15 thoughts on “United Nation Wants U.S To Designate Immigrants As Refugees

  1. Screw UN and stay out of these United States of America’s business.
    The only pods who recognize the UN is a bunch of elite baggage. It’s bad enough taxpayer have to pay for
    these slum lords.

  2. So,I want a Ferrari(not really,too much maintenance)What I do want is the US out of the un completely(no spellcheck,will not capitalize un),though not a city fan kick em out of NYC and put in apt.s for folks.What next,perhaps un tropps to aid in fed made crisis.I don’t blame folks for running here from their countries that are in tatters but I do blame the govt.s involved,go home and revolt/repair/rebuild your country.

    1. The UN are as much invaders on our sovereign soil as the Hondurans. If you want to put out your call to the UN, you’ll be doing it somewhere else.
      Those mother f#@kers come here, then here they will die.
      Hope that’s clear enough for you.

  3. It is my sincere hope that is fading that locked and loaded isn’t the answer though folks can be pushed only so far.I would like to see as I believe most would a non violent/constructive end to this countries problems and thus remake my tin foil hat and be the weird/nutty but friendly neighbor!I will not hold my breath on that though as way things are going I would be oxygen deprived.

    1. Hey James 45, if we don’t do something about this it doesn’t matter. The government is a run away freight train that needs to be derailed now. Enforcing our Bill of Rights will require arresting every government official, meter maid to President. Then we arrest all Bankers and Dual Citizenship Israeli’s and deport the rest of the joos on the Titanic. They will all get a fair trial as outlined in our Bill of Rights and Constitution. However, existing as a non-human joo, I’m not sure you will have any rights at all. Joos think of us as less than human, take what you got coming bitches! Sedition and Treason is an automatic sentence of death by hanging. With the joos left over, we can make a new “1000 Faces of Death” video!

      1. Exactly.

        At this point, the only way to take america back, is to actually take america back.

        Anything less is just allowing harsher control, slavery and death.

        If the khazar ‘jews’ aren’t stopped in their tracks, right now, sampson option or not,…america is finished. Like the EU, america will be over run by

        “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Benjamin Netanyahu

        Freedom is hanging from a thread like it was during the first revolution, and much more so leading into this one.


    2. James45, you had better wake up dude. This thing is way passed talk and non-violence. The only solution is to get rid of these invaders by force. You can’t just go around and talk to people nicely who are not rational, have no morals and will kill you without remorse. That in itself is insane thinking. Stop living in denial.

      1. NC,been awake for a long f@#king time,no worries there,been prepared for man made/natural disaster as best as monies/skills/ideas allow.Just because I still hope for a good ending does not mean I am in denial,just means I have some hope.It all falls apart will be dead in first few days at most,a few evil people will be going for a ride with me though.

    3. Well, I think I maybe understand (a little). Having woken up, but angry about it. Sure, I’d rather know the truth and not be deceived, but to be quite honest, I did like an awful lot of my previous illusory world — where we were nice to each other, we played by the rules, efforts paid off, and if I really wanted a ferrari, I could probably aspire to that and work for it. I could have faith in institutions and I DID (even though it was undeserved, misplaced, and I was being badly deceived). I’d LOVE to live in a nonviolent society where the “few” bad apples are dealt with and the rest of us could be left alone to live our lives as we see fit, being creative, being individual, having whatever relationships we want, building wonderful things, businesses, art work, raising kids, whatever we feel like. Mostly, I think people want to be left alone to live our lives. OK, I left a lot out of that list because it is individual. But what I mean mostly is, I liked that dreamworld (though it was an illusion). I know I can’t go back because it never existed. I also know we were being led down a wrong path by design (to make us wusses and stupid). Anyway, that’s just an occasional wistful-thinking, longing for something I thought I had but was a figment of my imagination. These days I’m kind of angry, and I’d rather NOT be angry. I’d rather be loving and creative and joyful and making good things in the world.

      But believe me, my brutal experiencing of waking up has turned me into a person who is willing to go all the way to do my part to restore our republic. When I discovered the depth of betrayal done to us, it lit a fire in me. And I have to think this is happening to many more people than just me. No one of my friends or family woke me up. It was only through a betrayal-type of experience. And more and more people are getting to the limits of cognitive dissonance in terms of the lies and betrayals. Mind control can go only so far (I dearly hope).

      So I think it is possible to dream of a better world (like the one I used to think I lived in) without that being a cowardly thing. You have to dream of it in order to create it. If it wasn’t real before, then it can still be an ideal to fight for. I know I’m not fighting for a world of perpetual war. I want to help create a nice place for people. And at the same time, I now realize that once you fight for something and achieve it, you have to be willing and able to fight again to keep it. Because those deceivers are not going away, and they are devious.

      I’ve also learned that you can’t get too soft. We need our defenders/warriors, so we can have our freedoms to live our own lives as we see fit. We need to spread the truth about the deceivers far and wide.

  4. Just the UN inserting itself slowly to indoctrinate us with their presence like the Communists that they are. When they arrive, it’ll be collect the blue helmets time.

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