The Truth IS anti-Semitic

Published on Mar 18, 2013 by Snordster w

From the Rebel of Oz, found here:…
This one will deffo be dumped and I will have a second strike. Pls share if you can?

“We shall have a [Jewish] world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” – James Warburg, Jewish Merchant Banker

Our ruling crime families are not dumb. In fact, they are getting smarter and faster. They know it’s the endgame. They know, it’s either us or them. It took them a while to work out that it is cheaper to go from A to B riding their horse to death and replacing it with a new one, than watering, feeding and giving it a rest when it gets tired. So they replaced feudalism and open slavery with capitalism. Then they figured that it is more profitable to groom the smartest and most ambitious kids on the block and entice them with a privileged life style in return for their help with outsmarting their fellow-men with trickery and evil scams. So they gave us the soft-spoken psychopaths and mild-mannered mass-murderers that roam corporate boardrooms.

The most ruthless of those smart kids end up with multibillion dollar fortunes, not for them to use at their sole discretion, but to put to ‘good use’ in the stealth enslavement of mankind. Those Bill Gates, George Soroses, Eric Schmitts and Mark Zuckerbergs know all too well that their fortunes will be wiped out overnight, if they don’t do as they are being told. That’s why every copy of MS Windows and the MacOS has a back door to Mossad and the NSA. That’s why Bill Gates donates billions to mass sterilisation programmes disguised as vaccinations and invests heavily in Monsanto and chemtrails. That’s why George Soros spends hundreds of millions on campaigns to help disarm the American people and overthrow governments that refuse to follow the orders of the ruling parasites. That’s why Eric Schmitt has transformed his search engine into a corporate ‘Big Brother’ and Mark Zuckerberg his social networking application into a spying tool that knows everything about you, your family, your friends, your likes and dislikes, even your most private thoughts.
The truth is anti-Semitic

One thought on “The Truth IS anti-Semitic

  1. “The truth is anti-Semitic”

    It would be, if the jews of today were Semitic to begin with.

    They’re not.

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