Is Washington Staging a Color Revolution in Yemen?

Anti-Houthi protesters in Sanaa 24/01/2015American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

Late Houthi leader Hussein Badr Addin al-Houthi was an outspoken critic of the government’s dependence on foreign allies like the U.S. and oil-rich Saudi Arabia.”Global Issues

According to reports (here and here) there are “thousands” of protesters on the streets in Yemen rising up against the new Houthi government while demanding the return of their dictator President Abdurabuh Mansur Hadi (our dictator installed in a one candidate “election” by Hillary Clinton with the aid of the Saudi regime)  

Hadi was installed as part of a U.S. and Saudi-backed accord in 2012 to end a year of protest against his predecessor Ali Abdullah Saleh. He has struggled to exert authority over much of the country amid challenges by ethnic separatists, political protesters and Islamist militants .Bloomberg News

Of course, in the photos I’ve seen, there are no more than a hundred or so and they are all mainly dressed like these petty bourgeoisie a-holes.( Here is a photo of one of the demonstrations but that one is in Ibb, Yemen which means it’s probably the secessionists of South Yemen as opposed to the petty bourgeoisie yuppies who wist to return our puppet to power. )

Anti-Houthi protesters in Sanaa 24/01/2015

This is a picture of Houthis supporters in Yemen back in Sept of 2014 after they took the capitol Sanaa. Notice a difference?

The demonetization of the new ruling power in Yemen has already begun in earnest. Apparently you can’t write a MSM article about what’s happening over there without claiming in the first couple paragraphs that the Houthis are backed by the evil Iran (ooooo scary)

There are other outlets that go even further in their efforts to propagandize developments. Here USA Today claims the pro-rebel marchers are carrying banners that “curse the Jews”

It seems we have another Libya unfolding in Yemen. A fake color revolution being readied to serve as the pretext for Obama’s next “humanitarian intervention” on behalf of the vested oil interests of the masters of the universe.

In the capital of Sanaa, which the Houthis seized in September, thousands of supports [sic] raised green flags and banners Friday with their slogan — “Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam.” USA Today

Contrary to the USA Today opinion, the Houthis in northern Yemen don’t really have a problem with “the Jews”

Their problem is with a corrupt political system, imposed by the U.S. for decades, first under the brutal rule of Field Marshal Ali Abdullah Saleh – Dictator of Yemen for 30 years – and then under the rule of President Hadi after the sham “election”

Hadi was Saleh’s vice president for 18 years prior to being installed as his replacement. Needless too say, it wasn’t the “CHANGE” the people of Yemen had demanded.

As I wrote almost 3 years ago when Killary installed Hadi:

The people of Yemen are some of the poorest in the world (46.7% of the population living on less than $2 per day  listed 142nd poorest in the worldby the CIA Factbook in 2010) and by far the poorest in the Middle East, and yet their president/dictator has become one of the wealthiest men on the planet with his family’s fortune running into the billions of dollars range. There is no real reason for this abject poverty as Yemen has an abundance of natural resources and it’s geographical location makes it a prime asset to the Saudi’s for pumping oil and LNG to the Gulf of Aden (read about Ray Lee Hunt, Bush family friend and CIA asset who has an 8 billion dollar pipeline operating in Yemen aka “our national interests“). But that is what neoliberal dictatorships are good for; separating the wealth and the resources of the land from the people who inhabit it. American Everyman, Feb. 2012

The fact that they decided to pin the Charlie Hebdo false flag psyop on al CIAda in Yemen does not bode well for the people of that country.

Sitting off-shore are a number of U.S. Navy vessels who have been busy in the past steadily droning the growing opposition to our dictator into submission. Or so they thought.

President Peace Prize launched no less than 19 drone strikes in Yemen in 2014 alone, killing (by “official count”) 124 “militants” and 4 civilians in the process. No mention of the 24 children Obama killed in Yemen back in 2009 is needed.

