Who’ll fix this?

Are you tired of brutal cops, corrupt courts, profitable prisons, rigged elections, lost freedom, a criminal government, invasive surveillance, poisonous medicine, chemtrail warfare, the crashing economy, dissolved borders, the resulting crime wave, the attack on our culture, worthless money, the theft of our nation, a congress of perverts, endless wars, and the mail being late?

Do you really think any political candidate can fix all that, any of that, or even wants to? Or is it more likely that every candidate is only another crook trying to get his hand in the cookie jar?  

How many more times will you run to the polls like a trained dog, holding onto the misguided hope that some politician might actually be interested in saving this country, or representing you? How much proof do you need that it’s not the case?

They’re good actors, but they’re really only competing for the profit to be made by selling your nation out from beneath your feet, and facilitating your demise. And they’re only allowed into the game after they swear to their corporate masters that they’ll help neuter the strength of the American people, so their country can be stolen from them.

You’re desperately holding onto the hope that it isn’t true, you’re afraid to know that it is true, and your hopes rest in ridiculous pipe dreams of a criminal politician, or a gang of them, somehow fixing the mess our country has become. And what makes this silly pipe dream so readily believed is that your involvement is limited to flipping a lever in a voting booth, and running back to the television for more mindless entertainment.

And to all the willing dupes who think Donald Trump is the knight in shining armor that’s going to save America and allow them to ignore politics for another four years, I have a patriotic duty to tell you that you’re falling for the same stupid trick that’s played on you before every election. You’re perfectly aware that it’s a sham, but you’ll be happy with any proposed solution that will allow you to continue staring into the television like a mindless dolt, feeling as if you’ve “done your part” by showing up at the polling place to lend legitimacy to a fraudulent election process.

I also have a moral obligation to warn you that we’ve reached a dangerous turning point in our nation’s history, where you avoid politics at your own peril. Ignorance means death in a world at war, and since you’ve been distracted from all that’s important for most of your life, it behooves you to at least keep your eyes open from here on in, and stop believing everything you’re told.

Investigate all your sources of information, and everything that’s influenced your thought. What you’ll find is a common political agenda shared by all the people who’ve dictated what you’re allowed to know, and what you’re not supposed to know, and that these people were never working to inform you, but rather to deceive you. This comprehensive control of all the information available to Americans is what allowed the wealth of our nation, and our priceless freedom to be stolen from us, but Americans across the country are embarking on a renaissance of reeducation, and the hidden truth of our history and political system is now becoming widely known.

As it happens, we’re on the edge of a world war, which is escalating as I type, involving China, Russia, or both and possibly more, while our southern border has been dissolved by an act of treason. Every criminal from Mexico and South America is now roaming our country, and they’re being repeatedly released from prison here after committing several violent crimes.

And while we’re surrounded by these threats, the criminal enterprise we commonly refer to as “government”, works tirelessly to disarm the population with endless new regulations, illegal executive orders, deceitful propaganda, to the extent that their desire to see us all slaughtered is blatantly obvious.

I’ve never seen an uglier picture of betrayal painted anywhere, but what’s more important to see is that our future, if we’re to have one, rests in our own hands, and we’ll get no outside help. It’s the whole world against the American people, and no one in America will escape it.

Eventually the American people will win, but how quickly that happens, and how much suffering we endure before that time, depends entirely on our level of preparedness. Your willingness to fight isn’t an issue. The fight’s coming to you, and you’ll have no choice in the matter. And you’ll win this war if you want to, but that won’t happen if you’re caught unprepared. And it’s not just a matter of preparing yourself, either. You’ll also have to involve your neighbors, because you won’t fare very well alone.

It is imperative that every community in America forms a civil defense organization immediately, because our “government” has proven themselves to be corrupt and incompetent, and we face a high probability of being assaulted militarily by several different possible attackers, or any combination of them. You’ll need to be well-armed, of course, but a little training and organization would go far toward improving both your effectiveness, and survival probabilities.

We’re on the brink of being taken down as a nation, and all Americans must prepare to defend their homes, their families, and this nation from foreign invaders, criminal gangs, drug cartels, and possibly even rogue elements of our own military. You’re living through the collapse of an empire, and anything is possible.

