3 thoughts on “Federal Agents Now Restricting Media At Border

  1. the rush if illegals may be being used by potus to hide and or cover a foreign
    or u.n. troop movement up into texas. everyone needs to stay on their toes
    on this and share info.

  2. Yep, McAllen definitely appears to be near ground zero. We need every militia member and investigative reporter down there ASAP in order to monitor the situation or Perry and his DPS goons are gonna close off the area and allow more of the invasion to continue.

  3. This is a simple thing to fix in regards to federal agents denying access. Here is what they need to do that not everyone is aware of get in touch with the local sheriff in that area and get him to order the federal agents to stand down they have to obey. The sheriff is the hightest ranking law enforcement officer in his area. In his area he has more authrority than the President of the United States .

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