Illegal Immigrant Mother of Seven Given Food Stamps, Meds, Housing, and Social Security

Published on May 30, 2013 by  jim hoft

Illegal immigrant and mother of seven, Marita Nelson, receives $240 in food stamps, medications, $700 in Social Security and housing allowance. She entered the US by swimming the Rio Grande. Now she’s on a crusade to help other illegals sign up for their free stuff.

5 thoughts on “Illegal Immigrant Mother of Seven Given Food Stamps, Meds, Housing, and Social Security

  1. THIS
    Is why i will tailor my business to cover expenses and make 5$ in profit.
    I absolutely refuse to pay for this crap. Why should i bust my ass to make a profit so i can give 1/3 of it to the government for them to enable this absolute crap. I can cover business expenses and live a more modest self sufficient lifestyle and to hell with the government.
    There will be no obamacare, there will be no good profits so i can pay 1000s in taxes, im just going to bounce along the bottom.
    These generous benefits to ALL these leeches will be the undoing of the nation.

  2. I don’t blame people like the one mentioned in this article; it is we the people who are at fault for not holding are government accountable to us. NOW we are face with a openly treasonous government that is about to smother us with this wave of illegal people; that they are enticing here with these type of goodies.ONCE we get this country back under our control these people are going home.

  3. This is the kind of BS that makes my blood boil!!! She “swam across the Rio Grande”? Great! Swim back or drown trying! I am sick of this country catering to criminals! Oh, that’s right, our own government are criminals.

  4. Hang all of these treasonous private recruiters or banish them from this country forever! This makes me sick!

    “I just want everyone to know that there is help out there for people like us if you need it.” WTF!!!! WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????? GET THE F**K OUT OF MY COUNTRY YOU ILLEGAL BITCH!!! This is the shit I get at my company when selling jewelry over the phone to customers. Most of them have accents that are fresh off the border buying up hundreds of dollars of items and asking, “Do you speak Spanish?” WTF!!! I just say, “Yes, I can have someone call you back in Spanish” and then pretend to take their name and number and never have anyone call them back. I don’t want to take part in serving those illegal bastards.

    I even got a customer who called up asking, “Why do you have Spanish commercials on the channel? This is an English speaking country the last time I checked, is it not?” I said, “I know. I keep wondering that myself and tell that to my superviser all the time.” Unfortunately as it gets passed up to the corrupt executives, it eventually falls on deaf ears, since all they care is corporate profits.

    I’m not the only one pissed off as many of my co-workers are too. Hell, even second generation American nationals of Mexican decent who have never really learned how to speak Spanish and don’t want to learn are pissed off that they have to cater to these bastards. They say, “Why can’t these people speak English?”.

    This catering to Illegals is bullshit and nothing more than a blatant invasion of our sovereignty and to assist in the political votes as well as breaking up the country,so they can turn it into their North American Union.

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