TVNEWS: Sandy Hook Dad Played ‘FBI Sniper?’

Did David Wheeler play TWO roles at the Newtown “shooting?”

This VIDEO might prove Sandy Hook was fake. Mainstream news coverage (CNN; FOX; ABC) shows a man responding to the Newtown “school shooting” dressed as a SWAT sniper. TV footage shows this man – who looks like David Wheeler – acting very strangely. Every time he spots a TV camera, he ducks and turns away:


Newtown dad David Wheeler is a professional actor. His son, Benjamin, “died” in the Sandy Hook CT school massacre. Ever since, this sad “father” has been lobbying to restrict your gun rights. Yes, David Wheeler (and his wife Francine) are actors. But that doesn’t prove Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Is this David Wheeler (at left), dressed in SWAT gear? If so, it means David Wheeler (professional actor) played TWO roles at Sandy Hook: (i) Father of murdered child, and (ii) SWAT sniper. If Wheeler played both roles, that’s conclusive proof that Sandy Hook was a gun-grab Hoax.


Wheeler’s appearances are carefully scripted to take your guns. Here, Wheeler “testifies” against guns during the CT legislature’s Task Force on Violence and Public Safety:


You decide: Is this SWAT sniper actually David Wheeler, scamming America at Sandy Hook?

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Watch the video – then look at these photos:  BUSTED! Sandy Hook’s STAR ACTOR, David Wheeler

David Cole Wheeler starred in the 2001 movie, FAITHFUL:


Was Wheeler’s “dead child” real? David Wheeler with Oprah:


This photo shows David and Francine Wheeler (2012) – and David Wheeler starring in FAITHFUL (2001):


You have my permission to download my video (above) – and re-upload the video to your own channel/site. Please credit Barry Soetoro channel.


CNN features a photo of David Wheeler (?) in SWAT gear (credited to Cloe Poisson, Hartford Courant / McClatchy Tribune):


The same photo appears – again – in the CT Post (the day the hoax went live):


Is this David Wheeler at Newtown, dressed as FBI SWAT? The helmet and sunglasses aren’t much of a disguise:


More David Wheeler (Sandy Hook Actor) HERE

More Fake Shootings HERE

6 thoughts on “TVNEWS: Sandy Hook Dad Played ‘FBI Sniper?’

  1. Arrest them, along with everyone who helped pull off this fraud. Charges?, TREASON!, against the people of The United States.

  2. we all know swat team members wear sunglasses into schools in order to clear class rooms……yea, that’s what they do.

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