George Carlin – The Rothschilds Control America

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by Anthony Alegro

This material belongs to HBO and is used here under “fair use law”, to wake people the “F” up! Please pass this on! If there were any videoa worthy of being passed on it’s this one! And while you’re at it. Help take back our Country!! Stop saying how bad things are and do something about it. You may not have a voice in your Government, but you have two legs, two fists and a brain… STAND UP AND FIGHT AGAINST THE ROTHSCHILD OWNED BANKING SYSTEM. If you’re not familiar with the Satanic Rotschild’s READ THIS:

Remember: If you’re thinking… You’re winning! WWW.FREEDUMBNATION.COM

9 thoughts on “George Carlin – The Rothschilds Control America

  1. One of my all-time favorite rants, Cathleen. I got 2 of Henry’s rants in my favorites that I rank above that, but George saw behind the curtain and told everyone where “the bears sh*t in the buckwheat.”

  2. I wish I would have really, really believed what he was saying.
    It’s the truth. I’ve belatedly come to understand.
    And I would have made several different major life decisions if had listened to him.
    That’s in the past.
    But, I won’t make that mistake again.
    I know where my family, friends and I stand…in TPTB eyes.
    Thanks also to Aaron Russo.

  3. When we lost the communistic war of northern aggression we lost the Republic and in 1871 they turned us into a corporation…

  4. Yes, Mr. Carlin, you’re right, but it’s not very funny, is it?

    George Carlin sacrificed (or risked) his comedic career in order to get the truth to his audiences, and he deserves applause for that action alone.

  5. recently heard an interview with his daughter,, she made the comment that if he was still with us he would be having a field day with the clowns we have in seats of power .. i don’t doubt it one bit

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