International Communist Purge Brings Down Confederate Battle Flag at Historical Monument in South Carolina

Published on Jul 10, 2015 by Henry Shivley

International Communist Purge Brings Down Confederate Battle Flag at Historical Monument in South Carolina – July 10, 2015

32 thoughts on “International Communist Purge Brings Down Confederate Battle Flag at Historical Monument in South Carolina

  1. I saw this a little while ago. My blood was boiling at the sight of this as well as all the good little commies in the gathering cheering it on. I had to restrain myself from taking the baseball bat to the tee vee. Disgusting spectacle it was! Grrr!!!

    1. I can relate to your emotions …
      When I witnessed the storm troopers hand
      over my flag to that bull nig with his allies
      cheering him on, that was it …………

  2. For those who use “prepper purity” to
    criticize my comments, hopefully today’s
    events have finally taught you what
    compromise with treasonous shitbags
    gets you. Nothing.
    Moreover, I hope it finally begins to shatter
    the rabid defenders who continue to hide
    behind the non-tactic of nothing can be
    done until enough ammo is purchased,
    enough MRE’s and food stores are cached,
    and the purity of prerequisites before action
    can begin has been met.
    Today’s actions had nothing to do with
    unity, decency, and rectifying
    the blight of “racism.”
    It was a treasonous hot-war attack,
    by communists holding elected local,
    state and federal positions.
    Moreover, those “Patriots” in the AO suffering such
    attacks have failed miserably (especially the SCV),
    and we have failed them.
    Moreover, again communists and treasonous
    traitors have won without a single punch being
    thrown,a single fight being fought, or a single
    shot fired.
    Don’t even make (FAKE) the feeble attempt
    to shellac this turd and make it believably
    edible and a thing of beauty.
    It is another free WACO and a reprehensible
    defeat that we are solely responsible for.

      1. Let’s remember there are two wings to the same bird. Pointing fingers does no one any good. Think bigger!
        . . .

  3. Just can,t believe what we are seeing here. It’s like we have been taken over by aliens from outerspace. If this doesn’t wake the stupid up, nothing will.

  4. And yet everyone still stands around and watches as our flag is taken down and we are being taken over.


      1. No, Big Dan, not Republicans, Communists. Not the African American caucus, not the Hispanic caucus, not the Jewish Defense League, not AIPAC. Communists, Communists, Communists. It’s the American nationals vs Communists.
        By the way, you are not attempting to advocate for Democrat/Communists, are you?

          1. Yes, thank – you Henry. I cannot believe in this day and age and all of the work you have done, people are still buying into the BS left / right, Repug / Demon nonsense.

            Dan, they are ALL traitors and are in dire need of the noose!

        1. This is the “left/right” brainwashing you are showing. Because I correctly point out the actual vote that Republicans voted to bring down the confederate flag, you automatically assume I “love” the left/democrats/communists.

          I’m simply pointint out the FACT that REPUBLICANS had more “bring the flag down” votes than Democrats/Commies/liberals/etc…

          PUT THE BLAME ON THE “REPUBLICANS”. They voted to bring the flag down.

          Of course, if you are in the brainwashed left/right paradigm, you’d automatically think I “love” Democrats/commies/whatever by pointing this out.

          Same thing: if you’re stuck in the left/right paradigm, and I bust FOX news, you’d automatically think I watch MSNBC.

          FACT: The SC house has 2:1 GOP/Dems, and MORE GOP voted to bring down the flag: 48-46.

          FACT: The SC senate is about the same, 2:1 GOP, and the final vote was 37-3 (or 36-3, I forget the exact count). THEREFORE, more GOP voted to bring the flag down.

          Anything MORE you imply beyond that, such as “commies” etc…brought down the flag, is taking the heat off the GOP who ACTUALLY DID IT.

          UNLESS…Republicans in SC are commies. Then I’d agree with you.

