Round 2: Sen. Lindsey Graham and other DC Politicians Put on Notice of Possible Criminal Indictment

Freedom Outpost

Last month, the American people who are fed up with the corruption in Washington, DC began a campaign to put DC politicians on notice of possible criminal indictment. As part of the process, which is a legal one, American citizens informed their representatives and senators of the AmericaAgain! Good Guys campaign and invited them to join with us and stop being involved in the corruption of Washington and do what they were sent to do: Represent the people. Last month, the people targeted five representatives. This month, six were targeted.  

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, six Americans went to the local offices of their senator or representative and informed them of an “Intent to Repossess” their offices, which we pay for with our taxes. That notice reads:

We The People of the sovereign and united States of America, the ultimate sovereigns of the elected tenant of this office (‘Tenant’), which Tenant is bound by law to serve and obey, hereby give formal notice to Tenant that we intend to repossess the Constitution for the United States of America.

  1. We intend to hold Tenant, our sworn public servant, to the letter of the Constitution.
  2. We will offer to Tenant opportunity to cease aiding and abetting organized crime benefitting industry under the guise of performing legislative duties, by Tenant formally agreeing to join the AmericaAgain! Good Guys roster.
  3. We will offer Tenant immunity from criminal prosecution by formally agreeing to support, co-sponsor, and/or vote for the 20 AmericaAgain! reform laws drafted and sponsored by We The People.
  4. Should Tenant refuse to cooperate, instead continuing to aid and abet violations of the U.S. Constitution in collusion with industry and with corrupt executive and judicial branch servants — We The People intend to pursue multi-count felony indictment in the courts of this Sovereign State against defendant Tenant, via the AmericaAgain! Indictment Engine.

A follow-up packet will also be sent to their offices this week, which will include a letter informing them of Saturday’s activities, calling on them to sign a public statement of agreement of a list of principles, and twenty legislative reforms that AmericaAgain! members want to see put forward. These will be used as bargaining chips against representatives who wish to remain opposed to the people. Among those are a repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments to the US Constitution.


Pictures were taken to document the event, which you can see below.

Those who were targeted on Saturday were:

  • Representative Ann Wagner (R-MO)
  • Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
  • Senator Robert Casey (D-PA)
  • Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Representative Diane Black (R-TN)
  • Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX)

For those asking, “Isn’t this just more talk? I mean, all you are doing is holding a banner up and giving a speech, right.”

No, there is more to it, but this is an important first legal step.

AmericaAgain! founder and author of This Bloodless Liberty David Zuniga told Freedom Outpost, “Faced with an AmericaAgain! Indictment Engine™ action, a defendant will attempt the ‘willfulness defense’ to beat the rap.  This criminal defense tactic asserts that the defendant did not knowingly or willfully violate the law.  Our AmericaAgain! Good Guys campaign will stymie the tactic: first, in AmericaAgain! – The Movie, we assert seven major criminal counts against every member of Congress.  Second, each member of Congress receives an information packet asserting these crimes and listing 20 reform laws to end the long pattern of D.C. organized crime.  When we hold a Good Guys event in front of their office and mail their packet of documents, they can no longer plead ignorance.”


So, as you can see, this vitally important to the end goals set forth to deal with corruption in Washington.

Last month, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rep. Scott Peters (D-La Jolla, 52nd District), Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ, 2nd District), Rep. Grace Ming (D-NY, 6th District) were all served their intent to repossess letters and information packets. Not one of them had the decency to respond.

However, we are not discouraged, but continue to pursue a judicial end. The Good Guys campaign will continue throughout the year until every federal representative has been put on notice. This is where you come in. Won’t you help us if you believe in what we are doing? Click here if you have questions and click here if you wish to join and participate in what is taking place.

As for me, I’ve put my money where my mouth is. I’ve not only joined AmericaAgain!, but my kids and I went and notified South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham of our intent to repossess his seven offices and possibly bring a criminal indictment against him. After all, these representatives asked to serve, they asked for the votes, they took the oath and they are the ones that vote on our behalf. No one held a gun to their heads and forced them into it. Yet, time and again, they have violated their oath and, as such, commit crimes against the people they are supposed to serve. Here’s the speech I gave in front of Senator Lindsey Graham’s office in Rock Hill, SC on Saturday.


7 thoughts on “Round 2: Sen. Lindsey Graham and other DC Politicians Put on Notice of Possible Criminal Indictment

  1. They should have brought a rope with them for a reminder of what is going to happen later.

  2. A lot of politicians and wall street gangsters should be going to jail in this country. I love how they in the middle of the night either change laws or create laws. These people are not americans. They are scum that should be washed out to shore.

    1. That would be more pollution that we don’t need.
      Just feed them to the gators at least its recycling.

  3. I wish AA well in their campaign, but I’ m not surprised at the lack of response from the politicos since they feel they are immune to legal action. If the AA approach fails we are left with only one avenue of redress…the same as our forbears in 1775.

  4. I am sick to death of “do-gooders” yapping about what they’re gonna do.
    Never happens. At best, gives the enemy time to trounce them. Don’t waste my time. If you’re worth your spit, for G**’s sake: Shut the F*** up and do it.

  5. “Last month, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rep. Scott Peters (D-La Jolla, 52nd District), Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ, 2nd District), Rep. Grace Ming (D-NY, 6th District) were all served their intent to repossess letters and information packets. Not one of them had the decency to respond.”

    (Shaking my head)….When the HELL are We the People going to realize that WE HAVE NO LAW!!! Of course, they didn’t respond. They don’t have to and if you try and do anything about it, they will have their corporate police arrest you all. The only way you are going to do anything about it is if you go down there with your guns and escort them to prison yourselves.

    Enough with the bullshit! WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!! The only way you are going to change anything is by the barrel of a gun. PERIOD!

    1. Here’s the ugly truth. Were going to have to storm their offices, guns drawn, and haul these traitors out to the nearest yard arm for proper hanging. Until then, you can serve them all the papers you want.

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