False Alarm On Black and Disappearing Snow–CAUSE FOUND! The Truth Will Surprise You!

Before It’s News – by Lyn Leahz

Well, I did some in-depth research, and I am happy to tell everyone who is hearing these reports (including my previous post) of ‘snow that won’t melt when heated’ and ‘snow that turns black when heated’—it’s perfectly normal!

If you live in an area with higher emissions of black carbon in your air, the snow will turn black when you heat it. (WIKI) (There is a ton of information here, I highly advise you to check it out!)

In climatology black carbon or BC is a climate forcing agent formed through the incomplete combustion of fossil fuelsbiofuel, andbiomass, and is emitted in both anthropogenic and naturally occurringsoot. It consists of pure carbon in several linked forms. Black carbonwarms the Earth by absorbing heat in the atmosphere and by reducingalbedo, the ability to reflect sunlight, when deposited on snow and ice. Black carbon stays in the atmosphere for only several days to weeks, whereas carbon dioxide (CO2) has an atmospheric lifetime of more than 100 years.[1] The term black carbon is also used in soil sciences and geology, referring either to deposited atmospheric BC or to directly incorporated BC from vegetation fires.[2][3] Especially for the tropics, BC in soils significantly contributes to fertility as it is able to absorb important plant nutrients.

When black carbon is burned, even if you didn’t have enough to turn your snow black, as in my case, it will smell like burning plastic or burning chemicals.

What’s more, if you burn the snow with an open flame, it will vaporize. This is called SUBLIMATION.

Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. Sublimation is an endothermic phase transition that occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance’s triple point in its phase diagram. The reverse process of sublimation is desublimation, ordeposition.

At normal pressures, most chemical compounds and elements possess three different states at different temperatures. In these cases, the transition from the solid to the gaseous state requires an intermediate liquid state. Note, however, that the pressure referred to here is thepartial pressure of the substance, not the total (e.g., atmospheric) pressure of the entire system. So, all solids that possess an appreciablevapor pressure at a certain temperature usually can sublimate in air (e.g., water ice just below 0 °C). For some substances, such as carbonand arsenic, sublimation is much easier than evaporation from the melt, because the pressure of their triple point is very high, and it is difficult to obtain them as liquids.

Sublimation requires additional energy and is an endothermic change. The enthalpy of sublimation (also called heat of sublimation) can be calculated as the enthalpy of fusion plus the enthalpy of vaporizationREAD MORE HERE

There is no doubt that the snow is loaded with chemicals because of Fukushima and chemtrails; however, this is definitely NOT the cause for the snow not creating liquid when burned, or the black material created upon the burning of the snow. It is very normal—sublimation (varporizing) and Black Carbon Soot!



17 thoughts on “False Alarm On Black and Disappearing Snow–CAUSE FOUND! The Truth Will Surprise You!

  1. I just skipped through the video.
    The carbon was from the lighter.
    My lighters give out a blue flame and no carbon soot.
    That snow absorbs a lot of heat before it melts.
    The snow has a lot of space to absorb water before it starts to drip.

    I find that so many people jump on any new flimsy fear porn that comes over the net. There is no hope to regain this country with a population that doesn’t think but merely reacts.

  2. Welcome, Bulldog came running in this morning, hey get some ice from outside, blah blah. Well it turned black etc. He then called one of our friends who is a chemical guy and works with all these chemicals, etc. He said it was normal, then Lyn posted on Before its news, and I was YEAH! an explanation we can read!!!!!

  3. K, great but… I live in the Pacific Northwest right close to the Canadian border in a town that hardly holds 700 people and has very little traffic 40 miles from my shanty. My snow turned black too so traffic/population doesn’t seem to be a factor here.

    1. However, I live in Montana and out of curiosity decided to test my snow. When held to a flame, my snow rapidly disappears (a cherry sized chunk within 3 seconds) WITHOUT any scorch marks. The rest of the snow stays pure white. I tested my ice cubes too (we are on a well), and they just melt without any scorch marks. So I’d say that the snow that is scorching is not “normal” regardless of the reason. My snow must be pure, that snow must be contaminated with something! Mine also starts melting the second it comes inside, which the other snow also wasn’t doing (though again when held to a flame it doesn’t melt, just sublimates rapidly).

  4. However, I live in Montana and out of curiosity decided to test my snow. When held to a flame, my snow rapidly disappears (a cherry sized chunk within 3 seconds) WITHOUT any scorch marks. The rest of the snow stays pure white. I tested my ice cubes too (we are on a well), and they just melt without any scorch marks. So I’d say that the snow that is scorching is not “normal” regardless of the reason. My snow must be pure, that snow must be contaminated with something! Mine also starts melting the second it comes inside, which the other snow also wasn’t doing (though again when held to a flame it doesn’t melt, just sublimates rapidly).

  5. Wow so you delete my comment, which is completely appropriate, and actually agrees with the premise of the argument above which is giving a reason for scorching snow, not stating it is normal? I say that my snow in Montana doesn’t scorch and that’s enough to keep me off the comments? That is enough to prove to me that this website is bullshit propaganda. If you were actually intelligent you wouldn’t mind debate, and you definitely be interested in opposing evidence. Enjoy the micro world you’ve imagined and live in. Those of us with intelligence will continue to experiment, debate, and actually learn elsewhere.

    1. The comment that was deleted was an exact copy of the comment where you replied to janedoenut at 4:52 pm. I have put your comment through so that any can look and see.
      Why you put up two of the same comments on the same article must be because you are a shill who wanted to say something bad about From the Trenches, which means your ass goes in spam.

  6. The snow will react differently in different areas based on climate, pollution, etc. It may not be due to butane necessarily, but the amount of certain chemicals. For example, black carbon (BC) smells like burning plastic when it is burned. If there is just enough in your snow, it may not turn the snow black necessarily, but could cause a foul odor when burning it. There is no doubt in my mind our snow isn’t what it was many years ago due to chemtrails and so forth; rather, I have just tried to answer people’s curiosity on why the snow is not melting properly when an open flame is held on it, why some people have black snow and others do not after being lit, and finally, why there is a foul odor, like burning plastic, when it is burned.

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