The Perfect Storm: Amnesty, Hyperinflation, Food Riots, Race Wars

Video Rebel’s Blog

You are special kind of stupid if you still support Barack Obama.

Anonymous Black Vlogger

The dollar’s status as the international reserve currency being as good as gold has been under attack for some time. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) have allied themselves with 80 other nations to take down the dollar as a reserve currency. In the past many nations around the world had to either use gold or British pounds to buy goods from overseas. Until recently people on two different continents had no choice but to use US dollars to buy and sell from each other. Those days are rapidly disappearing. China is setting up direct currency exchange hubs in London, in Germany, Australia and in other American allied states.  

Americans were able to buy $8 trillion of free things from overseas by just having Greenspan, Bernanke and now Yellen print more dollars. This has impoverished men and women all over the world because the dollars they received are daily becoming less and less valuable. But no more. Jim Rickards says we will have a series of events devaluing the dollar 20 to 30% at a time until it has lost 80% of its purchasing power. This will increase the cost of imported goods 500%. It will also allow foreigners to buy all the food off our shelves.

Mexico used to have stringent border controls on its southern border which were subsidized by the US government. Those subsidies were cut in 2011. Mexico used to jail illegal aliens from Central America for six months. Today illegal aliens from Central America ride in groups of 50 on the top of each box car on trains across Mexico to the American border. In the old days of Bush and Clinton’s ‘Let’s pretend we have a border’, the illegals were caught and sent back over the border to Mexico to come back over again the next day. Now the Department of Homeland Security gives illegal aliens bus tickets to destinations deep inside America.

DHS also has been chartering planes and flying illegal aliens by the plane load into the US. Others are being stashed on military bases. And many are stacked at the border waiting to enter the US. The federal government advertized in January of this year for Child Minders to look after unaccompanied children. The Obama administration gathered support from the Catholic Church, the National Council of Churches and some Evangelical denominations to help process this great influx of illegals. Last week late at night busloads of children with their Child Minders were taken to a small town. They stayed overnight at the two Protestant mainline churches, showered and ate breakfast early. They were on the buses headed to Minnesota before 8 am Saturday morning so nobody in that town would pause  and wonder what their government was doing.

The Clintons with the help of Newt Gingrich passed NAFTA and GATT. They sent 12 million jobs overseas. The Bankers sold mortgages on homes to people they knew were going to lose their jobs and be beaten down to unskilled wages and part time work. They gave student loans while handing out a million Green Card work permits a year to legal immigrants to make it very difficult to find high paying jobs. They knew these loans could never repaid.

The Bankers parted mortgages into many small pieces selling them as bonds called MBSs. Buyers did not know mortgages were being sold several tines. It was like the gold at Fort Knox and the bullion at the Federal Reserve depository in New York where the US was allegedly holding gold from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and elsewhere that is now missing. That gold was leased out and sold five times over as paper certificates. Dr Jim Willie says that there are primary dealers who sell bonds for the Federal Reserve who have sold trillions of dollars in counterfeit US Treasury bonds. The US is awash in a sea of corruption.

We are in the End Game for the dollar. When people go to retire, they will soon find that those bonds are hollow. The Federal Reserve is in the process of instituting Exit Gates at bond funds so when the Dollar Dies you can’t get your money out before it becomes worthless. The stock market is kept artificially high to prop up balance sheets with fraud pouring from every page. Catherine Austin Fitts used to be managing partner at Dillon Read Investment Bank. She became Housing Commissioner in the first Bush administration. She was run out of Washington for being too honest. She was sued and investigated 19 times. At one point her secretary was notified that she was to be investigated for child abuse threatening her with loss of custody. Catherine got on the phone and found the nearest state agency that did not use contract workers from DynCorp which had been caught human trafficking overseas. She had her secretary move across the state line to avoid an otherwise tragic outcome. Catherine Austin Fitts said Wall Street stole $40 trillion from us and will continue to steal tens of trillions more.

One surge of Hyperinflation could eliminate all traces of $40 trillion in fraud that had been committed over decades.

In 2007 there were 1 million Street Gang members according to the FBI. By 2011 that number had grown 40% to 1.4 million. The CIA flies heroin and cocaine into the country by they plane load. They sell drugs and guns to their favored gangs. There are not enough jobs capable of supporting a family in most cities. The ten fastest growing job categories with the exception of nursing pay unskilled and unlivable wages to heads of families. America by design has an abysmal education system which turns out at least a million 18 year-olds every year incapable of doing much of anything. The government invites a million or so illegal aliens across the border every year to drive down wages for the unskilled and their unemployment up.

The young people in big and even some medium size cities turn to drug dealing as a way to make a living. That is why gang membership is growing 40% every 4 years. In 2011 we had 1.4 million Gang Members. At that 40% growth every 4 years rate, we will be on track to have 1,960,000 Gang Bangers in 2015. The American Teleprompter Reader Barack Obama has sent out to Central America and Mexico to ask juveniles with Gang Tattoos to come to America. At the border he gives them bus tickets to move to cities far from the border.