          I think it’s pretty clear the REPUBLICANS are the traitors to the confederate flag. They are in there to stop this. They have the overwhelming numbers in SC to stop it. We depended on them to stop it. They had the ONLY power to stop it.


          Not the “commies”, the REPUBLICANS. Unless Republicans are infiltrated with commies, then I agree with you.

          List of actual SC House votes:

          48-R’s vote to take down the confederate flag
          46-D’s vote to take down the confederate flag

          SC Senate:

          20-R’s voted to take down the confederate flag
          16-D’s voted to take down the confederate flag


          69 Republicans voted to take down the flag + Republican Nikki Haley

          62 Democrats voted to take down the flag

          Unless Republicans are “commies” (which just might be), then REPUBLICANS betrayed the confederate flag. You know, the guys you’re also depending on protecting gun rights.

          1. Oohh, I think I see what is going on here. You voted in that last f#@king election, didn’t you? Well I’ll tell you what, I’m the man who was screaming at the top of his lungs, well before that last election, and telling you that the republicans, like the democrats, are absolutely goddamn communists and you are one of the stupid people that voted in their communist elections.
            You are the one who believed there was a difference and is trapped in the false left-right paradigm, not me. I wasn’t fooled for a minute. You do not get into a position of power under a communist regime unless you are a communist in a communist country.
            So tell me, which communists are you going to vote for this time around, the conservative communists or the liberal communists? Fabian socialism or Soviet socialism?
            How dare you try to treat me like I am ignorant when I have been living with the stupid decisions of stupid people like you all of my life? I’ve always known what these mother f#@kers are, but I guess you stupid people are bound to attempt to find a scapegoat for your stupidity and treason in participating in these communist elections, arranged by communists and offering only more communism which each fraudulent election.

  5. What amazes me and has for some time is how easy it is for the Controllers to sway people their way with no thought to what they are doing It is almost like they are brainless and wish to follow the crowd wherever and whatever. Talk about Fall In.

    1. Hey, like Orwell says, “Ignorance is strength”. It’s pathetic. Ignorance by the people is why these Commies were able to take that flag down without a fight just now.

    2. Grin, have you seen the videos of Yuri Bezmenov? They will answer your questions! Search for him on YouTube. The interviews and lectures are from the 1980s and they are nothing short of eye opening incredible.

  6. Anyone else notice that these Commie troops march like they gotta take a major pee and can’t hold it? Wonder how much they had to pay for the Commie rent-a-crowds?

    1. Goose stepping with tyranny. They look like fools!
      I too was wondering how much that crowd was paid. Especially when they started singing and cheering.

  7. This gets better by the second.
    The FBI is now claiming that Dylann Roof
    illegally purchased the gun he used to
    commit the murders on June 17th, as a
    result of “problems” with the NICS process,
    and an overhaul of the system may be
    There you have it sports fans.

  8. I think it was JD, that said the NWO had 25 trillion to destroy the American people, this little step costed them 29 million. just saying what’s next?

  9. Special treatment for a race is no different than discrimination against that race. Giving someone preferential treatment, special funding, and special government programs is intentionally pointing out their race. They are considered inferior in some way to the rest of the population so much that they require special consideration and funding.

    If we were to give black athletes extra points for scoring in a game, would that be racist? If we paid black employees extra, or gave black people special tax breaks, would that be racist? If black people required fewer votes to be elected to a position, would that be racist? Then why are blacks in the States given so much special consideration? Some people need to learn the actual meaning of “equal”.

    Organizations such as the United Negro College Fund and Black Entertainment Television (BET) are an intentional focus on black people. And how can any race that has their own television station claim to be “oppressed”? After the long fight to end segregation for blacks, they have now intentionally segregated themselves. Not only segregated themselves, but exalt their race in the same ways that they claim “racist” whites do. In seeking to fight the monster they see, they have become what they claim to fight against. They demand all rights that any other race has, plus special treatment.

