Bloomberg’s NYC Government Fining Gift Shop Owner $60,000 For Selling Tiny, Gun Shaped Lighters

02.1n010.ToyGuns--300x300Guns Save Lives

The owner of a gift shop in New York City might be ran out of business by the vehemently anti gun government of Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The shop owner was apparently unaware of the ridiculous NYC law which makes the selling of toy guns, even tiny novelty gun shaped cigarette lighters, a serious crime, punishable by massive fines that easily put small business owners out of business.  

Fred Shayes, the owner of US Camera & Computer Inc. near Penn Station was hit with a $60,000 fine for selling tiny novelty lighters. Shayes immediately removed the items and even showed documentation that he was in compliance, but that didn’t matter.

The issue is that the lighters were silver and black. Even though they had an orange tip they don’t meet the city’s requirements that the entire gun must be a bright color, you know, like the Liberator, a REAL gun.

Defense Distributed Liberator pistol

The city has a formal policy of wanting to remove any sort of toy gun from the American Culture. According to a NYC government document,

“Fake guns that look like real ones are illegal and can easily be mistaken for the real thing, possibly leading to dangerous or even fatal consequences,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “Anyone thinking of selling fake guns should take this as a clear warning: it’s time to get rid of these dangerous toys. If you attempt to sell illegal fake guns, our Administration will come after you, and use whatever resources we have under the law to punish you. While we aggressively work to prevent sales, it is also imperative parents think twice about buying them. We are working hard to make sure these fake guns stay out of kids’ hands.”

This isn’t the first time the anti gun city government has flexed its muscles on the issue. According to the NY Post,

Over the past seven years, city officials have seized more than 7,200 illegal toy guns from stores and levied $2.4 million in fines, officials said.

Retailer Party City paid a record $500,000 in fines for 800 violations of the city’s toy-gun law.

It’s obvious what Bloomberg’s long term plan is. He wants to create such a stigma around guns, even toy ones, that eventually future generations will be so afraid of firearms that the portion of the American public supporting gun rights will simple resolve. Maybe that will work in NYC Mr. Mayor, but don’t forget we are a large, diverse, FREE country.

11 thoughts on “Bloomberg’s NYC Government Fining Gift Shop Owner $60,000 For Selling Tiny, Gun Shaped Lighters

  1. It sounds to me like Bloomberg is striving to be the first one to get himself hanged from a tree.

    1. I believe tar and feathering is the proper treatment.

      I’ll have to check Emily Post and see if she has a chapter on traiters, scoundrels, and politicians.

  2. Sue Bloomberg. This isn’t any different then the targeting of conservatives by the IRS and other government agencies. It’s intimidation and threats to a business. It’s also conditioning and indoctrination. The school children are all being subjected to it as well. All of the targets should be filing a lawsuit.
    Meantime you might want to consider moving out of the big cities. We can take them back after the fall of the NWO.
    Peace, Love and Molon Labe

  3. Oh I see, so it’s not just the guns that he wants, it’s all images, representations and even effigies of a gun he wants banned. This worm filled sack of maggot dung is out of his lunatic Khazar mind. How ridiculous, a lighter. FFS!

  4. Sheople never learn, they gave this guy a second term and they will elect another of the same ilk.

  5. Totalitarianism, and it is now near-total control, is just plain stupid. It will not make allowances for common sense. It does make exceptions so those with connections can break the rules but show some common sense? Not a chance.

  6. Someone needs to take out Pee-Wee’s little Pee-Wee and show the people that he has no balls.

    As I have stated in the Seagal article on here, Seagal (even though he’s an asshole), put it best as the character Mason Storm in the movie, “Hard To Kill” when he shot at Senator Trent saying:

    “I missed! I never miss! They must have been smaller than I thought!”

  7. I swear, it’s getting to the point that almost not a day goes by that this POS Zionist tub of rancid lard doesn’t come up with somethiing even more insane than the previous lunatic inspiration.

    Whatever malady it is that he’s contracted, I’m absolutely certain that it can only cured by a rope.

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