2 thoughts on “Voters are Accomplices

  1. If you think Clinton is the Rothschild’s choice, you’re being deceived by the media once again.

    Forget what they say, and look instead at the EFFECT it has on the population:
    “The electoral dynamics are locked in”
    “The people will vote for Trump, but they’ll get Clinton”.

    ALL of this has the effect of getting MORE people to the polls to vote for Trump, to lock in the Trump landslide, AND have a huge voter turnout to legitimatize the fraudulent election process.

    The endless attacks on Trump, and endless praise of Clinton, amounts to an endorsement of Trump from a media that’s lost all credibility. They KNOW that no one believes them, and they’re using that fact as a tool to deceive you once again. Get used to endless deception from the Zionists; it’s what they do.

    And yes, anyone who turns out to vote, and lend any credence whatsoever to this fraud, is definitely a traitor. The fact the the elections are rigged is known far and wide; participation gives your consent and endorsement of the process.

    Trump will be the next “president”, and he’ll play the same role in this country for WW3, that Hitler played in Germany for WW2, meaning that he’ll oversee our destruction, and disappear.

    Without him first being made wildly popular, people won’t send their kids to war, and our “government” will lose all control over this population that’s on the brink of revolt.

    Hitler ran the identical campaign as Trump, funded by the same families, for a population just as angry, when Germany’s economy was in the same shape ours is in. You’re crazy to ignore history repeating itself, especially when the same people are paying for the show.

  2. The deja vu showed up after hearing just a little of Trump speaking to crowds, once he has said he is running.

    Still, I maintain he is using the Øbama playbook to an easy election victory.
    Be bold, no bars held and tell the people what they want to hear.

    The usurper has done it well and Trump has only improved upon the past.

    Beware The Trojan Trump.

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