A Drone’s View From 3 Miles Up

Published on Nov 5, 2013 by Ken Jorgustin

DARPA’s Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (ARGUS) has 1.8 billion pixels (1.8 gigapixels), making it the world’ highest resolution camera. The sensors on the camera are so precise, PBS stated it is the equivalent to having one hundred predator drones looking at an area the size of a medium sized city – all at once…

In this video segment from PBS, contractor “Yiannis Antonaides” said “It is important for the public to know that some of these capabilities exist.”

PBS.org video, “Rise of the Drones”

From 17,500 feet (more than 3 miles up), ARGUS can “see” and record EVERYTHING roughly within an area equal to 15 square miles. EVERYTHING in that ‘window’ is being automatically tracked. The system stores up to 1 million terabytes a day which can be accessed at any time later to discover what happened in any area, anytime after the fact.

“You can go back and say ‘I would like to know what happened at this particular location three days, two hours, four minutes ago’ and it would actually show you what happened as if you were watching it live,”

We are moving towards an increasingly electronic society where all of our movements are going to be tracked and recorded.

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