Hell Freezes Over as Washington Post Admits that Trump May Win Nomination

DownTrend – by Donn Marten

The irrational exuberance and giddy optimism expressed by the establishment GOPe and their pocket media that the Paris attacks would spell the end for Donald Trump has already gone up in smoke. Now that America is gripped by hysteria after a solid week of 24/7 media fear-mongering that ISIS may soon be mowing down Black Friday shoppers, attacking New York City and even blowing up Barry’s crib it is looking as though Trumpzilla has only become stronger. While RINOs like Jeb!Marco the plastic Cuban and New Jersey Governor Porky Soprano have ratcheted up their rhetoric, the public sees them as the cynical, phony, bloviating windsocks that they have always been. Their bluster only helps to shore up the support for Trump, the outsider with his own money who speaks directly to the people sans focus groups and think tank generated talking points.  

Now even the grand bastion of establishment sentiment over at the Washington Post editorial board is slowly coming to the horrifying realization that the Donald may now be unstoppable. The WAPO finally faces the music in the piece “Yes, Donald Trump could absolutely be the Republican nominee in 2016”:

It has become damn close to religion in Washington to assume that Donald Trump will, at some point not too far from now, flame out of the presidential race — that he will start losing altitude in polls, get sick of the whole thing and return to the safe sinecure of Trump Inc.

The problem with that conceit is this: It’s wrong. Matt Dowd, a top adviser to the Bush-Cheney campaign in 2004, nailed that fact in a tweet this morning.

There is simply no evidence — statistical or anecdotal — that Trump’s appeal is wearing off in any meaningful way.

Let’s start on the statistical end. Here are the polling averages for the top four candidates plus Jeb(!) Bush since July, according to Real Clear Politics.

As you can see, once Trump’s support shot up in August, he has stayed in the mid-20s for the past three months or so. Yes, for a very brief moment in late October, Ben Carson rose up and passed Trump in national polling. But, Carson’s fade of late looks real.

For all of the talk of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, neither senator has yet consistently garnered even half the support Trump has been winning steadily since August. And, as for Jeb(!), well, his trend line since July is the opposite of Trump’s — down and then down some more.

And remember when you look at the chart above that the months that cover Trump’s rise and sustained front-running have not exactly been smooth sailing for him. They have been pockmarked, again and again, by Trump’s willingness to say and do incredibly controversial things. None of it has done him in — or even close. Given that, it’s hard to imagine Trump’s support all of a sudden disappearing based on something he says or does.

While the presstitute media may only be getting to the point of acknowledging reality, the enduring power of Trump has been giving the movers and shakers within the establishment nightmares and ulcers. There was to be a concerted attempt to destroy Trump before the primaries that was going to launched last week to portray him as an unstable madman by using the “Dean Scream” strategy but that had to be put on hold due to the inconvenient timing of ISIS. A dark money funded smear campaign by the new Super PAC with the cute Orwellian newspeak name “New Day for America” is going to saturate the airwaves with anti-Trump propaganda in the coming weeks. The group, which has ties to hopeless chump John Kasich, the formerWall Street moneychanger who ended up as governor of Ohio – a state where Trump is kicking his ass – plans to portray the billionaire badass as “someone who would be a deeply ineffective commander-in-chief and ill-suited for the demands of the Oval Office” per Politico. It is former Lehman Brothers executive Kasich’s last gasp effort to save his vice presidential hopes but like every attack on Trump to this point is has the potential to backfire big time.

The establishment is not going to go down without a fight and if one of it’s preferred Republican stooges can’t be president it is going to make damned sure that Donald Trump won’t be president either. It only confirms the suspicions of many that the GOPe would rather see Queen Hillary crowned than lose their control over the selection process.


7 thoughts on “Hell Freezes Over as Washington Post Admits that Trump May Win Nomination

  1. Obviously Trump has the vile GOP establishment on edge, and there’s some schadenfreude to be found there. However, I have yet to see any indication that a Trump presidency will be any better than, say, a Jeb or Hillary presidency. Trump may even be much worse. He is clearly an authoritarian narcissist without the slightest regard for the Bill of Rights.

    Personally, I’d rather see Hillary elected than Donald Duck. The so-called “conservatives” in this country will be a lot angrier with the government if she is at the helm, whereas when a Republican is president the “conservatives” tend to more strongly embrace mindless patriotism and complacency.

    1. Trump IS a narcissist…and if by some miracle he does become President, that narcissist will almost immediately move on to PSYCHOPATH! (All narcissists are psychopath wannabes…I studies this stuff and I used to be a narcissist who wanted to become a psychopath, but God and my conscience wouldn’t let me).

  2. It doesn’t matter which face takes the seat. The tyranny and outcome will be the EXACT SAME.

    No such thing as a president in this country so who cares who gets in? As if a colorful narcissist taking orders from sociopaths and imposing their will on us is worse than Mother Theresa taking orders and imposing their will on us?

    ALL deserve rope for their parts in this. Red, blue and purple are nice colors.

  3. “Hell Freezes Over…”


    Second time that’s happened. First time was when the Eagles got back together.

    Great concert!!!

  4. The system can not be changed when just a few of the players are added or moved around. It is kind of like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
    Governments always work against the interests of the people it claims to represent. Voting just gives legitimacy to their crimes.

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