California Puts Nail in Coffin

GIPLRD9B.4Senior PhotojournalistAmerican and Proud – by Robert

California is run by Cal State Berkley radical liberals. They are creating a liberal utopia here. It’s been done several time throughout history and NOT ONCE did it end well. BUT here’s the catch: The other nations that fell into chaos,war,genocide didn’t have a mother nation. California has YOU, you being the rest of the nation as it’s fallback. YOU will be responsible for saving California when it fails, YOU will be responsible for the refugees who storm the borders of AZ and NV. Sorry folks, I did my best….  

California lawmakers approve measure to allow driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants

In the waning hours of the 2013 legislative session, the Assembly on Thursday sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill allowing undocumented immigrants to receive driver’s licenses.

The surprise 55-19 vote moved California a signature away from putting into law a measure that immigrant advocates have sought fruitlessly for years, with past attempts thwarted by legislative vote and gubernatorial veto.

That’s not all folks, California is also raising the minimum wage to 10 bucks, they are banning semi-automatic weapons and increasing taxes on business’s again.. All through a MAJORITY DEMOCRAT state assembly. With Moonbeam Brown at the helm… Whoo Hoo Bankruptcy and anarchy here we come.. Oh wait, there’s more.. We are also letting “Non-Violent” criminals out of prison because we can’t afford to house them. Non-violent being a very subjective term… A couple rapists have been and/or are scheduled to be released very soon. Doesn’t that make you happy? It does me…

I’m happy to vote yes for EVERY liberal pushed bill or proposition now. I want the demise to hasten. I want this state to collapse as soon as possible. I want it to look like Detroit within the next 2 to 3 years. Sometimes you must show and tell IDIOTS the truth. The liberal cockroaches who infest this state have accomplished greatness. Huge debt’s, Corruption, Crime rates, Moral collapse, Economic disaster to name a few… Now, we will add illegal immigrants who can’t speak or read english to the roads, give them ID’s so they may travel freely to do their hard work..

I see an increase in child/women sex trafficking, drugs, gangs, cartel growth here and all legal now… Whoo Hoo… Lets go anarchy! Get er done!

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3 thoughts on “California Puts Nail in Coffin

  1. For a minute there I thought I was reading something #1 had written. haha I feel the same as the author of this. I can’t wait for the commies in California to see the error of their ways. The world for that matter! But. I do sometimes think that it could be bad for us good folks here just across the border with Callie, in AZ. with all of the refugee escaping. Good thing they would have to cross the Mojave desert first to get here.

    1. You know, after re-reading it, you’re right Smilardog. The use of the capitalization of key words, as well as the blatant sarcasm, is very much my style.

      However, when one reaches the part about voting, that’s a dead giveaway it’s not me.

      I would never do any such thing.

  2. I feel snubbed…….. what about all the refugees flooding into Oregon? Oh, I forgot. We’ve slipped from #8 on the Freedom Index to #28, with a 16-point drop last year alone. With our legislators, we could be vying with California for the 49th place soon. That’s one way to keep the refugees out — make your state as bad as where the refugees are fleeing.

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