Geoengineering proof? Scientists link jet trails to changes in local weather patterns

Natural News – by LJ Devon

It’s not a conspiracy theory that the weather is being manipulated through the use of artificial clouds in the skies above. It’s more of a scientific fact now than ever before. Humans can change the weather and the temperature of a region using everyday jet exhaust persistently and at the right atmospheric conditions. When the conditions are right, the jet exhaust can form into cloud-like contrails. According to a team of Penn State geographers, these jet contrails can form into ice cloud trails that mimic normal clouds, reducing Earth’s surface temperature.  

And now an influx of jet contrails in any region has been linked to reduction in temperature and changes in local weather patterns.

These small changes may explain the apparent rise in climate changes taking place on the earth, from region to region. On a grand scale, if contrails are lowering the surface temperature artificially over time, could this throw the balance of entire ecosystems off? Could this affect how atmospheric gases respond to changes? Could it change how the atmosphere regulates carbon dioxide and oxygen?

Contrails can form elevated ice cloud trails that influence temperatures on the ground

A jet’s exhaust doesn’t always form into full blown contrails that affect weather and temperature. A contrail forms under certain conditions, and when these conditions are met, contrails basically have the power to artificially cool local regions, potentially causing bizarre weather patterns. Knowing how to create weather manipulating contrails comes down to understanding atmospheric temperatures.

This knowledge of contrail creation could be used to intentionally control or change the weather of a region. To create a contrail, the atmosphere where the jet is traveling through must be cold enough so that the jet exhaust freezes into ice crystals. The moisture level must be just right, too, allowing the newly formed ice crystal contrails to persist in the sky for hours.

“Certain regions of the U.S. have more favorable atmospheric conditions for contrails than others,” said Jase Bernhardt, a graduate student in geography.

By understanding these prime conditions for contrail creation, intelligence operations could deploy several jets over a region to change the climate of that region.

Whether intentional or unintentional, these large contrails are sometimes seen crisscrossing through the skies like a spider web. Many people call these wide, descending contrails “chemtrails.” They could be better called weather modification-heavy metal trails, since the jet exhaust comes from leaded jet fuel.

Contrails can change ground temperature up to 6°F

“Research done regarding September 2001, during the three days (following 9-11) when no commercial jets were in the sky, suggested that contrails had an effect,” said Andrew M. Carleton, professor of geography. “But that was only three days. We needed to look longer, while jets were in the air, to determine the real impact of contrails on temperature and in terms of climate.”

Taking note of these observations, the Penn State researchers delved in deeper to find out if contrails can change the weather. Carleton and Bernhardt investigated several temperature readings at weather stations sites in the South in January and in the Midwest in April. They meticulously compared daily temperature data from contrail sites and non-contrail sites. Both of the sites covered the same amount of land and had equal soil moisture and air mass conditions from the onset.

By the time the researchers were finished, they found a consistent result. A contrail site was tied to lower daytime and nighttime temperatures than a non-contrail site with the same conditions. Contrails decreased the maximum temperature, bringing the daily high and nightly low down several degrees. In the Midwest, the contrail sites depressed the temperature 5°F on average. In the South, the temperature drop reached 6°F. Remarkably, after the contrails clear up and the next day arrives, the temperatures return to normal. In a way, the contrails act like clouds.

The report states that the “diurnal temperature range was statistically significantly reduced at outbreak stations versus non-outbreak stations.” These unforeseen contrail occurrences help explain why weather forecasters are off on their temperature and rain predictions.

“Weather forecasting of daytime highs and lows do not include contrails,” said Carleton. “If they were included in areas of contrail outbreaks, they would improve the temperature forecasts.”


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10 thoughts on “Geoengineering proof? Scientists link jet trails to changes in local weather patterns

  1. No Chemtrails here, only Contrails. It’s ok, everything is fine. There is nothing to see here go back to sleep. This is a non-event.

    1. Exactly. I have the same problem with this story, and it makes me wonder whose side “Natural News” is on, or whether they may have been coerced into publishing this.

      Contrails are perfectly normal, but they have NO impact on weather…. our problems are the poisonous chemicals we’re being sprayed with, and everyone’s already aware of this, so someone skewing these facts while writing an article on the topic is highly suspicious.

      Keep your eye on L.J. Devon. (author) He’s probably a spy, but it’s possible that he slipped this in under the editorial radar, so you can’t judge the entire website based on this.

  2. How about a facsimile? When the cord is pulled there is only a recording of loud reverberating laughter?

  3. Another fantasy land explanation, trying to explain away the geo engineering of human extermination.

    How stupid do these sub humans think we are?

  4. A derr duh der doda. Apparently pretty stupid. Telling a half truth for the Purpose of misguiding an individual is also known as… F’n lie. There’s professional jorunals from theses yahoo that admit to the use of aluminum , no just a dede a de adee a contrails. Again just another commie double speak op.

  5. Why not build a prison system of individual huts in the Aleutian Islands? No resupply, no comms of any kind. All sentences are life, plus one day.

  6. Talk about a disinformation piece. …? Jeez SMFH By far one of the most pitiful attempts I have seen yet to explain systematic genocide and destruction of the earth. You know which side LJ Devon’s bread is buttered.

  7. Attempting to morph the real natural ‘laws of physics’ phenomenon known as contrails into the mad-scientist phenomenon of chemtrails shows either a deliberate attempt at deception by “clouding” (pun not intended, but actually very funny) the issue, or a real lack of understanding of the difference between the two. Since the article presents the real issue of geoengineering but attempts to gloss over other very relevant and damning evidence (i.e.: the proven increased levels of aluminum found in soil in areas like Mt. Shasta that had previously shown little or no aluminum concentrations), and instead utilizes the notion of leaded jet fuel as the metallic poison with subsequent ice crystal formation, I suspect a deliberate attempt to obfuscate and confuse the sheep who are just waking up to the issue. I have seen chemtrails sprayed at extremely low altitude, far below the normal range where true contrails form.

    Contrails DO NOT persist for hours and spread out to cover the entire sky, filtering out the sunlight. True contrails exist today, and can sometimes be seen on high altitude flights, but ALWAYS represent a short plume behind the plane; one which dissipates at a consistent rate behind the plane as it traverses the sky. I have NEVER seen a contrail cover more than 10% of the width of the horizon, and most normally they represent just a short plume you could cover with your little finger as you hold it up to the plume.

    Poor journalism is represented by a lazy, poorly formed thought process, and is always bare of facts and reasoning, such as the article above. The weak thinking that we are subjected to, even outside the lamestream press, when scrutinized for presentation of the whole concepts available on a subject seem very often to fall short of actually delivering anything but a glancing blow. I understand it is very difficult to present proven and factual information when the majority of the subjects we address as threats to our lives and freedoms are all spook-and-kook operations or classified or “co-intelled” to death, but we really need to press ourselves and others for hard-hitting warfare journalism, not panty-waist slap fighting.

    Yah Bless the Republic;
    No King but King Jesus.

  8. Sounds like the “scientist” is doing damage control because people are finding out about chemtrails. Ice crystals fall to warmer atmospheres, warm and become water vapor again. Chemtrails contain aluminum and barium that spreads out and does not melt back into the atmosphere.

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