Our only chance of survival as a nation or as individuals depends on Americans, standing up for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and doing what needs to be done to preserve it. The preservation and restoration of our founding documents is the only goal we can all share and agree on, understand the importance of, and work toward without being lost and deceived by anyone’s new ideology, or tyrannical schemes. You can argue about politics later. For now, we have to concern ourselves with the survival of our nation, because there’s a lot that threatens it. When we win, we’ll have the wealth of our great nation back in our hands, and we’ll live in freedom once again.   — Jolly Roger.

“Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground, is superior to any slavish mercenary on Earth.”  — George Washington

20 thoughts on “Who’ll fix this?

  1. The only thing these people understand is money. So you have to resist and pull out from their system as much as you possibly can and avoid paying taxes to fund the meat plow.
    By trying to grow your own food.
    Getting a reliable water source by rain catching or well or being by a river or creek/stream . You gotta have water or you will die period.

    You need to starve the beast…of its food source which is your soul energy and money.
    Become as independent from the system as possible and prepare to lose your creature comforts for freedom!

    Otherwise stock up with ammo and prepare for battle.

  2. Abortion (The sucking out of a babies brains before the baby exist the mothers womb – and the commerce of baby parts), pornography ( In nearly every home in America via Internet, Home Movies, and TV), Immodesty in dress ( Women dress themselves and their daughters like sluts in the most shameful dress – but American has no more shame), contraception (subtle abortion and license for sex), drugs ( 45 million Americans on “feel good” drugs, not counting the illegal drugs, greed, etc. etc.

    Yes America, you are way too late to do anything, you let the cat out of the bag, a long time ago, America has lost it’s moral compass and will now pay the price for its sins, big time.

    Mikhail Gorbechev, prior to his stepping down as leader of Russia gave a speech to the Russian Duma in which he told them we are going to initiate a world wide peace initiative, all for the consumption of the West to lull them to sleep while we prepare for world communism. Then he told them that Russia, with its agents, had adopted Gramski’s method of defeating America and the West. Gramski, wrote that in order to defeat the West, Europe and America, one must take “God” out of their culture and society; from the above and looking at today, it is plain that they have succeeded. Then Gramski, wrote, then America and Europe will be primed for civil war and revolution and we will march in on their ruins.

    How effective they, our enemies have been.

    Many Catholic mytics, saints, stigmatics visionaries, in fact over 100 of them have warned: God is going to let our enemies punish us severely, and when His justice has been appeased, when over 75% of the world is dead, then, and only then, God will intervene and turn the tide. Both the Western World and the Catholic Church, up to the Pope, will be severely punished for their apostasy, for their abandonment of near 2000 years of true faith and doctrine for the creation of a new god, a god made of our own passions, desires and lusts, a modern god, the worship of man.

    Get ready, for what is coming is beyond most peoples imagination it will be so horrible.

    1. “Then Gramski, wrote, then America and Europe will be primed for civil war and revolution and we will march in on their ruins.”

      All I have to say about that is that it will be hard for Russia or any country to just “march in on their ruins” when we have over 600 million guns and counting running around in this country and with our gun salesman of the year (Barry) doing such a great job and breaking records, I don’t see that slowing down any time soon, either.

      Let’s see…. 600 million guns against at most 1 million Russian soldiers, if that. Hmm…..I’m not good at math, but I can tell it would be no contest. They’d have to have our foreign government in occupation nuke a couple of cities before coming in and that’s what I’d be afraid of.

  3. J.R., you hit the nail on the head. I’m afraid your attempts, at this point, to convince mindless sheeples of the peril before them is for naught. Maybe half way down, after they’ve jumped off the cliff, you may be able to get through. In the meantime, I commend your efforts.

  4. Good one JR, makes a great hand out, I’ll look to the positive side in people, one more time with this one.

  5. Thank you, Jolly Roger. Well said. My only hope is if even ONE person reads and comprehends what you’re writing and decides apathy is unacceptable, it would have been worth your effort to save this Republic. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  6. If I were asleep and unaware of what’s going on, this part of your article would wake me up and very fast.
    Every criminal from Mexico and South America is now roaming our country, and they’re being repeatedly released from prison here after committing several violent crimes.
    And while we’re surrounded by these threats, the criminal enterprise we commonly refer to as “government”, works tirelessly to disarm the population with endless new regulations, illegal executive orders, deceitful propaganda, to the extent that their desire to see us all slaughtered is blatantly obvious.
    Would imagine most people have heard of these illegals committing crimes.
    Put two and two together, and some lights should start coming on upstairs.