What kind of work do you think they will they find? Their skill sets are drug dealing, extortion, assault with deadly force, torture and murder. The MS-13 gang has earned its reputation as being vicious cop killers. They are an ally of the Sinaloa Cartel which in turn is an ally of the CIA. Thousands of these juveniles with Gang Tattoos are being waived into America. If we add their numbers to the 1,960,000 we would expect by 2015 anyway, then will likely have nearly 2 million Gang Bangers in our streets by the end of 2016 if not 2015.

Fast forward to the Day the Dollar Dies. The Bankers collapse the stock and bond markets. Millions of small investors around the world will be ruined as Wall Street and the City of London rake in trillions in profits by short selling everything and going long in a few select commodities. As the dollar plummets in value, prices shoot up in a few days as much as they did in the last 30 years. 48 million Food Stamp recipients will not be able buy enough food to feed their families. The median family income of $51,000 a year before taxes had been barely sufficient but no longer after prices double and continue to rise. The bottom 100 million in income will be desperate. Within days the first riots will start. The whole country will be consumed by Nationwide Food Riots. And two million Gang Bangers will lead the way.

What people need to understand is that the Zetas were trained by US Special Forces. They have superior weapons and tactics. And they are ruthless. Do you remember the case of the 74 Central Americans trying to enter the US illegally who were kidnapped by the Zetas? The Zetas enslaved them and made them work for free. The 74 illegal aliens from south of Mexico’s border who did not like slavery were beheaded. A young prosecutor announced that he would apprehend the culprits. He was killed within 24 hours.

The CIA trained ISIS in Jordan in 2009. They had been in Syria killing civilians for Obama when they broke off and started their invasion of Iraq. ISIS stole $429 million from the banks of Mosul. The Great Mosul Bank Robbery was an inspiration for every revolutionary, every thug, every bank robber and every Street Gang in the world.

The Zetas are capable of devising and executing plans. When the riots start, any unskilled, unemployed person can commit a burglary with impunity.  But a gang leader who was trained by US Special Forces could come up with a better plan. Make a list of all the banks in town worth robbing and add to that the gunshops. Amidst the riots set off a few bombs at high value targets that draw police attention. Organize snipers. Then send in teams to simulataneously rob the 30 banks and the five gunshops. If there is a police response, have the snipers start firing at their cars before they get as close as 100 yards. Use EMP weapons to take down drones and helicopters. The robberies will be over in minutes. The Gangs will have all the money and the guns in town. The News Media will start reporting that these systematic city wide take downs occurred all over America.

After they have taken over the city’s drug trade, Street Gangs will do what they did in Latin America. They will kill honest cops, prosecutors and judges. In Mexico they routinely kill reporters who cover the drug trade unfavorably.

Over 100,000 people died in Mexico’s drug wars. In America there are already more Hispanics than blacks in our gangs. With illegal aliens swelling their ranks the Hispanic gangs will continue their ongoing war against the black gangs and even try to win. This war will be interpreted as a Race War. The government is building racial resentment by allowing millions of illegal aliens to get welfare and medical treatment denied to Native Born blacks and whites including 1.2 million homeless school children and 500,000 homeless veterans. This Amnesty rush of illegals including thousands with TB will bankrupt many cities with additional demands for education, welfare, police, jails and health services. City, county and state governments will have to announce cut backs in services to Native Born Americans to accommodate the illegals. In North Carolina there were 7 sexual assaults against children by illegal aliens per day in May 2014. and that was before this Amnesty rush of illegals. The Mainstream Media is trying to keep a lid on stories like that. But as the number of illegal aliens increases those crime numbers can only go up fueling resentment.

If intelligence agencies wanted to create a Race War, all they have to do is to commit a few atrocities. That is what the CIA did in Iraq.

The whole purpose of Amnesty from the point of view of Wall Street which does own the government in Washington is to destroy America so we cannot join together and demand the arrest of the Bankers and the seizure of the tens of trillions of dollars they stole from us.

After the Nationwide Food Riots and the Race Wars have taken America down, the Bankers can release a few plagues to cull the herds of useless eaters. Dick Cheney said he is expecting another 911 but far worse. Senator Feinstein says she is on the Senate Intelligence Committee and she knows many Americans will die.

None of the above needs to happen. The alternative is to arrest the Bankers, seize their assets and negotiate a worldwide Debt Cancellation to stop this current Debt Cancellation.

11 thoughts on “The Perfect Storm: Amnesty, Hyperinflation, Food Riots, Race Wars

  1. Excellent summation of our current predicaments, Video Rebel. Two years ago, it was easy to predict everything that has happened… except for the flood of illegals. We presumed that we would only have to deal with the military factions of the DHS. Only a fool would surrender their guns at this point in the game.

    “None of the above needs to happen. The alternative is to arrest the Bankers, seize their assets and negotiate a worldwide Debt Cancellation to stop this current Debt Cancellation.”

