Space Shuttle Discovery Arrives at Smithsonian – Who Cares?

It is truly enjoyable to watch the mainstream propaganda machine smoking, clanking, and coming apart at the seams as one blitz after another fails miserably.  Right now the propagandists seem to be taking a breath and attempting to regroup as every TV screen was filled, yesterday morning, with the Space Shuttle Discovery riding on the back of a 747 on its final voyage to the Smithsonian Museum.

Yeah, that’s the ticket, a giant plane with a space shuttle on it, drifting through a pristine blue sky, accompanied by a patriotic dialogue.  Yeah, that should calm the masses.  And what could your critics on the internet possibly say in opposition to a good calming down before the next wave of propaganda?

Well I’ll tell you what we have to say.

Number one:  We have already seen a space shuttle ride a 747…many times and we can only wonder what this sky parade costs while our people are going hungry in the cold.

Number two:  The shuttle program in its entirety cost we the people $196 billion…and what did we get for all that money?  A cure for cancer?.….No.  A cure for AID?……No.  However we do now know how zero gravity affects ant colonies.  So, was it worth it?

And finally number three:  They just couldn’t resist mentioning that John Glenn was very saddened by the event, indicating that maybe we should throw another hundred billion dollars into the space program as Rome burns.

Sorry propagandists, but your attempt at the touchy feely has failed.  You see it is hard to get in a patriotic mood when there are 30 million people out of work, 50 million living in deep poverty, an ever shrinking middle class, and nothing but more of the same on the horizon.  But I’m sure you won’t give up as you are either too arrogant or too stupid to know when you are whipped.

We here at From the Trenches are looking forward to your next batch of lies as we enjoy shoving them right back into your face and down your throat and watching you sweat as the realization of your ultimate demise closes in all around you.  We the American people of the American race are going to have our Republic back under our Constitution and you, Mr. and Ms. Propagandist, are going to be punished for the treason you have committed against we the people.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

One thought on “Space Shuttle Discovery Arrives at Smithsonian – Who Cares?

  1. I totally agree: not one reporter was willing to broadcast the people they canvased who SURELY told them that they didn’t care about this non-event. Instead we are being brainwashed to believe that everyone is on board with the waste of money that the space program represents and that everyone is excited to watch a big white blob float through the sky.

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