Silence is Death

We’re on the brink of both internal war and economic collapse, exactly as planned, and the resulting mayhem from these developments can be expected to cause all of the confusion it’s been designed to cause.

It’s necessary to get as many Americans as possible on the same page now, because that will give them some idea of what to think, and who to trust when chaos prevails. It will also secure for us a lot of support, and neutralize a lot of potential enemies, because everyone who knows the truth is on our side.  

Internet activism has made it possible for the truth to progress as far as it has, but it falls far short of what has to be done. There are a lot of people who can’t be reached with hyper-links, who will still be a factor in the coming war.

One of the problems with internet activism, aside from every word of it being monitored by the enemy, is that it has a tendency to isolate the politically aware in small cliques of like-minded individuals, and it isn’t very effective at recruiting new people to our cause. The politically aware find friendship and camaraderie in their circle of awakened internet friends, but they remain invisible to the general public.  The other problem is that most of the like-minded friends that you do have, are scattered across the country.

There is no shortage of proof of the dangers we face, and there’s no credible argument that can prove us wrong. There’s also no shortage of websites relaying real news to the pubic, but a slim majority of the population still believes the propaganda they’re pounded with by the Zionist media. Unfortunately, that slim majority amounts to more than a hundred million people, who are presently not on our side, and will undoubtedly be taught to blame us for whatever horrors occur.

On the bright side, the Zionist media is losing credibility quickly. Many people who recently tried their hardest to remain in denial can no longer refuse to see the lies, and this has left them confused, and searching for answers. Deception is the weapon our enemy relies upon, so it’s of extreme importance that you lead these confused individuals to the truth before they’re led into more deceit, because our info-enemies have several alternative “truths” waiting for them.

E-mailing links won’t do the job. Websites need to be advertised off of the internet, with a billboard, flyer, poster, sticker, or some other device that reaches people who would otherwise just search for a new show on the tube, or some lying nut-job on A.M. radio. They may be perfectly aware that they’re being lied to, but they still don’t know where to turn for truth, and as there are increasing efforts to control the internet, and censor the search engines, these people need to be reached soon.

Please consider the recent story about the cop who was assaulted and injured. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t happen often enough, what made this particular story notable is that none of the nearby and passing witnesses rendered him any aid, and in fact, none of them even bothered other to dial 9-1-1 so other cops might come to his rescue. Instead they turned their heads, walked by and let him bleed on his own.

What makes this incident important is the contrast between what happened to the beaten cop of today, and what would have happened three or four years ago. If you recall the popular sentiment that prevailed when everyone believed the Zionist news, cops were “heroes” who were “protecting us”, and other such nonsense, but because people believed that, they would have been rushing to help the cop.

What happened between then and now is that the police have lost popular support. As more and more of the general public are forced to deal with them personally, and others learn of their actions through the alternative media, they’re finding out that cops are the enemy rather than our protectors, and the loss of that popular support has doomed police across the country, just as it had the injured cop whose injuries were ignored by the bystanders.

Also consider that the Zionist media will be drumming the heads of their  adherents with its usual barrage of propaganda, designed to convince them that we’re all “domestic terrorists”, who of course, will be leaving hundreds of dead babies and raped women in our wake with every passing day.

It doesn’t matter that only the idiots still believe them, because the idiots will still be here, and if these confused idiots aren’t shooting at you to “defend America”, they’ll be reporting your every action to the police.

The other possibility is that idiots will turn their heads, and tell police they saw nothing of your actions. If they understand that you’re fighting for them, they’ll be happy to feed you, toss you whatever bullets they have lying around, and probably bandage your wounds too.

What makes the difference between these two possibilities is having the support of the general population. To accomplish this, we must win the propaganda war, and although we’ve made tremendous dents in the enemies armor, we still haven’t swayed the majority of the population toward accepting the truth.

There will be a “tipping point” in the attitudes and opinions of the masses, after which the truth will spread like wildfire, and people will be forced to accept the truth just to satisfy their human need to “fit in” with the majority, but we haven’t reached it yet, and it’s a very important milestone toward winning the total war. If the truth of 9-11, the Sandy Hoax shooting, our congress of pedophiles, and our fraudulent monetary system were common knowledge throughout the land, we’d be an army of 300 million, whose enemies would vanish. Only the mass acceptance of the truth will unite all Americans on one side, and that ideal is attainable because our numbers are so large right now. If every person who has seen through the deceptions were to awaken two or three sleepers, our problems would be over. Our enemies only hold power and influence through deceit. Truth is the weapon they fear most.

You have to support the truth at every opportunity, and possibly fight for the truth if it’s necessary, simply because you’re the only one who can, or ever will. Stop waiting for the truth to be “forced into the mainstream media”, because doing so is only a ridiculous excuse for inaction. The “mainstream media” are the propagators of the lies; the enemies of truth. They’re never going to tell the story for you, but they will use any opportunity to mock you in the eyes of the public. They’re your enemy, and waiting for them to help you can only be described as stupid.

