DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower – The ULTIMATE hydroponic system growing over 100 plants in 10 sq feet

Published on May 15, 2013 by FoodAbundance

This DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower grows over 100 plants in less than 10 square feet, by taking advantage of vertical growth space. Get FREE written instructions here:…

For a more professional set of instructions, go here:…

This is a simple hydroponic system made with 4″ irrigation pipes. You can buy everything at your local hardware store and a local hydroponics store. It uses 80% less water than square foot gardening and does not require you to break your back bending down to garden.

This hydroponics growing system can grow:

Yellow Squash
Lettuce (of all types)
Pickle Cucumbers
Cabbage (of all types)
Green Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Any above ground veggie

You can make them shorter and lower, such that it can fit onto the back of even a small patio. This homemade hydroponic system is a version of vertical hydroponics that can easily be disassembled and moved, if you are just renting, or can be put on rollers, if you want to move it around on your back patio.

Please consider building on yourself, so that you can produce local food in hyper-abundance. This beats food storage any day, and in a worst case scenario, you can sell the food for top dollar. When millions of people produce their own local food in hyper-abundance, then hunger doesn’t stand a chance.

13 thoughts on “DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower – The ULTIMATE hydroponic system growing over 100 plants in 10 sq feet

  1. Looks like I have another project to do. Maybe if I build it for her, I can get another rifle. ????????

  2. Yes these are really good deals if you are short on space or have a bad back/handicapped. Remember though that these are not organic but these are good if going organic isn`t a concern.
    I have been considering doing one of these myself now for the last few years but never did. This may be the year though 🙂
    Great post Missy

  3. I like the system,will give serious consideration to it,but first,my tobacco germinating needs to be put in ground when the freezes finally let up.As for beating storage,well,respectfully disagree though hope won’t have to need to bug out the stored foods will be more valuable then plants in a hydro rack,no reason though to not have both.On a side note,really don’t need another rifle,hmmmm……,perhaps reward myself for this project with a higher end bow could be in the works and passing my bow I now have to my buddies daughter.

  4. Thanks for finding this Missy. This is great, and I’m thinking of making one if it will grow things indoors. I have plenty of space for planting outside, but I have a very short growing season here, so this device might be helpful.

    10 below here this morning. I don’t think this snow is going to melt until next fall.

  5. Hey you guys I am glad ya’ll like this, I actually had another one to send in but it was copyrighted, and I could not find it uncopyrighted. It was called “DIY hanging gutter planters” It is not on you yube, and the guys website it is on is like I said copyrighted. i found the link from Before it’s news, under survival, I think that is the category. It was PVC pipe hung with thick cable, and it used dirt, not hydroponics. But they say aquaponics and hydroponics are becoming very popular!!! They have used them for a long time in asia. But this system really looks cool, my thing is, my dogs won’t be able to eat my plants, which Marie just ate all of my flowering broccoli I was going to save seeds from. Does anyone need a Bassett Hound? I am really mad at her right now!!

    1. Yea Missy, my damn cat just dug up some of my nasturtiums today too. These animals are lucky that they are my friends or they would be outta here.

      1. Exactly, these darn animals are lucky that I do Love them!! 🙂 But they can get on my last nerve. Now I feel bad that I was mad at Marie, she has that duh look all of the time, like there ain’t much going on upstairs!! Gotta love her, she is a hound!! My cats won’t go in the backyard because of the German Shepherd, she hates the cats, but they use my front flower beds as their litter box which is aggravating especially when you mulch it and they decide to move the mulch!!

        1. 🙂 🙂 Yes I know what ya mean – Good thing those so called animals are not the human animal eh Missy.
          Off sub. but hope Bulldog enjoyed that video last night. I kind of did, I was going to send it in but I thought it may be a bit too much ya know 😆

    2. Oh no Missy! I have the same problem with my German Sheppard, only my little girl attacks my carrots. She loves veggies for sure, but she equates carrots to bones!

      This is a great post and I want to do some more research into this. I was just quickly checking in to see what was going on. Have a great night. Til tomorrow. *hugs*

      1. Oh Deb!! THese darn animals!!! 🙂 I think I screwed up because I had given Marie some of the broccoli to eat, and so she figured well I want the rest!! Marie Loves carrots, also, but I just started those as seeds, so we shall see! I make shifted this ugly wire fence I had laying around, so she can’t get in. Our oldest daughter is coming home for a month in April and she is bringing her big Boxer, so I have to fence everything off, or he will for sure eat it, he did last year, he is really goofy!! But so cute!! Gotta Love the animals, I think here I am trying to start a zoo!!! 🙂

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