Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

Published on Jul 27, 2016 by RT America

While many are blaming Russia for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) email leak, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says there is no evidence to suggest that the DNC was hacked by the Russian government. Furthermore, Assange claims the next leak will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton. RT correspondent Laura Smith has the report from London.

11 thoughts on “Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

  1. If you think Hitlery Clinton is going to ever get arrested because of a simple Wikileak, you’ve got another thing comin’. That woman will die before she ever goes to prison. You know it and I know it and if it comes down to that, then so be it. She deserves to be hung for the treason that she’s committed.

      1. Cool
        Cause I’ll be selling them if that ever comes , I’ll also be selling suvenier rope nooses

        Someone needs to capitalize on her demise , why not me

        1. The next leak will happen when hell freezes over. IMHO, it will never happen. If she ever is arrested and convicted, I’ll flip a coin with ya #1!
          I would love to see her hung, eyes bulging out, shit running down her legs, as the crowd roars. And I wouldn’t need an executioners hood for her or myself.

  2. I’m suspicious of this, just as I am with the Snowden revelations, because of the way they’re releasing this stuff slowly and creating a drama out of it.

    If you have some dirt on Hillary, why didn’t you expose everything you know already? Why drag it out into a media circus if there’s not an ulterior motive for not doing so?

    I think they’re trying to get us used to the fact of them being above the law.

    1. HI Jolly Roger,

      NOW you got it!!!

      It’s the same bullcrap as sheriff Arpaio, when he said his “cold-case-posse” had uncovered hard evidence that would show Obama is not eligible to be president, and he would release it next year,.. then it was 6 months,…. then it,… well,.. it just never came,.. now did it?!

      More cheap theater for the unwashed masses,… that’s all this circus stuff is.

      When, it has any of them removed from office, and or indicted, and hung,….. THEN,… I will believe it, and not a moment before.

      JD – US Marines – Jolly Roger just highlighted the anatomy of a distraction,.. so there is no excuse for anyone to fall for it!


    2. I think the gradual release of documents may be due to the sheer number of them. While technically the documents could be dumped on the Web all at once, the leakers may not want to do that because it might risk harming some innocent third parties.

      It’s always good to retain some suspicion about these things, but personally, I have minimal doubt that Assange and especially Snowden are the real deal.

      If their actions were staged, then Big Brother really shot himself in the foot. Even supposing the leaks contained false information, they have caused enormous damage to both domestic and foreign trust in the US government and its entire tech industry. The leaks have also made US espionage more difficult by increasing the world population’s awareness that there are many ways their electronics can be used to spy on them.

      To the best of my historical knowledge, whenever the US government has engaged in deception, it has always done so to benefit its own public image and/or to harm the image of some other country or party. For the US government to stage elaborate deceptions for the opposite reason — to convince the world that US officials are lawless, tyrannical, and corrupt — would be very out of character. It would threaten to reverse decades of propaganda about America’s supposed commitment to freedom and human rights.

      *** I think they’re trying to get us used to the fact of them being above the law. ***

      It can’t be ruled out. But if that’s their goal, it seems like an awfully risky and overly complex strategy they’re using. By repeatedly rubbing their impunity in citizens’ faces, officials are at least as likely to stir up outrage throughout some segments of the population as they are to produce apathy in others.

      1. HI BMF,

        Snowden,… like Assange are nothing more than part of the deception,… stage actors, pawns,… publicity assets,…

        If any of this was real,…. then we should have seen at least ONE person,… go to prison,… or at least ONE person get convicted for Treason,… and hung.

        How many people have actually lost their job?, got their wealth or property repossessed?, got charged, tried or convicted to date?

        Answer: ZERO.

        Meaning,… whatever was released was wholly irrelevant except to serve a greater agenda, up to and including “normalizing” global communism thru this “great revealing”,…. its the only way they can go from the covert,.. to the overt so rapidly and institute it across the globe with so little opposition.

        JD – US Marines – If Assange, or Snowden were ANY form of real threat to the US, the International Zionist-jew-communists, or the International corruption,… they would ALREADY be dead.


  3. It’s very simple: if the first leak didn’t lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton, certainly the next leak won’t either. Hilary will be assassinated by some very pissed off Secret Service Agent she screwed with before she ever gets arrested!

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