What Will Happen When Big Pharma Meds are Cut Off?

I was thinking about what Henryyou and J.D. were talking about today. How people will freak out when they can’t get their big pharma meds. I was listening to Mark discuss this as well on the intelligence report.  I can attest to this, as my sister was on medication for depression. I’m not actually sure what she was taking, but I do know it was making her crazy.

Two years ago, right after my husband was incarcerated, she came out here to “help out”. I hadn’t physically seen her for 25 years, but we communicated by phone, text, and email. She couldn’t make it a week without freaking out on me, and believe it or not, it was over the price of garbage bags! At first I thought it was a joke, until I realized she was serious. She screamed at me, and even tried to turn my 5 children and grandchild against me. That same day she packed up and went back home. We forgave, but that experience still haunts me to this day.  

Denise took her own life in a hotel room on March 1st of this year. She couldn’t live with the agony of life, and the demons that haunted her. She tried 3 times before she finally succeeded. She also had a LTC, but didn’t turn those guns on anyone, including herself. She chose to overdose on pills and alcohol, while her gun was in her car in the parking lot.

She was on “anti-depression” meds for many years, either her dosage was incorrect or she failed to take the pills. At this point it doesn’t matter. All of these big pharma drugs are dangerous. The doctors that prescribe them are dangerous. And I am minus a sister that had many years ahead of her. Those that she left behind still wonder what they could have done to help her, but I know that there is nothing that could have been done. Strength of mind and self could have prevented her death, but sadly she did not possess those qualities.

Now just imagine when the SHTF, and all these millions of people no longer have access to their meds. The scenario that Mark presented is right on the button.  God help us.


34 thoughts on “What Will Happen When Big Pharma Meds are Cut Off?

  1. Hi Deb…..recently, I read this……….something just over 50% of all prescription drugs taken in the WHOLE world are taken right here, by Americans…and our population is 320M about out of 7 Billion, about!…..Now That Makes no sense…The whole of our medical, Allopathic…sp? medicine is corrupt…med schools on down and the political bums who make it this way, not to mention the corp world who dream all this up….Now you know first hand…Sorry to learn this of your sister….one of my brothers, two yrs younger has been a working pharmacist since 1969….and he will tell of tons,tons, of people addicted on these drugs……drugs that kill you!…all kinds, and for all kinds of reasons ….to be taken………..Most of it is garbage.(reasons for taking too)..and still the public won’t listen, do their own research, and so the
    death train just keeps on a rolling….so sad!!!!!

    1. Hello rbeason. Yes so many people here in this country are on meds that in most cases shouldn’t be. There was an article posted here yesterday about young children on many meds. It’s big bucks for the big pharma companies. If you look at how many advertisements for drugs that are on the tv, it boggles the mind. I don’t know what prescriptions my sister was on, but I do believe they played a big part in her willingness to commit suicide.

  2. As a retired nurse I have been telling people for years to get off the pharma meds and away from the Quacks. We must get as healthy as we can get for what is coming down the pike. I regret giving vaccines and pushing pills but I didn’t know at that time and thought I was doing the right thing.

    Once we know the cause of a disease then we know the cure.

    I am sorry for the loss of your sister.

    1. Rx Inc. does not want to provide a cure – no sustained income there.

      Get people to routinely fess up for the continued relief of the symptoms.

      Hard to beat a dependent as a client of your monopolistic offering.

    2. Thank you Dorothy. I regret having my kids vaccinated as I didn’t know any better back then as well. I don’t take any meds, not even for a headache.

      You’re right, people need to get off the meds and get healthy for what is coming. It takes awhile to wean off of any type of psyche meds and that is what is truly scarey.

  3. Deb, I am so sorry to hear about your sister Denise. I am heartfelt in her pain. I was on anti- depressants for years, “they” said that i was bipolar, but yet on meds i felt “crazier”. I think it is how they keep us dumb downed. One day listening to Alex Jones he was talking about how bad these drugs were, i started researching, and started to wean myself off. I went to jail, twice, bad episodes, they are addicting, but now I am free. I am so sorry your sister could not get off these drugs. I am dealing with my oldest daughter right now, not same scenario, but close, she is just not dealing with life real good, she wants to get on meds, and I am like NO!! so that is an ongoing battle. But again, I am so sorry that your sister ended her life, I also have a sister named Denise that I do not speak to. I have learned that life throws you a bunch of crap, deal with it and make lemonade or you will lose it! You Deb are a strong woman, you have a heart of gold. Again I am sorry for your sister Denise. If and when the SHTF, there will be alot of people without meds. That is why we should not be reliant on them. It will not be pretty!

