian casualties was not the Israeli assault on Gaza, but the circumstances that led to it. Pressing early and hard for a ceasefire was counterproductive in that, if successful, it would have inhibited Israel from eliminating the threat.

Fortunately, Israel, against the advice of the United States, continued its fight against Hamas for a substantial and maybe even sufficient amount of time. I haven’t heard much about Hamas rockets being launched into Israel lately, have you?

And that will limit Palestinian casualties in the future. And maybe the Palestinians will think twice next time about voting into power a terrorist organization.

14 thoughts on “Netanyahu: Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes

  1. HAHAHA!! The seats are practically all empty.

    Watch the 35 second mark where NetinYahoo gives this eye look to everyone after he finishes his sentence as though he’s saying, “Everyone better be clapping for me in the peanut section or I will kill you when this is over.”

    Then he can’t even hold up his photograph correctly (upside down). Hey Bennie, maybe you should have eaten your NUTTIN’ Honey for breakfast to jump start your day.

  2. “From Netanyahu’s remarks at the United Nations today:

    And the truth is this: Israel was doing everything to minimize Palestinian civilian casualties.”

    Anytime a POS Zionist jew starts a sentence with those words, you can bet the farm that what follows will be some of the most blatant lies you’ve ever heard.

  3. My Fellow Americans:


    “…blah, blah, blah,…..Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes,…. blah, blah, blah,….. Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes,….. blah,… blah,…. blah,…… Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes,….. blah,… blah,….. blah,……Palestinians Guilty of War Crimes,…….”

    ,…. then,… upon returning to Earth from Planet-Commie,….. Pyscho-Yahoo realizes that it was actually all the scumbag Zionist/International/Israeli-Jews that have been committing Crimes-Against-Humanity and War-Crimes for millenia,… and have NEVER actually been the victim of any crimes they always blame on others!!!

    Coming to this realization,.. Pyscho-Yahoo put a gun in his mouth and blew his pile of dogshit for brains out the back of his worthless head.

    JD – US Marines – As Henry and I said over a year ago,… as we get closer to the collapse of the global financial system &/or, WW3,… you will see the lies get more stupendous, more outragous, and just plain,.. more insane.

    We must be close based on Pyscho-Yahoo,.. and Criminal Ocrapo’s last series of statements at Commie-Central (the UN).


  4. “Coming to this realization,.. Pyscho-Yahoo put a gun in his mouth and blew his pile of dogshit for brains out the back of his worthless head.”

    And afterwards we found out that Christmas came early…. 😉


  5. I’m confused, he said they were shelling us with rockets in one breath and then he goes on and says the Iron Dome stopped their rockets. Well, which one was it you Zionist pr–k?

  6. Oh I forgot, that’s what we are doing now in Iraq and Syria, dropping fliers.
    Thanks for the clarification, I can now defend this to those conspiracy nuts.

  7. I’m thinking of:
    Guy who flunked “Debate” for being too f**king obvious.
    A person with a lead deficiency…or Barium, Aluminum or radiation toxicity.
    Dips**t who keeps trying the same BS over and over, while thinking nobody is onto his deception.
    War Criminal.
    The leader presiding over the end of Israel?
    Representative of “who you can’t criticize”…and therefore (according to Voltaire) the person/group who rules/controls you.
    The person who, PHYSICALLY, should lead everyone, from the front, into all of the military action he wants the USA to engage in….until the end of hostilities. The complete end. Before any American lives set foot on the battleground.
    I’ll be right behind him.

  8. What a POS.
    Organized crime bosses get respect…because they’ll kill anyone who doesn’t respect them…and because they are “fair” in the way that people in their world understand.
    I don’t live in that world.
    This MF wants the USA to do his countries fighting for them.
    I say…sell them all the military shit(equipment) they want…and we’ll watch it on “TV”… while the Israeli Army fights. Shit. ISIS is right next door to them. WTF?
    And I will personally follow the last Israeli soldier alive into battle…as long as NuttyYahoo is right in front of me.

  9. BTW.
    Conning others into fighting your fight is called…cowardice.
    This guy is a f**king coward.
    He thinks he’s smart.
    Let’s all show him otherwise. Please!
    We’ll be right behind every last one of his citizens…maybe?
    We can lie and con others too.

  10. The idf upheld the highest moral values , just like that one Israeli soldier bragging about sniping 13 palestine children . This broken brain bastard can talk all that he wants , but the genie is out of the bottle , & the whole world can see israhell for demons that they are !!!

  11. What? No cartoons this year? Your last speech about Iran with you holding up a cartoon picture of the Looney Tunes bomb with the fuse lit was a lot of laughs. Sorry but I couldn’t stomach listening to your speech Yahoo. All I heard was Israel this and Israel that. Do you actually believe the world community listens to your bull sheit? You are an embarrassment.

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