Why You Should NOT Vote For Ted Cruz In 2016

Was thrilled that Luke Rudowski stated at the end of the vid- “Vote for nobody in 2016” People seem to be getting it.

Published on Mar 26, 2015 by WeAreChange

12 thoughts on “Why You Should NOT Vote For Ted Cruz In 2016

  1. Hahahahaha funny as hell to hear a shill like Luke Ridowski, alex jones’ littel pet scumbag coming out against a candidate that alex has been pushing. I bet he’ll get a phone call from his handlers now.

    1. Don’t think Luke is sidled up next to AJ, believe he’s seen the light, amen!!!
      Like others, they woke up even to AJ. Luke says”Vote for nobody in 2016.”
      I’d say he’s on the right side.

        1. Hey Spike, love the t-shirt. It’s hanging on the wall of Ryan (formerly Nottoobitter) and I’s living room wall in Sweet Home, OR.

          I finally left that sh#thole commie state of CA a couple months ago.

          NEVER going back.

  2. I decided to stop playing the “voting” game when the RNC announced that Romney had won the nomination against Ron Paul BEFORE anyone had voted. RIGGED!

  3. Voting exists ONLY to pacify the masses and coerce them into believing they have some modicum of choice and control. As George Carlin once told us: ” You have no choice, THEY own YOU”. To me, voting is nothing more than an exercise in psycho-emotional masturbation which is inherently futile and results in delusion . . .

    1. If voting changed anything or was actually the public’s voice, and if voting really worked.. they would pass a law against it

  4. I side with Mr. Timmons on this one — Luke Rodowski is a Zionist shill.

    And Ted Cruz was not born in the USA.

  5. Why you should not vote for Ted Cruz?

    Other than the fact that it is all rigged and that voting for anybody is a joke, Ted Cruz was born in CANADA (thus disqualifying him from being a presidential candidate, but of course, that doesn’t stop the elite from breaking the Constitution, yet again and putting him on there) and he stated at a conference a few months ago that anyone who doesn’t side with Zionist Jews is Un-American!!!

    I mean come on, the guy ought to be hung for treason along with the rest of him! He’s another John McCain in that he was born in another country and is all for the Zionists.

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