Get This Message Out NOW And Prepare Yourself!

This is a good video to send to friends and loved ones who need their eyes opened.

Published on Aug 7, 2013 by mamaknock


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11 thoughts on “Get This Message Out NOW And Prepare Yourself!

  1. Obama needs to be arrested by the US Military
    appropriately charged
    Put on a swift US Military Cortmartial
    and if convicted of charges sentenced
    and serve his time
    No waiting for congress
    Obama is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice

    1. Serve his time?

      His time will be served once he’s swinging at the end of a good ‘ol hemp rope, my friend.

      ANY length prison sentence is NOT an option for traitors, hanging is the mandated sentence ( although technically, Obummer can’t even be called a traitor, considering that one has to actually be FROM the country they’re being treasonous to).

      But I’m perfectly willing to overlook that minor (as far as I’m concerned) technicality in favor of the end result.

      1. you got my meaning #1…you got it.
        Rope is fine with me.
        Nor was I cutting him any slack….
        The shorter the rope the better….
        I don’t believe he is a US Citizen….
        Now wouldn’t that throw a wrench into the situation!
        I don’t believe its entirely impossible for him to be removed b y the Military.
        They don’t need Congress to do that…
        According to Obama, he is the top military official and certainly is subject to the military justice system…same as we all were, at the time of service
        Maybe MAD Magazine should come back and so some of this on their cover…
        Cause its damn sure MAD out there.

          1. god…..if you knew me……it takes a hell of a lot to offend me.
            I wasn’t in the slightest offended…
            i enjoy your posts….NWO….and all the rest..
            If we only knew….I’d guess there are many of the so called top 1% who can’t stand the NWO…..thing either…
            They’re not likely to say that to any of usss……..personally and stand behind their statements…..

  2. This is a global crisis, we can see this. Now when the crash occurs and the dollar is worthless all other currencies based on fiat paper will also be worthless, it is planned that way. So how are the governments going to pay its enforcers? Money? I am afraid not it will not be accepted by anyone. In Germany when their currency went south they used it for fuel. Well let’s see food? Well a lot of hungry people out there will be chasing that down and even if they get the guns does anyone have any idea of how many guns unregistered and hidden there are here in America? They will never get the guns not all of them. What if there are more than guns out there?

    When the last of the people the hold outs the ones unable to face the truth finally see what has been done to them they will be very willing to join the ones that have awakened. The numbers will be in the millions rolling over the country like an unstoppable mudslide. There will be little left of the protectors they will be running to protect themselves and their families. For all will see how they were used and abused.

    All those guns and ammo not to mention high end machines and equipment who is going to man them? We sure do live in interesting times and I do believe they are going to get a lot more interesting.

    Just an opinion mind you from the human perspective.

    1. certainly is a global crisis.
      That has little relevance to my thoughts on Obama,
      only in that if ….we the people, through the US Military were to bring Obama to answer for his violation of his oath of office, the NWO would be given a blow to the side of their communist head….
      In that regard, your observation would be strengthened and a tiny bit of a plus may come into the unfolding of our interesting times.

    2. Susan Barrett you are a voice of reason that rings truth in my ears and in my heart. It stands to reason that when the money is gone, those doing the oppressing will then have to choose a side.
      . . .

      1. Time for them to pick a side has come and gone Cathleen sorry to say. They have had the choice to say no or better yet act as peace officers rather than jack boot thugs. If you could not trust the police before what has changed since they no longer are paid and there is now a crisis which effects everyone? They are the same individuals they were prior to any elimination of their pay hence they still can not be trusted and must be handled accordingly as dangerous material. If they were so concerned for their families and themselves before how come they just went along with things to get to where they are? You see it is ultimately greed that has tainted their judgement now that greed is for their lives and loved ones lives as they realize they also are targets. It is just like any politician trying to continue to be elected they lie cheat and steal from little babies then smile in your face about it.
        By the way Susan B I love to bow hunt because its quiet and none of that material has ever required any registration.

  3. I hear people say the military should do this or that ,the cops and sheriffs should do this or that, If they were not behind this and enforcing this tragedy it would not be happening now. The military and the cops and sheriffs,DHS IRS FBI CIA NSA are all part of what is happening in this country today. There is a storm coming and people putting their heads in the sand isn’t going to stop it! As far as the voting booths or the courtrooms fixing this mess it s a joke,they are the ones that give the citizen the false sense that it is even possible. The entire system is rigged and its not rigged on the side of good.

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