    1. Deb,
      I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I can relate to the story of the trash bags directly, as I can sorta recall an arguement involving inlaws staying with me and the family and something about the cheapos versus the decent ones. I was also on antidepressants (as well as other b/s) for many years. My daughter was on many things, so many I don’t remember what stuff for what alleged reason. They also started their typical routines to get my son on stuff, too. After my wife died, I had had enough. I damn near flipped out. (some might say that I did)
      I got myself and my kids off of anything that wasn’t absolutely needed.
      My girl still takes one thing that we reduced the dosage on, to eventually get off of for good.

      Anyway, my point that I wanted to make was that it generally takes awhile for your body (and mind) to adjust to not taking this stuff.
      I’ve been clean of that stuff for more than a year. It wasn’t easy.

    2. Thanks Missy, and I’m sorry you had to go through that situation yourself. I can’t speak from experience, because I have never been on meds, and I can imagine how difficult it can be to get off of them, once you start taking them. I wasn’t extremely close with my sister, she lived down south and I live in the north. She lived a different life. I worry about the SHTF scenario all the time, and how people will react when they are coming down off of their meds. As I said, Mark mentioned on the Intelligence Report, that it can take a couple of years to clear the body, and people will go berserk, once there are no meds. That’s when you don’t want to be anywhere near society. Interesting times that I am not looking forward to.

      1. Deb, I agree, it will not be pretty when people are coming off the meds. It was extremely hard for me, and I was only on them for about 5 years. I have a friend who is on God knows what, she takes a pill for depression, she added abilify, she takes pain meds, sleeping meds, I think last time I talked to her she was on atleast 10 different pills. She says she wants to get off but is scared. People will be crazed, and looking for their fix. I worry about that also! I also worry for people like my Dad who has to take meds to stay alive, he is diabetic and has heart problems. They will all die really quick, sad.

  4. Dearest Deb, That is why we are in the Trenches, to fight against all evil, to win and succeed against all corruption in this country and in this world… We will win, no doubt, it is our destiny, bless you and all that stand with us…

  5. I,too, have been thinking about this after Henry and JD had brought it up. You’re not the only one with a family member who has experienced that kind of scenario to withdrawal with those kinds of drugs. I know the effects all too well. It will be like an entire insane asylum out in the open. Like a slightly different version of a zombie apocalypse. God help us all if that scenario happens.

  6. maybe what will really happen is that after a kind of shock period of fear,
    the people will fall into 2 groups.
    ones that been having there mind f#@ked with who suddenly see things clearly and get very angry.
    and ones that had physical problems who realise that eating proper food and drinking clean water actually FIXES the problem instead of just masking it.
    they will probably also get very angry.

    and then you get 200-250million VERY angry clear-headed people!!!!

    1. Imagine that! Then they direct that anger at the ones responsible for their anguish in the first place. 🙂

  7. May God bless you…and had I not married a man that showed me alternative healing methods, and had I not accepted my non-conformity…my folks used to beg me to let them take me to a psychiatrist because I was just so “different”…I’d have been on all kinds of drugs for life as well.

    But I do take imitrex for the migraines I get often, very cheaply though…I do wonder what will happen, what I will do, when the crap we all know if going to happen does happen. Put up with my headaches, I guess.

    Peace to you.

    1. Nutrition (poor) can be the cause of many physical & mental problems as well as (good) nutrition can be the solution.

      Minerals for example – very important!

      …I’ll spare you the personal story

      1. I’d like to believe that but the fact is these headaches always happen at certain times of the month related for the fact that the female hormone FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), which in menstruating females causes the follicle in the ovary to release the egg allowing for pregnancy, is STILL active in post menopausal women, until the day she dies. This is why I only get headaches during what would be the time of the month of menstruation and the time of the month for ovulation. In other words, every two weeks or so–exacerbated by changes in weather air pressure and phases of the moon (usually full and new moons). The only thing “better” nutrition does for me is to lessen the pain of these headaches. I really wish I could believe what you are saying, and, believe me, I’ve tried about 20 homeopathic medicine items that supposedly get rid of headaches or prevent them from happening, from Fever Few to Dong Quai to Black Cohosh to massage to chiropractic cures to vegan diet to prayer.