Don’t write to the editor, don’t waste your time with congressmen, don’t follow leaders, and don’t even vote. What’s needed from every American now is for him to keep bringing the truth to other Americans, and explaining to them how they’ve been lied to. Our efforts toward this end will make everything else we have to do in the near future a lot easier, and in some cases, it’s the only way they’ll be done at all.

I know it’s always been a frustrating, thankless chore, and I’m sure you’re convinced that most people simply “don’t want to hear it”, but if you try again now, I think you’ll find that a lot of people are a lot more receptive to hearing and accepting the truth than they were a year or two ago.

They’re seeing the lies from all angles, and they’ll eventually become uncomfortable with living the lies. They’re suffering economically, and they’re being crushed under tyranny. These facts have made the American people a completely different audience than they were a year ago, and things would be a lot easier if they were on our side. We can easily have them on our side because right now the truth can make a lot of progress for a minimal effort, because the truth is exactly what legions of confused individuals are looking for. It’s up to you to make sure they find the truth instead of finding Alex Jones.

No one knows better than I do how difficult it is to convince people of things that they don’t want to know, but if you ever wanted to confront a hostile audience, you might have tried handing out 9-11 truth literature at ground zero in 2002, when the imaginary Muslim terrorist was still at the forefront of the brainwashed masses’ consciousness. We were yelled at, threatened, verbally abused, spat upon, fights erupted, and an Army truck stopped behind the NY9-11Truth crew, and pointed a machine gun at them while they were holding their “Bush Regime Engineered 9-11″ banner.

I usually targeted the bus loads of terror tourists with flyers, hoping they would bring the message back to the heartland, and one day while I was doing just that, an old Hasidic Jewish man approached me in a panic with my flyer in his hand saying “no, no, you can’t do this. I know those people. They’re no good. They’re evil. They’ll kill us all”.

Back then, no one had made any credible connection between 9-11 and Israel, and all the evidence known at the time put the blame on Bush and Cheney, so I just assumed he was a crazy old Jew that hated Arabs, and I didn’t pay him much attention. I wouldn’t understand the significance of his panic for another year, but I was able to ignore him then because what I was doing was getting me yelled on an hourly basis anyway. Like many of us, I have friends and family that no longer associate with me because my insistence on truth threatens their comfortable, but precarious existence, but if you’ve chosen truth over lies, you have to follow the facts wherever they lead, and as you walk the good path, all lies become detestable obstacles to your progress.

In the slightly-doctored photo you can see some of my old stickers. These are 4″ x 4″  address labels you make in your printer*, and when applied to the right street corner, may easily be seen by thousands of people, many of whom will be looking for new sources of news and information. You should be careful however, because in some places the act of applying a self-adhesive sticker to public property constitutes “vandalism”, and is illegal. I know it’s illegal where those stickers were placed, but a busy street corner is hard to resist, and what’s busy during the day might be completely deserted in the middle of the night.

That’s just one example of how one person, working alone and anonymously, can do a lot to help our cause. I’ve also produced and distributed 9-11Truth flyers and CDs, because there were no “9-11 Movies” at the time. Spreading the truth is a lot easier now because there’s no shortage of ready-made media to choose from. The difference you make will go unnoticed, and unrewarded, until you see the tide turn, and know that you helped to shift it. You must proceed and persist with faith that the truth will eventually set you free, and it will.

Please remember that you’re not a “conspiracy theorist”, so don’t accept the label from anyone. You happen to represent the only side of the debate that’s supported by the evidence, science, and logic, rather than some quasi-religious belief in a Zionist propaganda outlet as a “trusted source of information”. You’re a concerned citizen aware of his patriotic duty to warn his fellow countrymen of impending danger, in the tradition of Paul Revere himself, and a million Paul Reveres is exactly what we need right now.

The shooting hasn’t started yet. Today, all you have to do is talk about it, and just doing that will get a lot more people shooting in the same direction when shooting becomes necessary.     — Jolly Roger

“silence gives consent” — Oliver Goldsmith

*only black ink survives rain storms, and quality address labels (Avery™) are much more difficult to remove. 

lamp post3

11 thoughts on “Silence is Death

  1. Another problem is that many of the people who aren’t native to our country could care less as long as they get their money from the pacifiers. Also, every group now has their own news channels. The Mexicans have their news channels, the Russians have their news channels, the Bulgarians have their news channels, the Asians have their news channels, the Muslims have their news channels etc,etc,etc,.

    America has become a giant toilet bowl of over seas news organizations. The Zionists knew what the hell they were doing when they decided to flush America down the toilet.

    It’s going to be a slow process, in the mean time the Koch Brothers are trying to buy their overseas agenda’s. This thing has turned into a giant cluster f#$k.

    1. yeah, you’re absolutely right, Mark, and it was no accident. They dilute the population with foreigners to help destroy the culture, and to cause internal strife.
      All of the European countries are being flooded with Arabs, and we’re getting the Mexicans and Chinks.
      They did the same thing during the great depression (that’s when we got most of our Euro-trash) but we overcame it then, and we can kick the Chinks out of here now. Just seize all their property and put ’em on a boat. You can also make the boat sink when it’s half-way across the ocean too.

  2. I have a few good bumper stickers I had made up. Driving back and forth from work on a daily basis along highways gets many, many views. It is a blast to look in your rear view mirror and see peoples faces; some people grab their phone camera and take a picture. One person can make a difference.

