The Chattanooga “Terrorist” is a Stuffed Dummy

Published on Jul 16, 2015 by Edifying Others

No blood on the floor with the “dead” body as usual.
Expect the Photoshop pictures come out on the mass Masonic media to cover their lies, and their slaves start double talking… to the next staged event…

5 thoughts on “The Chattanooga “Terrorist” is a Stuffed Dummy

  1. Unless someone can point out even ONE mass shooting or terrorist attack that wasn’t orchestrated by our “government”, it’s safe to assume that every attack we hear about is just more of your tax dollars at work, helping to brainwash Americans into becoming willing victims of the communist take over.

  2. We all know their goal of gun confiscation, this is just one more tidbit to bolster their argument. However, their “productions” are getting so bad that even stupid people are starting to question the “official” stories.

  3. What tipped me off immediately that this is another staged, live shooter drill is a report that the alleged moooozlim extremist perp had been busted, previously, for a DUI! hahaha This reminded me of the 19 mooozlim extremist ‘hijackers’ (i.e., patsies) who partied hardy (strippers, cocaine and liquor) prior to 9-11-2001.

    The government, even IF it were willing to do so, is incapable of telling the sheeple the truth.

  4. Are they serious? This is the MSM’s proof that a terrorist incident happened? Are the sheeple really that stupid? This is worse than a bad Hollywood movie. What’s next? Are they going to try and convince everyone that terrorists are on a plane by showing a scene from the movie, Airplane?

    This is beyond pathetic. I’m half-drunk right now and I can still tell this is faker than a 3 dollar bill. Once again, are sheeple really this stupid?

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