        I will say this though. When I’m not having headaches, at almost 62 years old, I am probably in better shape than some 40 year olds! Hard work and exercise, and the grace of God.

  8. Deb, I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I too have 2 sisters I am estranged with. But I’ve not talked to them in many years and I don’t even know if they are on any meds. My heart goes out to you.
    . . .

  9. Many and most gracious thoughts for everyone that has responded to this post this evening. I promise to take the time to respond to everyone tomorrow. I thank everyone for the kind words. Between digger and thinking of my sister, I really need some time. I hope you all understand. I’m just too torn to respond. Till tomorrow…

  10. Sorry to hear about your sister. Many people are taking lots of drugs. After all mind altering medication is… mind altering.

  11. “She was on “anti-depression” meds for many years, either her dosage was incorrect or she failed to take the pills.”



    0 ! ZERO !!!


    1. You’re absolutely correct, the dosage should have been zero. But once on them, you can’t go cold turkey and must wean off of them. That’s why no one should be subjected to some quack prescribing meds that they know are harmful to the mind and body. Let the doctors be the guinea pig and feel the side effect first hand I’d say.

      1. I agree. These doctors are wide open to retaliation in the form of being held down and these psyche meds being forced down their own throats.
        . . .

  12. check out the most shocking Psychiatric doc ever, wow.! plenty of meds for all to consume along with some disturbing surgical procedures. Throw in some Eugenics to boot. Pol Pot , Stalin, Hitler got some competition

  13. Aside from a few choice painkillers (taken in moderation…not abused), everything else is all pure poison, especially the ones that affect the serotonergic system in the brain. Anything for anxiety and depression acts on the serotonergic system, and they are damn near impossible to get off of without supplementing with a (low dose) pain killer, or some other kind of treatment. Depression is a symptom of some kind of grief. That grief needs to be talked out with someone, and there are natural supplements that can help deal with the mental pain. Anxiety is (many times) a symptom of a food allergy/bad diet, or an extremely stressful situation. Something is triggering the adrenaline to fire too heavily, and at the wrong time. For instance, caffeine is a huge trigger for anxiety/panic attacks. Again, there are natural supplements like Taurine or Glycine that can correct this.

    Big pharma meds and their made up “illnesses” are all a scam. The only ones, again, that are okay (in small does when needed) are pain meds. Sometimes, there literally is nothing that will work, especially if there’s a physical injury, and they’ve been around since the beginning of time. However, if you’re depressed, stay away from them, because you’re a prime candidate to become mentally addicted to them. These new drugs are experimental crap. The “anti-depressants” are just really horrible. I’m really very sorry to hear that this happened to you. Godspeed to you and your family.

  14. My mum was a doc in a VA hospital for a few decades,she worked there as a psychiatrist.Over the years it became apparent to her and others in the system that there was a huge overload of psych and other pain meds going on.Many in the the medical care system world wide are looking for alternitives where ever possible including finally the VA using acupuncture/meditation/Tai Chi and other more natural ways to help those in pain.Many are looking hard also at diet ect. for causes of mental health problems along with more natural substances to deal with these issues(no money for big pharm there!).My mum and many others where booted from the VA despite excellent peer and head of unit reviews as they were speaking up.I and she are glad to see some positive changes coming ,wish she was there to enjoy the benefits to her patients that she cared for so much.Change in negative but also positive coming to health care issues,keep up the fight for the positive.

    1. Thanks James. It all comes down to money for big pharma. Money should never be a factor when it comes to true health for people. Bless your mum for fighting the good fight!

      1. Thanks Deb,she was /is one of the good doctors when she opened her eyes and saw what was happening.I will say despite what news is recently most who work in the VA truly care for their patients,tis the bean counters ect. that are screwing up the system for the most part.Many who work/worked in the VA could have made a lot more money elsewhere but choose to be their to help vets and their families,hope all keep this in mind as more bad news seems to keep coming from the media about the VA,needs to be exposed and corrected but folks need to keep in mind the good many there try and do.

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