    You are correct again! Iceland even showed us how to accomplish this arduous task. However, in North America the bankers are untouchable within our illegal justice system of Laws, which shield big finance and business… but I agree that the bankers need to be taken-out of commission. Although, with all the banker suicides and murders over the last year, it appears that the bankers are eliminating each other (they eat their own).

    BTW: It is my understanding that the Central Banks will cancel the debt they hold on a Nation — after that Nation surrenders its sovereignty. The last step will be the introduction of a cashless banking system, and a World digital currency.

    1. Let’s not call it “income redistribution”, let’s call it what it should be called, taking back what was stolen from us. To help finance our country’s future we could sell out football stadiums in every town and, starting with your local banker, begin public hangings and work our way to the top ending with the Secretary of the Treasury and The Federal Reserve board. I’ll tell you what, I’d buy a ticket to watch these sons of bitches do the air dance.

      1. “I’ll tell you what, I’d buy a ticket to watch these sons of bitches do the air dance.”

        Pay per view hangings on TV, then you don’t have to travel from home.

        1. How about upside down crucifixions during the Half-time show on Monday Night Football? (if we ever make it to the next football season)

          A tribute to the late George Carlin. 😉

  2. Excellent article, and an accurate description of the shit we’re standing in, but the author is obviously a racist if he refers to himself as “Anonymous Black Vlogger”. Why else would his skin color be relevant?

    And who else is predicting “race wars”?

    1. If “Whitey” was going to get help, who will it come from: a “Black” or a “Latino”? Most of the Blacks I know have had family roots as USA citizens for countless generations and fought in USA Wars, long before illegal Latinos started coming here in droves.

      Blacks were also brought here as slaves against their will, and have earned their right to be here far more than illegal Latinos deserve. Hell, Blacks were here for centuries before most Whites arrived here from Europe.

      I feel the turning point with Black’s in my mind, was when Obama attempted to start a race riot over the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida. The Blacks knew this entire incident was not race motivated and that the instigation for riots was set-up by the FED — and so, the riots never happened!

      In all honesty, JR, if you think we can survive this invasion from the South without assistance from the Black’s… YOUR WRONG! This isn’t a race issue… it’s an invasion; regardless as to whether the invaders would be White Russian’s or Brown Latino’s. We either find common ground and fight together, or watch the Republic fall.

    2. I do think though that Vid Rebel IS black, just by what I have read on his own website. Still, I don’t think the “Anonymous Black Vlogger” is Vid Reb.

      I do also think blacks and whites will get more unity with all the latino gangs here–but let’s not forget the Hispanics who have been here many generations as well…do you really think a family in Texas that was here BEFORE the Republic of Texas in 1836, as so many out here in Big Bend have been, are going to side with the likes of MS-13 or Sinaloa Cartel or Zetas? A great big NADA!

      1. “–but let’s not forget the Hispanics who have been here many generations as well… do you really think a family in Texas that was here BEFORE the Republic of Texas in 1836, as so many out here in Big Bend have been, are going to side with the likes of MS-13 or Sinaloa Cartel or Zetas? A great big NADA!”

        This is most likely true, DL. However, I see the Latinos being unwittingly placed between a rock and a hard place (aka: pawns or patsies), just like the Japanese were after Pearl Harbor got bombed. The Japanese who had lived here peacefully for decades were locked in US interment camps until the War ended.

        During the Great Depression, Mexicans were accused of being a menace to society that spread prostitution and the use of illicit drugs like marijuana, and they were deported. This time Latinos will be utilized to bring down the unskilled working wage. Latinos who get arrested may find themselves relocated to slave work farms.

        If my presumptions are correct, then the Latinos currently living in the USA “legally” may have no choice but to enjoin the gangs that are already here or, the gangs that are now entering the USA. It will be their only means for support and protection.

        It was pointed-out in another post that most of the Latinos currently migrating here don’t speak English and they have no work skills; other than gang warfare, dealing drugs, and other various illicit trades. This is why the Mexico and Central American Governments have no problem with them leaving, especially when the Obama Administration is footing the relocation costs (at US taxpayer’s expense).

        1. Yep. I agree with your analysis, Inretrospect. The same can be said for the Chinese and Russians who are living here. We’re gonna have the Chinese owning everything while they pay the Mexican and Central American gangs, illegal or not, to do the dirty work for them, just like they do in every Chinese restaurant and grocery store. Come to Texas if you don’t believe me. All of their labor is illegal Mexican immigrants who can’t speak of a lick of English and look fresh off the border and they do that purposely to bypass our laws and save costs. It’s all Communist controlled by design. Just walk into a Panda Express and count how many non English speaking Mexican immigrants you see working there.

          1. I saw that when I lived in Houston in the 1970’s. It’s about the same in the Virginia area. We have Mexicans working in Chinese and Italian Restaurants, picking fruit, and all the other menial labor jobs that no one else wanted. I have no problem with immigration if it’s legal, fair, and balanced — but Obama’s methods positively suck! We can’t afford to care for the homeless people we currently have.

            The only quasi-bright side to this debacle is that the economy will crash more sooner than later — I’m tired of waiting for the bankers to push the flush handle.

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