Weekend Article Postings

Starting this weekend we will only be putting up ten articles per day to give us a little bit of rest. To be specific, from midnight Friday to midnight Saturday, ten articles will be put up, and then from midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday, the same.

Monday through Friday will be business as usual, understanding of course if we get up Monday morning facing two or three hundred articles everything from midnight Sunday back to midnight Friday is just going to be dumped, as otherwise we would be staying up all night on Monday to deal with what was sent in during that time and we would gain nothing in the realms of rest.  

For the articles posted during weekend, we will try to keep it to current events that relate to our cause in relation to the state of our Republic and to a lesser extent, the world.

We do appreciate all our contributors as you are From the Trenches World Report and it could not exist without you, but there comes a point when we are falling asleep during the day with computers sitting in our laps because there just aren’t enough hours to accommodate.

I know all will understand and maybe someday we can break through the barriers that have been put in place by our enemies that are disallowing the site to operate as it should as a free source of information, uninhibited.  Until then, we shall soldier on to the best of our ability.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

13 thoughts on “Weekend Article Postings

  1. I’ll do what I can to help, Henry. I won’t send anything after Friday morning until Monday morning. 🙂

  2. Agreed, time away from a computer is well spent. Enjoy your time, the trenches aren’t going anywhere, and neither are those who frequent them..

  3. If you don’t get rest and little vacations you’ll get frustrated and burned out, Henry.

    Don’t let this consume your life. Go fishing now and then, and let the site slow down.

    Full-time activism to save the freedom of people who don’t seem to care about it caused me to give up on them in the past, but once you’re involved, it’s impossible to get out completely.

  4. I fully support this! The Trenches now has a significant number of contributors and/or authors. I will immediately begin limiting article submissions to Monday through Thursday. Friday through Sunday will be reserved for more important things like getting some fresh air outside, away from the computer…wow! What a concept! I am also immediately going to restrict articles I submit to topics that highlight and focus exclusively on our enemies. People can find music videos and other interesting articles on their own time. Henry, I hope you and Laura can finally get some down time for rest, sleep, yard work, other chores, recreation and what ever else you both please! 🙂

  5. You have my cooperation here too Henry. You and Laura get some rest and enjoy your family time. We will still be here for you. Thanks for everything you do.
    . . .

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