WIRED now totally admits what the entire media called ‘loony conspiracy theories’ just five years ago

NSANatural News – by Jonathan Benson

Remember when it was considered the subject matter of tin foil hat-wearers to surmise that everything we do, say, or search for online is being tracked by covert government agencies acting in blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution? Well, now it’s become common knowledge that we live in this exact, illicit surveillance society, as is now openly admitted by popular media sites such as WIRED.  

A recent piece by the site’s Bruce Schneier lifts a veil on the mass surveillance activities taking place by the likes of the National Security Agency (NSA), whose cover was blown by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013, and subsequently by several others. Initially, it was thought that such technological capacity only existed in sci-fi films, and that surely government agencies don’t have the time or resources to collect information on, well, everyone.

But now it turns out that this premise is actually a reality — the military-industrial complex, in the name of “national security” and the faux “war on terror” is actively collecting what Schneier explains is a treasure trove of metadata on practically every American. And it is doing so without consent or constitutional approval, with seemingly no recourse for those who would choose, if they could, to opt-out.

“We may not like to admit it, but we are under mass surveillance,” writes Schneier for WIRED, dispelling all accusations that government spying is some kind of loony conspiracy theory.

NSA and other treasonous organizations surveil Americans to maintain military dictatorship, not to protect “national security”

In his eye-opening report, Schneier highlights the difference between data, or more precisely the content of a person’s conversations and emails, and metadata, which he dubs the context of a person’s entire life. By simply analyzing who you call regularly rather than what you’re actually saying during a call, for example, agencies like the NSA are able to compile what they believe to be an accurate profile of what you’re doing and thinking.

Based on this information, the powers that be believe they’re entitled to make decisions about your “threat” level — not in terms of a real threat to freedom or liberty, of course, but a threat to the establishment that’s fighting wars, destroying economies, and controlling the world, in essence, in the construction of a centralized world order.

It’s all about power and control, in other words, and the cohort of metadata that can be gathered through internet search histories, mobile phone calls, and other sinister tracking protocols is the direct means to this end. Your privacy isn’t a concern in any of this, and the corporations involved in making these data mining activities a reality are oftentimes just accessories to treason.

Because in truth, the activities of agencies like the NSA are what really constitute terrorism, not the everyday movements, thoughts, and communications of a supposedly “free” people. Data mining and spying by the government are both patently criminal activities, and no amount of “national security” propaganda will ever change that fact. And yet these practices continue because most people aren’t willing to stop them.

“Metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody’s life,” admitted NSA General Counsel and traitor Stewart Baker about what our infiltrated government apparatus is up to when it comes to tracking the population. “If you have enough metadata you don’t really need content. We kill people based on metadata.”

In the words of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF):

“The U.S. government … has engaged in massive, illegal dragnet surveillance of the domestic communications and communications records of millions of ordinary Americans since at least 2001.”





Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049415_privacy_surveillance_Edward_Snowden.html#ixzz3XwQ6lxab

2 thoughts on “WIRED now totally admits what the entire media called ‘loony conspiracy theories’ just five years ago

  1. “WIRED” and “Natural News” are part of the Zionist propaganda machine, or at least have buckled under Zionist editorial pressure to hold onto their advertising revenue. I’d be curious to know who owns them.

    Here they’re pushing the Snowden “all seeing eye” myth that attempts to silence dissent. Snowden is STILL working for the NSA, and his new assignment is to make Americans afraid to discuss real politics. (not “election” politics)

    They’re announcing here that “this is now a military dictatorship”, so you had better watch what you say, because they can hear (read) every word of it.

    1. Good call.

      Whether true or not, I haven’t changed a single thing I do nor say online – or in public.

      ~ Occams

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