The West Memphis 3 and the Unsolved Murders of 3 Eight Year Old Boys…Revisited.

Sent to us by the author, J.G.

Twenty-two years ago, three eight year old boys, Steve Branch, Michael Moore, and Chris Byers, were brutally murdered in West Memphis, Arkansas.  The crimes were almost immediately pinned on three delinquent teenagers, Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin, soon after dubbed the “West Memphis 3.”  Two were convicted to life in prison and one to death row.  In 2011, all three were released after accepting a deal allowing them to plea quilty of lesser charges while at the same time maintaining their innocence.  This was done instead of a retrial based on new DNA evidence…leaving these horrific murders still unsolved.  Why would any state not want to find the real murderers and solve a case such as this?  And, why do so many people believe in the innocence of these three teens, including two of the victims’ parents?  

I would like to present to you, as briefly as possible, a case for the innocence of the WM3, based solely on “common sense,” a GOD given gift that is sorely lacking in today’s society, and certainly in this case; as well as what I’ve gleaned from the press, transcripts, evidence, or lack thereof, and…strange enough, opinions of those who purport the guilt of the WM3.  Also, I would like to state for the record that I have only, recently, seen one of the movies based on these murders.  This is not a subject that I find entertaining and have managed for twenty-two years to ‘not think about’ such inconceivable acts.  Like so many others, I suspect, when the crimes took place, I heard “confession” and “devil worshipping teenagers” in the news and automatically believed, and hoped, that they ‘caught the bad guys’ and all was well with the world; but, I have since awakened to the true ways of the world and, after watching this movie, doubts were raised.

I’ll start with Damien Echols, since it was his self profession of being a Wiccan, and his interest in the Satanic occult that is basically what led to their convictions.  He also had a history of mental problems, which led to him being admitted to a couple of mental institutions in the past. I do not believe that Damien Echols had what it took to commit such crimes.  That is not to say that, had he not been incarcerated for nearly twenty years, he would not have escalated to such.  Satanism is a tool used in trauma based mind control and it is a fact that at certain mental institutions, as well as prisons, mind control experiments are performed on patients and inmates.  However, what I saw in him, through the interviews and such, was a somewhat intelligent teenager who was bound by his lack of social status.  Meaning, he wanted, as many do, to be accepted.  Also, the darker occult does seem to have a certain allure for some.  This could have been his way of attracting people.

Jessie Misskelley, Jr. was reported to be mentally challenged.  Most mentally challenged people are not capable of such horrific deeds.  They may have some violent tendencies when provoked, but for the most part, they are “warm” people who only want to please others.  If you read his interrogation, and have any part of a brain, you will see that his confession was coerced.

Jason Baldwin was a talented artist.  Most creative people do not want any part of destruction.  I suspect that his only crime in all of this was that he was running with the wrong crowd.

What further convinced me that the WM3 were innocent of these murders was that all three of the victims were hogtied, a technique that none of the accused struck me as having the experience to perform such a task.

A woman by the name of Vicki Hutcheson agreed to work with police to get incriminating statements from Damien Echols, for which none were obtained.  Of course, it was implied that she did so in order to avoid criminal charges for theft. Oddly enough, her son, Aaron, a playmate of the victims, claimed he witnessed the murders, but, he could not identify the accused.  No further investigation there.

Chris Morgan, who was familiar with the victims, and Brian Holland, two West Memphis teenagers, fled to California four days after the victims’ bodies were found.  They were arrested by California police, questioned and given polygraphs…results of their interrogation, as well as polygraphs, were suspicious; however, they were not investigated further.

On the evening of the murders, a black male visited a restroom at Mr. Bojangles.  He was either covered in someone else’s blood or bleeding himself.  When police arrived, he had already left and the officer did not inspect the restroom.  However, after the bodies of the victims were found, the police obtained blood scrapings from that restroom and…lost them?  This was not investigated further.

John Mark Byers, adopted father of victim Chris Byers, was thought by many to have committed the crimes, although he had been initially cleared by police.  However, he has a strong history of violence, child abuse, and drugs, along with claims he was tortured as a child.  Also, later, there was an account of his knife having Chris Byers blood on it and I don’t understand just what happened with that.

Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Steve Branch, in subsequent years has been thought to be the killer.  He also has a history of violence, child abuse, and drugs.  And…he has a history working in a slaughterhouse, butchering pigs and cattle.  He would, most likely, have some experience at hogtying…one might think.  It’s been said that his wife, mother of Steve Branch, along with her family, suspected him of committing the murders. Again, I don’t understand what happened there.  Is there some reason the town of West Memphis doesn’t want to solve this case and find the real murderers?

It just seems, by not investigating further the two teens who fled West Memphis to California, or, the blood soaked man at Mr. Bojangles, that the officials of West Memphis were too eager to pin these murders on the three accused.  Also, in most murder cases involving children, the parents of the victims are heavily scrutinized. This was clearly Not the case here.  Even though, one of the victim’s genitals had been mutilated…making it very personal.  There were more suspects in this case than in most All murder cases, and yet, the majority of the suspects, solid as they were, were only questioned…NOT investigated.  I am in no way defending the darkness that Damien Echols was drawn to, as a matter of fact, had there not been any other suspects, and the parents turned out squeaky clean, I would feel comfortable with their conviction, and, for twenty-two years, I was.  And even though the three accused are now free, a big part of their lives were stolen from them, not to mention, there is still no justice for those three little boys who were tortured and murdered.

Nearly one million children are reported missing in this country alone each year.  The majority of those are not found alive, if found at all.  Child trafficking is the reason for most of these abductions.  Most people think ‘child trafficking’ is about very wealthy people buying children because they can’t physically have their own.  While that may be one of the reasons, most abducted children are sold for more evil purposes…

pornography – print, film, web

porn/blackmail – drugging a politician, or other influential persons, and filming him in unspeakable acts with children

snuff films – they are Not a myth

pagan sacrifices – yes, they do still do this

trauma based mind control – all sorts of evil purposes

There are some evil, sick people(if you can call them people) in this world.  There are child trafficking rings all around the world.  Search it and see just who some of the powerful people are involved in this…it might blow your mind.

Now, it is possible that there was one such cult of child abductors in West Memphis at the time of these murders.  Any One, or more, of the alternative suspects could have been involved.  Or, it is also possible that someone on a more influential level could have contracted the abduction of the victims for their own sick purposes.  That certainly could explain the lack of investigation into the murders.  As a matter of fact, it makes more sense than any other reasons I can think of for pinning this, with no evidence and a coerced confession, on the West Memphis 3.  It’s almost as if they were trying really hard to cover something up, because, if they really knew they had convicted the real murderers, they would not have offered a plea deal for release.  And, why did it seem they were worried about a retrial, was there something they did not want to come out?

Why doesn’t the town of West Memphis, Arkansas try harder to find the real murderers?

4 thoughts on “The West Memphis 3 and the Unsolved Murders of 3 Eight Year Old Boys…Revisited.

  1. Sad story about these young boys, as well as no one apparently trying to find the true criminal.
    Again, two step fathers mentioned in this story. Divorce, who knows, but this is not the natural order of things.
    Children are the sole responsibility of the parents, not the schools, not the neighborhood children, not the after school programs, etc..
    The family has been disintegrated. Why were these young children not with their parents?

  2. Crimes like these and others are allowed because “some people” believe they’re a necessary evil to create balance or a means to an end whether its government institutions, religious organizations, freemasons, etc…
    Back in the day Natives sure as heck didn’t live or think like that.

  3. I was living outside of Memphis at the time. I have always believed in their innocence. Hobbs on the other hand?

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