    Why are “rappers” allowed to glorify violence and criminal activity? “Heavy Metal” that talks about violence is generally branded “evil” and a bad influence on society in general. And do note that many “rappers” talking about people being killed in the “hood” aren’t talking about “the white man” coming to kill them, they’re talking about blacks preying on each other. Yet they endorse further violence and criminal activity despite that. Why is it socially acceptable for black “artists” to promote violence? That’s special treatment.

    If white people riot and cause massive property damage, it’s considered some huge deal and a breakdown of society and moral values. If black people riot, well that’s just what black people here do. We’re so used to it that I think even the media is becoming numb to it. Don’t worry about offending whites, latinos, asians, native americans, or anybody else. But if you offend black people in the States, expect a riot. But that’s ok, because we’re used to it. And that’s just another form of special treatment.

    And the word “slave” here is immediately associated with the image of black slaves picking cotton in the early 1800s. The Roman Empire stood for around 2000 years and exploited countless slaves that were not black. There were even slaves 4000 years ago in Babylon. And some say that the Great Pyramids of Egypt are symbols of what slave labor can accomplish. But if you ask some blacks in the States why they think they deserve special treatment, you’ll hear “Because we were slaves!”. So were whites in the Roman Empire for 2000 years. If anyone has a right to complain about having been enslaved… So there’s no reason for special treatment there.

    And slavery was common place in Africa. The Zulu conquered much of Africa during the 1800s and clashed with the British Empire. Many of the captives were sold as slaves by the Zulu in return for goods they could use to further their conquest. Despite the popular myth that blacks were “snatched”, the majority were sold into slavery by their own. It also amuses me when blacks here brag about being like a “Zulu warrior”. Very likely their only relation to the Zulu was their ancestors kneeling before a Zulu begging to not be executed. That’s likely one reason why an estimated 3700 free blacks in the States owned black slaves themselves. So with their own ancestors practicing slavery long before Europeans even knew the North American continent existed, slavery is again no reason for special treatment.

    The removal of the Confederate Flag is just another show of that special treatment, and is likely seen as a triumph for the “black race” by some. Although I’m sure the blacks in Africa, Jamaica, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Trinidad, etc etc don’t really give a damn about it. And I’m sure the people who actually know history, and the descendents of free blacks that voluntarily fought for the Confederacy, don’t see it as any triumph for anybody but propagandists. But it’s still special treatment for blacks. And special treatment is just another form of racism.

  10. Will they destroy the flag pole that was put there for the Stars&Bars?,or maybe hoist up ah rainbow with 6 colors not 7? At the end of the video did you see all the commie videos you can play next?

  11. The f’g prancing steroided fags who blindly followed orders to do this should take the place of that flag temporarily and then rehang it.

  12. It’s all about the ‘Power and Control’, that we allow them to have over us. The only ‘Justice’ you’ll get is when you fight back! This is a test, a test to see how far they can push us, and if we are willing to fight. It appears we’re not willing to fight yet.

  13. Those crowds saying “take it down” are all mind controlled commi “minions”.
    The past two days, that’s all that’s been on the lame stream media….I’m so sick of looking at it (already muted the TV), had to turn it off completely.

  14. The pigs are trained by israel.
    The politicians are owned by rothschild..not soros or adelson, they’re
    enablers and public punching bags.
    The rebels in ukraine know what’s going on…they’re hunting ‘jew’ oligarchs there…that’s why they want them crushed.
    Communism is nothing more than ‘jewish’ rule. Marx was a ‘jew’. Call it whatever you want but it’s ‘jewish’ tyranny. Take a real good look at history.

    No protesting, holding signs, complaining, or wishful thinking is going to stop this. Only force will stop this…ask the millions of dead russians, germans, chinese, cambodians…etc.

    The writing is on the wall..covered in blood. What more is necessary?
    To see your dead child’s limbs on sale at the local butcher as happened in russia during the height of the ‘jewish’ bolshevik nightmare?!?


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