  7. “to the extent that their desire to see us all slaughtered is blatantly obvious.”
    This is what it is all about, it has happened many times before in history, rome, soviet union, cambodia, china, korea, turkey, etc. etc. etc. Wake up, don,t stand in front of the ditch that they intend to bury you in, if it has to be, take them into the ditch with you. The “train of abuses” makes the end point obvious…that is exactly why the right to keep and bear arms was stated and forced into the Constitution document. Self defense is a natural right. Change the countenance (Shakespeare) and prepare to defend yourself.

  8. Thanks JR….I’ve become hoarse telling people I know, for the last 20+ years. It’s reassuring there are awake people among us. Will it be enough when the SHTF??? We’ll see. At least, in the meantime, I have confirmation that I’m not incurably insane… 😛

    Long Live The Republic

  9. The problem here JR is that the people here are here because they are already awake so you are preaching to the choir. I try to enlighten people and get called a “conspiracy nut” or worse. I realized that the elections were nothing but dog and pony shows after seeing what happened to Ron Paul in Florida and that maybe even HE was in on the scam. It was a hard blow to me. I won’t be voting ever again. No point. The presidents are appointed at Bilderberg no doubt. Anyway, all I know to do is keep plugging away and hope that at least ONE person I try to reach wakes up and carries the torch.

    1. Yes, Sharon, I know it sounds like I’m ALWAYS preaching to the choir, because I don’t report news. I try to help people on our side make better arguments, and give them literature that they can pass on to the unawakened. (e-mail the link)

      Even people who seem like they’ll never accept the truth have to be repeatedly exposed to what we know. They’re registering it subconsciously, and when circumstances or an epiphany force them to confront the truth, they’ll have a decent knowledge base to support it.

      Today they’re excluding the truth from their consciousness due to the fear of their orderly, and well-planned lives being disturbed (“cognitive dissonance”), but when they no longer have the luxury and comfort level they’re now enjoying, they’ll start waking up real quick, and they’ll need some info to orient themselves to their new reality.

      This article may seem a little drastic or overly dramatic to the TV-brainwashed today, but it gives them a solution they’ll be looking for when they do wake up.

      The deprogramming effort (educating people, or “waking people up”) seems futile because you’re confronted (shut down) by their fear rather than capturing their attention, as you would expect important information to do, but they do wake up and realize we’re right after they get the same information confirmed by various sources.

      It’s a mistake to hound the same person or group of them with the truth, because they’ll avoid you, to avoid being disturbed by it, but when they get a suggestion of it from many different sources they start to feel as if they’re being left out of something, and they become inquisitive.

      Mention the truth to everyone, and stop at an occasional mention unless they ask for more. Make normal conversation most of the time, or they’ll classify you as a conspiracy nut and ignore you, just as they’ve been programmed to do.

      12 years ago people screamed at me and threatened me for claiming that our own government was involved in the 9-11 attacks, but today it’s common knowledge, even among school children.

      There’s plenty of proof, and hard numbers that prove our efforts are successful. We’ve been making a lot of progress, and now we’re winning, but we have to keep at it. The criminal cartel that masquerades as “our government” only holds power by deception. Expose the lies, and they become irrelevant. (as is already happening).

      1. Thanks JR for the reply. Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in a world full of stupidity. Yesterday I asked my hubby the question “If by some magic everyone in the US suddenly were taken out of the matrix and woke up to the truth around them, how many of them would commit suicide because they couldn’t deal with the new reality?” I think about stuff like that a lot. This country is too spoiled and complacent and it makes me feel SO tired. Thanks for the “rant” or I should say “pep talk.” I need it sometimes.

  10. I’m glad people liked the article. Thanks for reading it, and thanks for your support. I do appreciate it.

  11. TY for another great and timely article by JR. You always nail it.

    For you fellow Patriot folks who have essentially given up on awakening the sheeple – let me assure you of this: the number of who said anytime in the past 15 years: “I used to think the zionists and goy collaborators were actually the evil ones – Now I think they are truly wonderful” is precisely: ZERO. ZERO.

    The number of people who woke up in the past 15 years to finally realize, forever, that “the zionists and goy collaborators ARE the enemy, control every facet of our life, and need to be exterminated” is: MILLIONS. TENS of MILLIONS of us in the USA.

    Why? Because we were awakened – and then awakened others, geometrically. Here is the 1 thing the enemy wishes it had NEVER rolled out: the internet, our cencomm. The 1st stage of any revolution is the one we are in now: the information stage. And we are kicking the enemy in the teeth with each person we wake up. Who wakes up, and then remains silent? Practically no one.