The United States has halted some counter-terrorism operations against al Qaeda militants in Yemen following a takeover of the country by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, U.S. officials said on Friday…

Nineteen U.S. drone strikes killed 124 militants and four civilians in Yemen in 2014, according the New America Foundation, which maintains a database of drone operations. The last deadly drone strike was an attack that killed nine suspected al Qaeda militants on Dec. 6, it said. Reuters

The drone strikes, as was the cruise missile attack in Dec. of 2009 which killed 24 children, are all welcomed by our puppet dictator because without them, he knew he would lose power very quickly to the Houthis from the north.

“Hadi was a unique figure who not only tolerated drone strikes, he welcomed them,” said Bruce Riedel, director of the Brookings Institution think tank’s Intelligence Project. Reuters

Like “ISIS” in Iraq, we weren’t targeting “the terrorists”, we were targeting a legitimate uprising which threatened our neoliberal, fascist client state.

And now that the client state is gone, with a new ruling power in place, the U.S. isn’t allowed to continue their beloved drone strikes so a different operation is needed and with it, a new pretext.

“That means more ability to plan attacks against the U.S.” Reuters

Funny thing is, even this Reuters propaganda piece has to admit, the Houthis hate al CIAda in Yemen.

The Shi’ite Muslim Houthi rebels are enemies of AQAP, a Sunni Islamist militant group. But they also oppose the United States, a fact on display during rallies on Friday in Sanaa, where thousands gathered with placards calling for “Death to America, Death to Israel.” Reuters

There is good reason the Houthis hate al CIAda.

Back in September when it was obvious that the Houthis had the upper-hand both in sheer numbers and public support, AQAP started running a terrorist war on them, attacking individuals with sniper rifles at marches and blowing up hospitals the Houthis used.

It’s impossible to know whether or not the explosion in the hospital which killed 15 people was actually a suicide bomb or a drone missile strike since the officials in charge of the investigation were Hadi’s people.

But it is funny isn’t it how in places like Syria, Libya and Yemen, these al CIAda “terrorists” always seem to attack the very people we want attacked.

Here is an image of a rally of Houthis supporters from back in May of 2014. It shows you the popular support this group, this movement enjoys in Yemen.

In the southern region of Yemen, the separatists are holding rallies as well saying they will reject the rule of the Houthis and anyone else for that matter, preferring to take advantage of the opportunity to completely sever all ties with Yemen in order to form their own nation.

This is something they have been struggling for years to achieve, even back in the days of Saleh. They wish to return South Yemen to it’s original form, The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen.

Divided Yemen.svg

It is said the Houthis prefer that idea to the way the constitution was taking shape under Hadi which would have seen the nation broken up into six different federal regions.

Either way you look at it, the vast, vast, vast majority of Yemenis want Hadi gone and a new system in place which is starting to look like two countries being reformed like they were back before the Brits forced them into one.

The trouble for Obama and the oil barons like Hunt, is the simple fact that neither of these two groups, the Houthis or the secessionists of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen will cut deals or honor existing ones allowing billionaires to exploit the wealth of the land while the people literally starve sitting atop a fortune that by all rights belongs to them.

There is no real easy answer for the masters of the universe here short of an all out invasion and the decimation of the country.

Some have been trying to suggest Saleh is behind the Houthis uprising. This is preposterous given the nature of the Houthis themselves as well as their history of resistance even back in the Saleh days.

My guess is, that is simply a rouse in order to try to dissuade various groups from backing the revolution tantamount to folks like Tarpley and “Tony Cartalucci” claiming the Muslim Brotherhood are CIA linked terrorists.

Fact is, if Saleh were behind the Houthis uprising, he’d already be sitting in his palace in Sanaa right now and those yuppies wouldn’t be protesting the Houthis, they would be with them.

What we are going to end up seeing is yet another “humanitarian” bombing campaign by President Peace Prize like what happened in Libya. And for the same bullshit fabricated reasons.

Yemen is too important to their efforts right now to let slip away to self determination. Like Egypt when Morsi finally refused the IMF deal, things have to be done to reclaim their client state on behalf of all those “national interests’

We’ll wait and see how it develops.

One thought on “Is Washington Staging a Color Revolution in Yemen?

  1. “Is Washington Staging a Color Revolution in Yemen?”

    Easy question, easy answer.

    If the jews tell them to.

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