22 thoughts on “Proof Something Big & Bad Is About To Happen: What The Elite Know Has Just Been Exposed

  1. I was hoping for new info but found articles that have been swirling in the bowl for awhile. She pieces together a good argument and I agree with her conclusions but none of this is “Breaking News”.

    1. I watched half of it. Granted she’s trying to get the message out to the uninformed, or she’s just preaching to the choir of those that subscribe to her channel. No breaking news there. IMHO, we are more informed here in the trenches. I like her though, she needs to get a link here, instead of relying on AJ. I don’t subscribe to YouTube, but if anyone here does, they ought to point her over here.

      1. OK, thought I would oblige you on the youtube request as it sounded like a good idea.

        The first comment digressed into a conversation about her hair. no wonder this nation is screwed.

        1. What! Oh no! You’re right, I thought it sounded like a good idea. As a matter of fact Joe from the carolinas made the same suggestion earlier today. Hair? We’re screwed!

        2. I took a look at the you tube verbiage, thanks for putting it out there, but from the responses, I wouldn’t waste my time any further. I had a dose of respect for her, but her followers are clueless. We are best to spend our time where it is more productive. It’s here. Our founders fought with less than 10% and we will do it again. God bless the rebublic!

  2. She has some good info but she never mentions the joos. That’s where i kind of wonder if she is just running interference. By now we all should know who is behind the worlds plight. It’s them. Always has been. Gotta be careful of what we i jest when it comes to the truth movement. I did offend some of her subscribers when I pointed that out. Reminds of of baptists. They know the truth but refuse to believe the joos are at the root of the problem.

    1. Agreed, smireles74. Omission can help with getting a train of logic rolling because some people automatically shut down due to constant conditioning of the evil “anti-semitism” canard, but to use nothing but generalized secret shadow group titles and never use that to at least allude to the real beast always puts up my hackles.

  3. Thank God the name “Lisa Haven” was posted at the end…now I don’t have to bother listening to it and watching her scroll that stupid circle of hers on words on her screen that I can read myself. And her voice is very irritating (well, so is mine, but I’m not posting YouTube videos with Skype or whatever she’s using)!

    Memo to Lisa: I’ve likely known every damned thing you’re talking about since the mid-90s! TELL ME SOMETHING I DON’T KNOW!!!

    1. Are you talking Planet X? It’s not my turn to open that can of worms but there sure seems to be a lot of people talking about it.

    2. According to Nassim Haramein, Nibiru passed through the solar system in 2003. There’s an easily found video about it if you’re interested, but I’m not putting the url here because I think it’s hokey.

  4. I have not been able to blame anyone group for our present state for there are so many willing and able to do so. I call them MINIONS for there are close to millions of them. Start with the Black Pope, The Vatican, The Bilderbergers, the Congress, the Illuminati, the IMF, Committee of 300, the Federal Reserve bank, the CDC, the Pharmaseuticals, Bill Gates, The Queen of Britain and on and on.

    On top of all that what does it matter they are all scattering and you or anyone else will never get them they have too many protecting them and secure locations, anyone would be a fool if they believe they can render retribution on them. Not only that but they will have us so busy fighting each other before they are done there will be no time or energy to go after the heads of the many snakes.

    It makes some feel good to dream up ways to punish them but in reality it doesn’t make any sense to me to become them. Christians it says in the bible “Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord and love your enemies”. Well then believe it. Stop the getting even talk and the threats.

    I am an atheist and do not believe what that book says but you all claim to and I do know, that in all reality, we could never win against all that technology out there in a battle, maybe possible with our minds. I am not one out for blood for it would be against everything I believe and that is the preservation of life. I was a nurse in my working years. That was my life helping to heal body and mind. I always loved that song Know when to hold and when to fold by Kenny Rogers, good advice here.

    My only way I can fight back is by resistance and the pen. Maybe we will win and maybe we won’t but sooner or later a choice must be made that is where the challenge lies. This how I feel and in a power seminar, I once attended, we learned feelings are neither right or wrong it’s what we do with them that counts.

    1. This “technology is going to get us” bullshit will not fly here and you ought to know it by now. What we make, we can break. And not if, but when we defeat these f#@king communists, there is going to be retribution because this isn’t going to be a half-assed victory. It will be total. As for those who might harbor these international fugitives, they can decide whether to freely deliver them or get fed a nuclear warhead.
      It is completely amazing how people can become awed and afraid of a dinky portion of this earth’s inhabitants through nothing more than deceit and fraud. The armed population of this country is the largest military force to ever exist on this planet, and absolutely the only way to diminish from that fact is through bullshit innuendo, like you just spewed in your comment.
      Are you testing my resolve?

      1. exactly
        all those cameras up on poles that line our freeways.. when the curtain goes up Im going to have fun cutting those down , or taking pot shots at the camera pod on top

        I could go on and on about all the other IN YOUR FACE subversions to our rights and the DC machines that are keeping them running, Ill have a blast bringing those to their knees too

    1. That is not worth a reply Joe I thought it was Satinism after all that is what is leading us now not Atheists.

  5. All struggles for survival boil down to resolve. I know it sounds like a broken record but “Hearts and Minds” win the battles and that is why we lose these wars overseas. Those people can see the big rip off. No Central Bank? We’ll fix that! Now we find ourselves on Big Brother’s Terror Watch list. Be careful what you ask for. It may turn on you. The security monstrosity we have created to keep us safe now threatens all freedom loving Americans.

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