    You can ask sheeple students this: “do you actually believe JFK was killed by Oswald” No one but an ignorant fool believes this. Then tell the sheeple: “OK, so you admit that the zionist controlled MSM has been lying to you for over 50 years – right? OK. Would you trust your spouse if they had been LYING to you for 50 years? Of course not.”

    Then start by awakening them to what is incontestably obvious: the [enemy] u.s. government worldwide chemtrail poisoning program, going on right over their [sheeple] head. Have them go to aircrap . org or any of dozens of sites about the chemtrail op [and NOT the zog disinfo site called wikipedia].

    Once the sheeple realize that their own government is POISONING them and their families 27/7/365, then tell them: “what would you do if someone was spraying poison in front of you and your family with a sprayer? Well your criminal, homicidal NWO government is, and has been for over 15 years, doing exactly that.”

    You must be prepared to answer cognitive dissonance questions like: “Then why would they poison themselves? Those are contrails!” [have not existed since turbofan technology came out and eradicated contrails]. Explain how chemtrails linger and spread out [thanks to the HAARP installations] and become faux ‘cirrus’ clouds of: poison. Point out the depopulation agenda and the Georgia guidestones where the NWO freely said 35 YEARS ago, carved in granite, [a la Stonehedge] in 1980, that they intend to kill all but 1/2 billion people [or kill 13 out of 14 people]. Become an expert in chemtrails – and then tell EVERYONE.

    Once they realize and accept the chemtrail mass poisoning program, they quickly wake up to the irrefutable fact that the ZOG is our mortal enemy. Then the student sheeple become like all of us: the awakened, and begin to pay attention. And then THEY tell others.

    Not one person woke up today to say: “I used to think there were actual chemtrails and the government was poisoning and my family – now I realize I was wrong – those are just contrails.” NO ONE said that.

    Once you have cracked the wall of denial, the dam of cognitive dissonance begins to crumble. Then move into the “shooting” [a/k/a nwo dream of disarmament] hoaxes, like sandy hook. Show them the multiple youtube vids about that ludicrous, and quite impossible HOAX . As impossible as the 52 year old Oswald fairy tale. Tell the student sheeple what a troll is – a hired cia/mossad disinfo traitor.

    You cannot un-ring the truth bell, once it has been heard. Spread the truth, as JR and we are doing. Never give in. You cannot have enough ammo and water, and med supplies, and friends in your group. Prepare for total war, as it IS coming in the form of a secession and/or revolution.

  12. My friend is a pro boxer, who until several months ago, was a BIG Bush fan, thought 9/11 was Islamic terrorists, there really was a ‘war on terror’, and killing 4 million people in the Middle East was a ‘good thing, if it kept ”one guy’s finger off the (nuke missile) ‘trigger’ ”.

    He now knows the WHOLE fraud.

    He asked me tonight what I thought the trigger would be for the revolution, and I said I doubted it would be from those of us ‘aware’. We’re mostly TOO responsible, have jobs, lives, families, responsibilities, to simply ‘walk away’.

    I told him I thought the trigger would be when those who live off the government handouts suddenly saw that dry up – much like the panic when EBT cards crashed a year or so ago.

    And that was for what? 24 hours? That’s ALL the time it took to start getting ugly.

    So when people with nothing, no real homes, no hope, no jobs, no responsibilities, see the Gravy Train dry up, I think that will be the spark….

    And then those like us – like those here – who see and know the truth, we’ll be the ones required to step into the breech when the military begins firing on US civilians – and fire they will, don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. ALL Obama has to do is point and say “bad guy” or “terrorist”, and they’ll open fire.

    And if you ask ANY current-serving military guy who did 9/11, they’ll STILL tell you “Islamic terrorists”. Scary.

    Scary stuff when people with access to terrible weapons can still be made to believe a lie that has been hundreds of times over proven a lie, to go kill people in another country – and soon, ours – because a maniac tells them to.

    “I was just followin’ orders”.

    1. And tptb are working overtime to make sure there are lots more of the people you just described. They WANT people to start a revolution so that they will have an excuse to put in martial law. But, there are just so many with those pesky guns out there.

  13. JR, you’re writings are nothing but masterpieces, dude. If I ever ran for president, I’d hire you as my speechwriter. This needs to be printed out and spoken to crowds and public places everywhere to stir up the masses. However, with the amount of sheeple out there that are glued to their cellphone screens, it may be hard to do.

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