  3. Absolutely right Jolly Roger. Keep telling people the truth. If they laugh or disregard you just brush it off and remember when the shtf, they won’t be getting any assistance from the people who tried to warn them.

  4. I’ve been hollering for eons to EXPOSE the Evilist Stockholders of the Federal Reserve/European Central Bank. There are a number of paths to take & one of the most obvious would be to bring forth the WH 33 Czars & their Payoff Hoard…..the Stockholders of the Fed!!!!!!!

    Your articles are helping & “We the People” must pick up the pace to reclaim our Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth. If we don’t the only thing that will remain will be the writings on the Guide Stones of Georgia……

  5. a tangled web of deceit. We have been “Set Up and Sold Out” for many, many years- by our own govt. Certain false flag events have moved their agenda along quite quickly. Ten yrs ago I would have been upset at anyone that even suggested this. After doing my own research now, there is no doubt they had help from some in our own govt. (which is a corportation,not a legit govt) America’s Patriotism has been sorely taken advantage of. Also, research the queen, and the pope. Good source lots of others. Keep up the good fight, stay vigilant folks. We have alot of work to do. Some will awaken, others will not.

  6. “On the bright side, the Zionist media is losing credibility quickly. Many people who recently tried their hardest to remain in denial can no longer refuse to see the lies, and this has left them confused, and searching for answers.”

    Absolutely true, JR. Just this morning, two women (one I know, the other I didn’t) sitting at my table were talking about THE PLANE. They seemed to think it had crashed in the ocean. I pointed at that that was impossible, they just don’t ‘lose’ a plane that size. I showed the one I didn’t know (Yvette) the article Cathleen posted a few days back about it being landed at Diego Garcia for the 20 passengers that worked for that corporation. She agreed it made perfect sense, especially with the level of technology involved. We also talked about 9/11, and she agreed that those towers could not have come down that way by accident. She then read my article on cancer is curable, and found it to be credible. After that, she asked for the name of the site (wrote it down), as well as my user name. She was definitely interested.

    It’s getting MUCH easier now than it was even just 4 – 5 years ago.

    1. yes, Hatr… I’ve been noticing the same thing. It’s like they realize they’re being lied to, but don’t know where to go for the truth.

      Now instead of twisting their arm to make ’em listen, they’re asking for it.

  7. Thank you JR for your well thought out and insightful essay. So many things hit home with me. Nothing makes my blood boil more, than when some writer, somewhere or anywhere encourages the pleebs to write to their senators or congresscritters. What a freakin waste of time! I didn’t have 9/11 figured out immediately, but surely before that year was up. I had a major awakening that year, and it hit me hard. I could write a book on what I found out and how it profoundly awoken me and shook me to my very core.

    I think of old monster stories such as Dracula. In those movies the monsters are always afraid of the sun touching them lest they burst into flame.

    Sunlight signifies truth. As of today the monsters that live amongst us loathe that sunlight that is the truth, for they too would burst into flame. Their lies would be exposed, they would be naked to the world. They would be exposed as nothing more than a mere coward, with sharp fingernails, sharp teeth, but no bite nor scratch. Puffed up wannabes, trying to scare the society into submission. That’s all they are. If they want a war so badly, why not send their kids, or make it a family trek and go all together! Well, cause you and I know the answer. There is no money in that. There is only money in sending my kids, and your kids to die for the armchair whores.

    They know we have them figured out. They are scared. They are counting on the MSM addicts to turn it around for them. They couldn’t be more wrong. The odds are in our favor. I am certain of that.

    I love the stickers that you posted. Hope they are still there, haunting the perps.

  8. Excellent article, once again, JR!

    Yea, the people at my job are mostly alert that our government is in the wrong and that what is going on is not according to the people’s will. Most of them are ready to fight if someone takes their guns. That’s Texas for ya.

    However, they are still unsure that Sandy Hook and this plane incident was a hoax or a distraction, but when explaining the logic to them about how both were staged incidents, they actually listen and take in what you are saying, rather than ridicule you.

    For example, I told them that it is impossible for them to NOT know where that plane is since they have satellites that can see what brand of cigarette you are smoking from space. They can easily look underwater or over the ocean if they wanted to. Plus with all of the tracking technology they have, the governments around the world definitely know where it is and are playing games by hiding it.

    So one of them says, “You really think so? I know our government has secret technology and all. Do you really think they know and are hiding it somewhere? With the way our government is destroying our Constitution and our Rights, I guess it wouldn’t surprise me.”

    So people are waking up or at least trying to keep and open mind on things, knowing that the MSM is constantly spoon-feeding them lie after lie, every single day.

    That being said, keep pushing everyone! NEVER give up!

    Keep posting flyers and keep spreading the word. We are winning and we will win this propaganda war. And when we do, We the people will take our country back, kick the shit out of these Zionists and restore our freedom!

  9. Yeah, on all of you!!!!!! Keep up the pace & look upward to the ever increasing chemtrails, their quantity & intensity is growing daily——

    Remember, Liberty, Freedom, Justice & Truth

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