The Obamas: Fake CIA Family?

Sent to us by the author, “Barry Soetoro, Esq”

Did CIA create the Obamas?

We know Obama uses Fake ID, and grew up in Indonesia. But when we delve into his past, we get stuck. Is that because Obama is a typical CIA agent, installed to babysit us while we get robbed (via TPP) and disarmed (via Fake Shootings)?

Could this fake CIA family explain why Michelle can’t remember her own wedding? Watch Michelle FORGET what year she got married:  

Also, many feel Sandy Hook – and 9/11 – were faked. Nobody wants to be President when folks wake up and freak out about those historic LIES – since the President could get charged with Treason. Solution? CIA could install a TEMPORARY President, then vanish him back to Indonesia when folks wake up. CIA could pretend Obama “died” or Air Force One “crashed.” Did CIA choose Obama because he’s NOT FROM HERE – because he hates America, and he’s eager to get “vanished” back to Indonesia?

To explore this (CIA family) theory, listen to my interview (above).

To see Obama’s FAKE family photos, visit the FULL ARTICLE:  Obama: The Ultimate Temp

Think about it. What group has the power to install a “President” with forged ID and a bogus family?


Many feel 9/11 was a lie. Strange fires destroyed 9/11 evidence at Shanksville, PA:


At Shanksville, why didn’t Flight 93 leave any wreckage?


Perhaps the Regime’s crimes got too big to hide – so they installed “Obama” as a temporary puppet and scapegoat. When the 9/11 truth comes out, will CIA let Obama rot in prison (spilling the beans on TV), or will the Regime vanish Obama back where he came from?

Sandy Hook Death Records and Obama’s SSN explores connections between Newtown CT and Obama’s SSN. Was Obama’s Social Security Number assigned by CIA – or stolen from a man who died 1 mile from Sandy Hook Elementary?


To discover WHO Obama is, let’s begin with WHY he was installed.

Barry Soetoro, Esq is a syndicated columnist focused on Fake Shootings and State Terror. Recently, Barry explored the Newtown CT “massacre” and the background of “Barack Hussein Obama.”

14 thoughts on “The Obamas: Fake CIA Family?


    1. yeah… I can’t imagine a woman forgetting that. Those dates reside deep in a woman’s mind like the milestones of her life.

      In every woman’s head there’s an encyclopedia of birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and every single time her man did something to piss her off.

      I’d never believe that a woman forgot her wedding date. They live for that nonsense.

        1. She walked up to me and she asked me to dance.
          I asked her name and in a dark brown voice she said, “Lola”
          L-O-L-A Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola

  2. “Also, many feel Sandy Hook – and 9/11 – were faked.”

    No, no, no, no, no…….We’re not talking about “feelings” or “beliefs”.

    Anyone who has studied the details of either event can PROVE that 9-11 and Sandy Hook, were both contrived theatrical events deceptively passed off as “news” for the purpose of manipulating the public’s beliefs.

    The TV-brainwashed segment of our population BELIEVES whatever the TV tells them, and I can PROVE 9-11 and Sandy Hook were orchestrated events that we were lied to about. There’s a big difference, and it’s an important one whenever you have an ongoing debate, or disagreement.

    There is no debate when you know the facts. Debate gets shut down immediately when you have the proof, and that’s why I urge people to avoid the crazy theories and stick to facts that rely on known science, and can be verified in any library.

    1. How can one see how the corporate media is in free fall. They’re being supported now by the government not viewers. Anyone with half a brain knows of the lies and the propaganda. I believe we have awakened all that we can the rest will fall by the wayside when the SHTF. Sorry to say. I know this for the ones I have tried to bring in are still running from truth.

  3. So is Ted Cruz going to be the next foreign president that they will be put in and who the CIA will whisk away to Canada or Cuba if things get bad?

    I really find it hard to believe that Barry will just give up power at the end of next year. This Kenyan Monkey loves being president and will do whatever he can to stay there more than any other puppet president I have ever seen. Everything about this guy points to dictator and doing whatever it takes to destroy America. He’s having too much fun shooting out his executive orders to just give up his position. Bush Jr. (although a stupid treasonous puppet who deserves to be hung) was never as crazy as this guy is. Barry makes Little George look like a saint. I don’t see anyone who can compare to Barry in terms of being a puppet president at the end of next year. The elite have to do something or they will lose their best monkey for the job.

  4. The first lady-man is actually barry soetoro’s brother who is a gay cross dresser.. Now oboma gay-bangs his tranny brother and they play mommy and daddy.
    And the american populous cheers(in a big-pharma daze)
    The kids where south chicago pin cushions for the elite sex acts. Now they get to be the first children of the beast.

  5. Get a picture of her hands, and check out the length of her ring finger. It is longer than her? index finger. That is a biological anomaly. Woman’s ring fingers are generally equal to, or shorter than, their index. Otherwise, get a DNA test.

    1. HEY!
      my ring finger is almost as long as my middle and much longer than my index finger.

      Does that make me a tranny????

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