3 thoughts on “Snowy Reheat Run 2

  1. If you’re into raw power, this is right up your alley.
    Old engines designed in the 1950s. Cool stuff.
    Plus, I love that smell of burnt kerosine.
    Plus, the snow in Fort St. John, BC is beautiful.
    I wish we could see some of that snow here. Real snow. Not that fake BS chemtrail snow.
    I guess the “Lords of Weather” aren’t granting us any precipitation.
    This will make beef prices skyrocket and up pay off bigtime on their fraudulent financial Wall Street commodity bets.

  2. Reminds me of an incident on our airbase when some of the younger officers got the bright idea of using the jet engines of our fighters to melt the snow on the runways. Melted the snow all right, which immediately refroze turning the runways into a sheet of ice causing a landing plan to slide off the runway. No injuries or serious damage, but a lot of embarassment. Orders were soon issued by higher authority not to use planes for hare-brained experiments.

    1. That’s a great story. It’s easy to see how someone could think that was a good idea…if they weren’t really thinking.
      There, but for the grace of God, go I.
      The Air Florida DC crash had the crew do several stupid no-nos.
      They used reverse thrust to back out of the gate blowing a lot of snow all over the wings.
      And, I believe they taxied close behind the plane in front of them thinking this would melt the ice. Instead, as in your story, it just melted snow that may have blown off into hard ice.
      As in all accidents, many mistakes (especially no de-ice for engine EPR gauge sensors) compounded to cause the accident.

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