House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On December 16, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) will introduce the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”  

According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”

His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY)

With a total of 91 Democrats pushing the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015,” it is interesting to note that the New York Times previously reported that the idea of a class of firearms called “assault weapons” is a piece of fiction the Democrats created in the 1990s. In an article titled, “The Assault Weapon Myth,” the NYT explained that Democrats created the phrase “assault weapons” in hopes of stigmatizing an entire category of guns—blaming those guns for rising crime—then banning them.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him direclty at

7 thoughts on “House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

  1. Can’t stop making what they call “assault weapons ”
    Because than what would this regime use to subvert us with ?
    How would the cops rage against the inner city youts?
    Where would they get the guns to come for ours?

  2. “… the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

    Sounds like the final infringement to me. If this isn’t a declaration of war, I don’t know what is.

    “… Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible.”

    That’s absolutely true, @sswipe. They’re designed to kill as many of you f%&king COMMUNISTS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE as soon as you try to take them.

    WE don’t have a problem with that.

    YOU do, jewb#tches.

    1. ““… the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

      Sounds like the final infringement to me. If this isn’t a declaration of war, I don’t know what is.”

      My thoughts exactly!

      If that ain’t the ax to the 2nd Article then I don’t what is. If that won’t get people to go to revolt, then I don’t know what will.

      1. They’ve given up any attempt to even appear subtle about it anymore, NC.

        Blatant in-your-face TREASON!!! 😡

  3. *** According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible.” ***

    Then I ask again: Why do the police have these weapons? And why is there invariably an exception in these laws for the police? In what situations would domestic law enforcement ever have a legitimate need to “kill as many people as quickly as possible”?

    They can go to hell and take their laws with them.

    1. “They can go to hell and take their laws with them.”

      Trouble with that is… they won’t go willingly.

      We’ll have to send them.

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