Chemtrails Killing Organic Crops, Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Thrive

organic-chem-300x300Health Freedom Alliance – by Alice

Organic farmers and our food supply have a huge environmental hazard to contend with compliments of the U.S. government – chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in programs directed by various government officials. These sprays pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants. But wait – Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer.  

Monsanto’s GMO seeds are specially designed to grow in the high presence of aluminum. Aluminum is the chemical found in chemtrails. If this poisoning continues, true organic farming may become impossible in the not so distant future. When aluminum pollutes soil and water it kills crops. It collects in people and causes diseases!


Chemtrail cocktail

Geo-engineering food companies such as Monsanto use the governments claim of slowing down global warming through chemtrails to justify the need for the GMO seeds. The problem with chemtrails is that what goes up, must come down. These chemicals are seriously polluting our waterways and soil while seeping into crops and contaminating livestock, not to mention changing the weather patterns. Plants are especially sensitive to the soil degradation that occurs with chemtrail spraying, creating serious issues concerning our food supply.

Genetically Engineered Seeds Resistant

Mosantano in cooperation with the government has designed genetically modified seeds which withstand the effects of chemtrails. The seeds are designed to survive extreme weather conditions, pollution, salt stress, heavy metals and chemtrails. Organic and natural crops will die from severe pollution and the chemtrails while Monsanto continues to profit. Further proof that the government and giant food cooperation’s are controlling the food supply.


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8 thoughts on “Chemtrails Killing Organic Crops, Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Thrive

  1. “The problem with chemtrails is that what goes up, must come down. These chemicals are seriously polluting our waterways and soil while seeping into crops and contaminating livestock, not to mention changing the weather patterns.”

    If this continues much longer, the damage will be irreparable.

  2. I’m curious how many people have chronic lung conditions because of this crap. Or have flat out died because of this.

  3. The longer it takes for things to kick-off in this country, the more we’ll suffer.

    These freaks are content to kill us off slowly if that’s what it takes, and they probably realize it’s their only possible path to victory. We don’t have that option.

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