6 thoughts on ““Trump’s Job is to Prepare America for War” ~ William Engdahl

  1. “Jews will fall victim once again to the Zionists.”

      1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………NOPE… BUT THEY LOVE TO HIDE AS “JUDEOCHRISTIANS”

  2. I don’t like the “power hour” crew because I think they’re in the disinfo business, so I’m not watching the video, BUT…. I will agree with the headline, and still stand by my original analysis that Trump’s role is to oversee the destruction of this country, and our defeat in WW3.

    He’ll fix the economy first, just as Hitler did in Germany, by printing honest money. He’ll NOT be killed for doing so, because the economy will need to be fixed to some extent to facilitate the continued draining of resource wealth, and to encourage more people to fight in the world war.

    Make no mistake; Trump is our Hitler, because that’s the only way the bankers can maintain control of this country, and its population. They’ve tightened the reigns on us to the point of snapping, and now they know they need to give us a little slack, but just enough to permit them to run us into the ground completely.

    1. Gosh, jolly roger, I think you are correct on this one (as much as it pains me to agree with you!). We’re the “bad guys” this time around, led by trump-the-demagogue to be vilified in the future and blamed for the next fake holocaust. They’ll run pics of the huge trump rallies as proof that Americans were fascists, etc., the same way Germans were depicted.

      p.s. what happened to the math question??

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