Criminals Perpetrate A No-Knock Raid Claiming To Be Police

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The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH

Salt Lake City:

HOLLADAY, Utah – Unified Police are looking for four suspects in a home invasion robbery overnight.

Police said four Polynesian men dressed in all black kicked the door in at a basement apartment in Holladay.

According to the two victims who were home at the time, the men said they were police officers and began searching the home and taking electronics.

One of the victims was able to run down the street and call 911.

The suspects chased him a few blocks and then ran before police arrived.

Police set up roadblocks and began searching for the men but didn’t find them.

“It’s very disturbing that someone would go out there and announce themselves as police and commit a crime like this,” Unified Police Lt. Justin Hoyal said.

“Very disturbing,” huh?  This certainly isn’t the first time this type of thing has occurred.  So just how disturbed are you?  Enough to stop all no-knock raids by your department because you and the criminals are using the same tactics against powerless home-owners?

In another part of the country the police are worried about SWAT raids too.

Online video game players may be strangers who live across the country or around the world, but the Internet offers them a window into each other’s homes. Some have taken advantage of that window, calling police to report fake crimes for the amusement of seeing a video game foe faced with real law enforcement.

Triangle law enforcement officers say the prank called “swatting” – prompting a SWAT raid of the home of another gamer, either as revenge or for amusement – is dangerous and potentially deadly.

When Woody Woodworth’s wife told him someone was lurking in the dark outside their Apex home, he armed himself in self-defense.

“She’s like, ‘There’s people in the yard dressed in black, scurrying around,’” Woodworth said.

After spotting two men behind a tree, Woodworth grabbed his gun.

“I grab my shotgun and I head down the stairs,” he said. “I headed down the front stairs and they’re like, ‘Put the gun down. It’s the SWAT team.’”

So how was he supposed to know this was a police SWAT raid instead of a criminal home invasion (I know, that’s redundant, but bear with me for a moment)?  How was he supposed to know even after the police announced themselves?  The hoodlums do that too.

If you are a LEO and you’re reading this, do you see why we cannot allow home invasions of any kind, LEOs or not?  Do you see why home owners cannot trust announcements, orders or ultimatums to lay down our means of self defense?  Do you see how immoral that would be of us, to abdicate all means of protection of our families because we hear someone barking out orders?

5 thoughts on “Criminals Perpetrate A No-Knock Raid Claiming To Be Police

  1. The police need to stop no-knock raids altogether. They began under the justification that people had time to flush drugs down the toilet when police knocked, but now they’re used as a weapon to terrorize the population.

    And now that crooks are performing SWAT raids too, you’d be crazy not to just start shooting when the door gets kicked in. If they’re crooks you need to defend yourself from them, and if they’re cops, they’ll shoot you for attempting to defend yourself from crooks. Either way, you’re dead, so it would be stupid not to take a few of your murderers with you.

    If ANYONE breaks down my door, or shoots my dog, it’s reasonable for me to assume that my life is in immediate danger, and I’m going to let fly all the buckshot I can before they kill me.

  2. There’s no way into my house without a lot of pre-planning and work, I plan on using lead, not a sling shot!

  3. “… Unified Police are looking for four suspects…”

    Check the department rank & file first.

    “Police set up roadblocks and began searching for the men but didn’t find them.”

    None they could use as viable patsies, while covering up for their own.

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