What Would YOU Tell a 22 Year Old About the New World Order?

question authority 2The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

This morning I received an email that got my attention from a 22 year old named Frank. Frank is trying to get his mind wrapped around the New World Order and what it means to his family and himself. He expressed a real sense of foreboding.

Getting an email of this type is not common as I usually hear from people who are over 40. Therefore, I think this is a real opportunity to reach out and touch this young person whose world is crumbling before his very eyes along with any future opportunities.  

I wrote Frank back a short response. I would like to follow up with a longer response based upon the best pieces of advice that I can solicit from the over 40 crowd. Please read Frank’s email and get back to me with what you would tell Frank and I will write to him again with a composite of the most salient suggestions on what a 22 year old can do in order to proactively participate in the fight.

On 3/17/2014 9:47 AM, Frank ____  wrote:

My name is Frank ___,

I read your article today, and I have been trying for the last couple of months to deny the conspiracy theories, but the more I ignore it, the more I see stuff, the more I get drawn back in.

I’m 22 years old, and a tad bit terrified, haha, to say the least of the world and where it’s headed.I’m scared for my family, Mr. Hodges.

My question is, should we be preparing for martial law? A revolution?

With  their technology, is it even worth it? I’d like to discuss these matters more, if that’s alright with you. I’ve never heard of you before, but you are a brother to the human race, who is trying to make a difference, all the more reason to trust you. Thanks. Frank

My Response

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your note. We need the young people to develop an awareness of what is going on in the world, so they can  work towards a solution. After  all, it is your world that is being destroyed.

Make no mistake about it, the NWO means you harm. To do nothing is to give in! Turn your fear into action!

The destruction of your world has been planned for a long time. See the book cover below of HG Wells and his prophecies for the NWO. They are frighteningly accurate.

new world order hg wells

Getting your guns, ammo, food, water and developing neighborhood alliances are all essential. If you can move out of the city, even better.

The NWO technology is daunting, as you pointed out, so we will need help from the military. Here is where you come in, Frank. You need to wake up every  20 something year-old to what you know. We are getting to fight a war and I believe there is going to be a draft. Your generation will be used by the bankers to fatten their wallets while young people like you are slaughtered by the millions.  I do not want to frighten you, but time is of the essence and I suspect that you know this, or you would not have contacted  me.

Start with things that you know are a person’s hot buttons. Show them how they are being impacted by the NWO. For every 20 people you speak with, you will probably reach one, maybe two. Be prepared that some will make fun of you. Some will not want anything to do with you. You have to be prepared to deal with this.

question authority

In your efforts to wake up other young people. Get them to subscribe to twitter feeds, most activists have them, because this is the communication tool of most 20 something year-olds. But, then again, you already knew that!

Go lightly in your presentation, and get them to read some of the columnists that you trust and that are easy reads that make it simple to understand the issues.

Chances are, your family will be the last ones to believe you.

Stay away from political parties because they are all compromised as are most churches, especially the tax exempt churches.

Once you have that one person convinced as to the dangers we all face, let them know they have a responsibility to do the same as you are in waking people up to the dangers that we face.

You asked about a civil war or revolution. It could happen. However, the military is hesitant to act because if they do not feel they have the support of the people, they will not act.  No civil war can succeed without the people.

The more you convince people, the more likely the military is to help us and offset the technological advantage of the NWO.

I think it is better to die on your feet than bent over on your knees. This is something that we have control over. And if we wake up enough people, it may not come down to that.

Above all else, get right with Jesus. God can work miracles if we are of the right spirit. We are falling far short on that point at the present moment.

If I can assist you in your journey towards liberty, do not hesitate to contact me again. I am certain that we will communicate with each other in the near future.

Until then….

God Bless,

Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show


5 thoughts on “What Would YOU Tell a 22 Year Old About the New World Order?

  1. “…..a brother to the human race, who is trying to make a difference, all the more reason to trust you.”

    No. Not a reason to trust anyone, and in fact, it’s a reason to be suspicious of them, because the overwhelming majority of people who appear to be “trying to make a difference” are actually trying to lead the sheep to slaughter.

    The first thing you should tell someone is that they should trust no one, because this “truth movement” is chock-full of spies and propagandists who work for the enemy, and are constantly leading people astray, or distracting them with non-sense.

    Remember: we’re here because we didn’t fall for the mainstream media lies and propaganda. We’re the segment of the population that need the most “work”, and they’ve recruited and hired thousands to flood the alternative media with lies.

    Forget the Alex Jones (and Dave Hodges) rhetoric about “The New World Order”, the “Illuminati”, and other religious-sounding, nebulous groups and ideas and tell them the truth instead.

    Our enemies have names: Rothschild, Schiff, Oppenheimer, Warburg, Kuhn, Loeb, Rockefeller, etc, and they have documented histories, actions and quotes that prove their motives without question.

    They’ve seized control of our nation by controlling the information available to Americans, and our banking system. Don’t give people abstract ideas or theories. Give them scientific facts and historic documents. Show them proof instead of fairy tales. Supply a credible argument based on undeniable fact rather than ghost stories about shadowy occult practices.

    And most of all, tell them “DON’T FOLLOW LEADERS” Be an informed individual by educating yourself. Tell them to listen to the 1961 Benjamin Freedman Speech at the NY hotel (whose name escapes me now — Marriott?)

    I haven’t heard anyone on RBN, or GCN,that was willing to tell the whole truth, and half of the truth is just another lie. Their lies of omission may seem insignificant now, but how many of you have heard the audio file of Alex Jones trying to stir up violence on Y2K by acting like a madman and reporting that violence was already breaking out all over the country when in fact, nothing at all was happening? (I’m going to try to find that audio file and send it to Henry)

    He’s been an enemy of the truth and the people for a very long time, but by telling SOME truth he’ll gather enough of a following to neutralize a lot of people who would otherwise be helpful to our side. He’s already proven that when the time comes, he’ll be leading a lot of people to their doom, and hurting our efforts, and there are a hundred more Alex Joneses out there.

  2. Show them the video of the WTC7 collapse, and then the segment from the PBS special “America Rebuilds” which contains Larry Silverstein’s admission that it was a controlled demolition.

    You don’t have to prove anything when they hear it out of his mouth. It wakes people up instantly, and remember; The most important lesson we learned from 9-11 is that every newspaper, every TV and radio station, every publisher, and even the colleges and universities CAN ALL COLLABORATE TO TELL THE SAME LIE.

    That’s the crucial thing to know about 9-11; How ALL sources of information handled the event, in defiance of all scientific knowledge and obvious proof.

  3. I agree, 9/11 is the only litmus test you need to see where someones loyalty is.

    On a side note, just look at Obamas symbol up there. It is “the rising sun in the east”; “the dawn of a new day” . This is secret society/communist symbolism.
    In the new “V” series in 2009, the visitors were handing out flyers that had “the dawn of a new day” on the first page. All these groups and communists and Nazis are all branches of the same puppet masters seeking total domination. They don’t care about bloodshed anywhere as long as they get what they want. We need more good guys to understand what has been going on.

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